Wolf Pack vs Wolves

Created - Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 11:08

1 2 3 T
Wolf Pack 2 1 1 4
Wolves 0 2 1 3
1 2 3 T
Wolf Pack 9 7 10 26
Wolves 13 10 9 32

1st period
1. Wolf Pack , Eetu Tuulola 17 (Cole Schneider 28, Sam Carrick 12) at 3:07
2. Wolf Pack , Matias Maccelli 28 (Jimmy Schuldt 22) at 15:53
Drake Caggiula (CAR) for Tripping (Minor) at 3:24
Markus Phillips (CAR) for Hooking (Minor) at 5:36
Eetu Tuulola (NYR) for Elbowing (Minor) at 5:36
Nicolas Meloche (NYR) for Holding (Minor) at 11:05
Mathieu Olivier (CAR) for Hooking (Minor) at 17:42
2nd period
3. Wolf Pack , Matias Maccelli 29 (Jayson Megna 54) at 10:55 (PP)
4. Wolves , Sampo Ranta 15 (Nick Seeler 38, Gage Quinney 33) at 15:36 (PP)
5. Wolves , Kirill Semyonov 29 (Kyle Turris 52) at 16:16 (PP)
Jonathan Gruden (CAR) for Boarding (Minor) at 1:44
Vincent Desharnais (CAR) for Hooking (Minor) at 10:29
Vincent Desharnais (CAR) for Roughing (Minor) at 12:49
Jimmy Schuldt (NYR) for High sticking (Minor) at 15:14
Nicolas Meloche (NYR) for Hooking (Minor) at 16:08
3rd period
6. Wolves , Gage Quinney 26 (Mathieu Olivier 31, Sampo Ranta 25) at 16:59
7. Wolf Pack , Jayson Megna 18 (Donovan Sebrango 9, Jimmy Schuldt 23) at 18:44
Brandon Davidson (NYR) for Holding Stick (Minor) at 4:05
Drake Caggiula (CAR) for Hooking (Minor) at 9:06
Goalie Stats
Samuel Harvey (NYR), 29 saves from 32 shots - (0.906), W, 32-15-3, 60:00 minutes
Michael Hutchinson (CAR), 22 saves from 26 shots - (0.846), L, 31-12-6, 59:12 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Matias Maccelli (NYR)
2 - Jayson Megna (NYR)
3 - Jimmy Schuldt (NYR)
Referees : TJ Luxmore and Jim Curtin
Linesman : Kyle Flemington and Steve Barton
Game Note
No Game Note
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1987 (99.35%) -- Ticket Income $49,675
Level 2 -- Attendance: 989 (98.90%) -- Ticket Income $14,835
Total Attendance: 2976 (99.20%)
Total Ticket Income: $64,510
Other Income: $16,128
Total Income: $80,638

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Wolf Pack 426671510261 / 6 (17%)242%
Wolves 332791314232 / 4 (50%)158%

Wolf Pack
Player Name
Anthony RichardC000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Ben HarpurD0000011222:545:2711:5400% 0
Brandon DavidsonD0000250121:215:2700:2200% 0
Charles HudonLW/RW0001011023:035:1701:20050% 4
Cole BardreauC000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Cole SchneiderLW0111004011:240:0000:1600% 0
Donovan SebrangoD0113010111:550:0001:5100% 0
Eetu TuulolaRW1011236011:070:0000:0000% 0
Graham KnottC000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Jayson MegnaC1121021020:455:1700:00046% 26
Jimmy SchuldtD0223231111:240:3600:4500% 0
Loui ErikssonLW/RW0000020125:335:0402:5200% 1
Mathieu PerreaultLW/RW0000011125:335:0412:52045% 11
Matias MaccelliLW2021027023:195:1711:36040% 5
Mattias SamuelssonD000-1002527:024:5412:3400% 0
Nicolas MelocheD000-1440325:204:1801:3000% 0
Sam CarrickC/RW0111002011:080:0000:00063% 16
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000001000:000:0000:00025% 28
Player Name
Antoine MorandC000-200016:400:0002:21055% 11
Austin StrandD0000002024:471:4416:1300% 0
Drake CaggiulaC/LW/RW000-1423119:271:5202:53067% 6
Evan WeingerRW0000012011:530:0000:0000% 0
Gage QuinneyC/LW1121005018:561:5203:23052% 25
Isaac JohnsonRW000-200004:190:0000:0000% 0
Jakub LaukoC000-200004:190:0000:0000% 0
Jonathan GrudenLW0000202012:180:0000:260100% 1
Kirill SemyonovC101-1031021:362:3615:07052% 25
Kyle TurrisC/LW/RW011-1002119:032:3601:43050% 6
Markus PhillipsD000-1210211:540:0000:0800% 0
Mathieu OlivierRW0111255021:392:3604:490100% 2
Matt BartkowskiD000-1031114:340:0001:2300% 0
Matt IrwinD0000031224:061:4405:1400% 0
Michael ChaputC0000031111:530:0000:00073% 15
Nick SeelerD011-1014222:522:4414:1810% 0
Sampo RantaLW1121003115:331:5210:0000% 0
Vincent DesharnaisD000-1410121:442:4403:2600% 0

Wolf Pack

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mathieu PerreaultUnknown PlayerLoui Eriksson1224038%16:11
2Matias MaccelliJayson MegnaCharles Hudon1223036%15:28
3Cole SchneiderSam CarrickEetu Tuulola1222026%11:08
4Mathieu PerreaultAnthony RichardLoui Eriksson122100%0:00
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche1224042%17:48
2Ben HarpurBrandon Davidson1223034%14:37
3Jimmy SchuldtDonovan Sebrango1222024%10:04
4Mattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche122101%0:18
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mathieu PerreaultUnknown PlayerLoui Eriksson1226049%5:04
2Matias MaccelliJayson MegnaCharles Hudon1224051%5:17
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche1226047%4:54
2Ben HarpurBrandon Davidson1224053%5:27
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mathieu PerreaultLoui Eriksson1226070%3:08
2Matias MaccelliCharles Hudon1224030%1:20
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche1226073%3:15
2Ben HarpurBrandon Davidson1224027%1:13
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mathieu Perreault122600%0:00 Mattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche122600%0:00
2Loui Eriksson122400%0:00 Ben HarpurBrandon Davidson122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mathieu PerreaultLoui Eriksson1226051%1:01
2Matias MaccelliCharles Hudon1224049%0:58
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Mattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche1226053%60% - 1:03
2Ben HarpurBrandon Davidson1224047%40% - 0:56
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Mathieu PerreaultUnknown PlayerLoui ErikssonMattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Mathieu PerreaultUnknown PlayerLoui ErikssonMattias SamuelssonNicolas Meloche
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:25
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Graham Knott, Cole Bardreau, Cole SchneiderGraham Knott, Cole BardreauCole Schneider
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango, Ben HarpurJimmy Schuldt, Donovan SebrangoBen Harpur
Penalty Shots
Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon, Cole Schneider
Samuel Harvey, Hugo Alnefelt
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon, Cole Schneider, Unknown Player, Jayson Megna, Sam Carrick, Anthony Richard, Graham Knott
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche, Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson, Jimmy Schuldt
Jon Lizotte (Healthy), Austin Czarnik (Healthy), Matt Moulson (Healthy), Ty Ronning (Healthy), Jesper Froden (Healthy) Jack LaFontaine (Healthy)


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Kyle TurrisKirill SemyonovDrake Caggiula0233230%12:46
2Sampo RantaGage QuinneyMathieu Olivier1223232%13:41
3Jonathan GrudenMichael ChaputEvan Weinger1222428%11:53
4Isaac JohnsonAntoine MorandJakub Lauko1221210%4:19
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matt IrwinAustin Strand0233635%15:02
2Vincent DesharnaisNick Seeler1223435%14:52
3Markus PhillipsMatt Bartkowski1312528%11:47
4Nick SeelerMatt Bartkowski13152%0:58
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Kyle TurrisKirill SemyonovMathieu Olivier0056058%2:36
2Sampo RantaGage QuinneyDrake Caggiula0054042%1:52
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matt IrwinAustin Strand0146039%1:44
2Vincent DesharnaisNick Seeler1134061%2:44
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Drake CaggiulaMathieu Olivier1316078%8:04
2Kirill SemyonovGage Quinney1314022%2:17
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick SeelerMatt Irwin1316040%4:08
2Austin StrandVincent Desharnais1314060%6:13
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Drake Caggiula131600%0:00 Matt IrwinNick Seeler131600%0:00
2Antoine Morand131400%0:00 Vincent DesharnaisAustin Strand131400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Kyle TurrisDrake Caggiula1226071%1:25
2Kirill SemyonovMathieu Olivier1224029%0:34
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matt IrwinAustin Strand1226063%60% - 1:15
2Vincent DesharnaisMatt Bartkowski1224037%40% - 0:44
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Kyle TurrisKirill SemyonovDrake CaggiulaMatt IrwinAustin Strand
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Drake CaggiulaKirill SemyonovMathieu OlivierMatt IrwinNick Seeler
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:330:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Antoine Morand, Jakub Lauko, Kirill SemyonovAntoine Morand, Jakub LaukoKirill Semyonov
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler, Matt BartkowskiVincent Desharnais, Nick SeelerVincent Desharnais
Penalty Shots
Kyle Turris, Kirill Semyonov, Drake Caggiula, Gage Quinney, Jakub Lauko
Michael Hutchinson, Erik Kallgren
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Drake Caggiula, Evan Weinger, Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Mathieu Olivier, Kirill Semyonov, Gage Quinney, Jakub Lauko, Sampo Ranta, Antoine Morand
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Matt Irwin, Nick Seeler, Vincent Desharnais, Matt Bartkowski, Austin Strand
Brennan Menell (Healthy), Layton Ahac (Healthy), Matej Pekar (Healthy), Dino Kambeitz (Healthy), Ivan Lodnia (Healthy) Jiri Patera (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone.
0:23 of 1st period - Nicolas Meloche is hit by Matt Irwin and loses puck.
0:29 of 1st period - Kyle Turris is hit by Nicolas Meloche and loses puck.
1:53 of 1st period - Ben Harpur is hit by Michael Chaput and loses puck.
1:59 of 1st period - Brandon Davidson is hit by Markus Phillips and loses puck.
2:07 of 1st period - Jayson Megna is hit by Matt Bartkowski and loses puck.
2:33 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
2:33 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound.
2:35 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
2:35 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:37 of 1st period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
2:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
2:38 of 1st period - Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolves zone.
3:07 of 1st period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
3:07 of 1st period - Goal by Eetu Tuulola - Wolf Pack : 1 - Wolves : 0.
3:08 of 1st period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in neutral zone.
3:08 of 1st period - Matias Maccelli is hit by Drake Caggiula and loses puck.
3:14 of 1st period - Ben Harpur is hit by Kirill Semyonov.
3:24 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Drake Caggiula for Tripping.
3:25 of 1st period - Mathieu Olivier wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
3:34 of 1st period - Loui Eriksson is hit by Mathieu Olivier and loses puck.
3:39 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Irwin.
3:39 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson.
3:41 of 1st period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
3:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
3:43 of 1st period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
3:43 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:45 of 1st period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
3:45 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:47 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Irwin.
3:47 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson.
4:27 of 1st period - Shot by Vincent Desharnais.
4:27 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:36 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Markus Phillips for Hooking.
5:36 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Eetu Tuulola for Elbowing.
5:37 of 1st period - Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in Wolves zone.
5:41 of 1st period - Icing by Matt Irwin.
5:42 of 1st period - Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in Wolves zone.
6:29 of 1st period - Shot by Drake Caggiula.
6:29 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
6:30 of 1st period - Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Matias Maccelli in Wolf Pack zone.
6:44 of 1st period - Icing by Nicolas Meloche.
6:45 of 1st period - Matias Maccelli wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone.
6:54 of 1st period - Shot by Nicolas Meloche.
6:54 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:10 of 1st period - Shot by Kirill Semyonov.
7:10 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:21 of 1st period - Icing by Mattias Samuelsson.
7:22 of 1st period - Kyle Turris wins face-off versus Matias Maccelli in Wolf Pack zone.
7:27 of 1st period - Shot by Drake Caggiula.
7:27 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
7:28 of 1st period - Kyle Turris wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone.
7:49 of 1st period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
7:49 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
7:50 of 1st period - Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Charles Hudon in Wolves zone.
7:50 of 1st period - Nick Seeler is hit by Charles Hudon and loses puck.
8:25 of 1st period - Shot by Charles Hudon.
8:25 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
8:26 of 1st period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
8:41 of 1st period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
8:41 of 1st period - Deflect By Mathieu Olivier.
8:41 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:50 of 1st period - Gage Quinney is hit by Nicolas Meloche and loses puck.
9:08 of 1st period - Icing by Nicolas Meloche.
9:09 of 1st period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone.
9:09 of 1st period - Kirill Semyonov is hit by Nicolas Meloche.
9:23 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
9:23 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:35 of 1st period - Shot by Drake Caggiula.
9:35 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:37 of 1st period - Shot by Drake Caggiula.
9:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
9:38 of 1st period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
9:43 of 1st period - Shot by Jonathan Gruden.
9:43 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
10:07 of 1st period - Evan Weinger is hit by Brandon Davidson and loses puck.
10:11 of 1st period - Icing by Brandon Davidson.
10:12 of 1st period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Matias Maccelli in Wolf Pack zone.
10:46 of 1st period - Icing by Brandon Davidson.
10:47 of 1st period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
11:00 of 1st period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
11:00 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
11:01 of 1st period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone.
11:05 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Nicolas Meloche for Holding.
11:06 of 1st period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone.
12:17 of 1st period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
12:17 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:13 of 1st period - Icing by Mattias Samuelsson.
13:14 of 1st period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolf Pack zone.
13:21 of 1st period - Matt Bartkowski is hit by Eetu Tuulola and loses puck.
13:28 of 1st period - Shot by Sam Carrick.
13:28 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:36 of 1st period - Shot by Sam Carrick.
13:36 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:38 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
13:38 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
13:39 of 1st period - Jonathan Gruden wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
14:03 of 1st period - Shot by Michael Chaput.
14:03 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
14:04 of 1st period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolf Pack zone.
14:17 of 1st period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
14:17 of 1st period - Deflect By Cole Schneider.
14:17 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
14:18 of 1st period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone.
14:18 of 1st period - Jayson Megna is hit by Matt Bartkowski.
14:38 of 1st period - Shot by Sampo Ranta.
14:38 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
14:39 of 1st period - Kyle Turris wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone.
14:48 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
14:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
14:49 of 1st period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone.
14:52 of 1st period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
14:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
14:53 of 1st period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone.
14:56 of 1st period - Shot by Sampo Ranta.
14:56 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:58 of 1st period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
14:58 of 1st period - Deflect By Sampo Ranta.
14:58 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
15:00 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Irwin.
15:00 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:02 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Irwin.
15:02 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Nicolas Meloche.
15:26 of 1st period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
15:26 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:28 of 1st period - Shot by Austin Strand.
15:28 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
15:29 of 1st period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone.
15:38 of 1st period - Kirill Semyonov is hit by Jayson Megna and loses puck.
15:53 of 1st period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
15:53 of 1st period - Goal by Matias Maccelli - Wolf Pack : 2 - Wolves : 0.
15:54 of 1st period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in neutral zone.
15:58 of 1st period - Off-side.
15:59 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone.
15:59 of 1st period - Nicolas Meloche is hit by Mathieu Olivier and loses puck.
16:08 of 1st period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
16:08 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Nicolas Meloche.
16:18 of 1st period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
16:18 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:20 of 1st period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
16:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
16:21 of 1st period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone.
17:19 of 1st period - Shot by Loui Eriksson.
17:19 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:42 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Mathieu Olivier for Hooking.
17:43 of 1st period - Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
18:04 of 1st period - Shot by Mattias Samuelsson.
18:04 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound.
18:08 of 1st period - Shot by Mathieu Perreault.
18:08 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Matt Irwin.
18:12 of 1st period - Shot by Loui Eriksson.
18:12 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:38 of 1st period - Shot by Ben Harpur.
18:38 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Drake Caggiula.
18:40 of 1st period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
18:40 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:13 of 1st period - Charles Hudon is hit by Matt Irwin.
19:45 of 1st period - Shot by Sam Carrick.
19:45 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 2 for Wolf Pack vs 0 for Wolves.
Shots for this period are 9 for Wolf Pack vs 13 for Wolves.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone.
0:01 of 2nd period - Unknown Player is hit by Mathieu Olivier.
0:21 of 2nd period - Mattias Samuelsson is hit by Mathieu Olivier.
1:22 of 2nd period - Shot by Drake Caggiula.
1:22 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
1:24 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
1:25 of 2nd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
1:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Evan Weinger.
1:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
1:27 of 2nd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in Wolf Pack zone.
1:27 of 2nd period - Jayson Megna is hit by Michael Chaput.
1:44 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Jonathan Gruden for Boarding.
1:45 of 2nd period - Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Loui Eriksson in Wolves zone.
2:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Ben Harpur.
2:00 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Seeler.
2:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Loui Eriksson.
2:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:42 of 2nd period - Mattias Samuelsson is hit by Kirill Semyonov and loses puck.
2:53 of 2nd period - Kirill Semyonov is hit by Jayson Megna and loses puck.
3:11 of 2nd period - Shot by Nicolas Meloche.
3:11 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Vincent Desharnais.
3:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Jayson Megna.
3:13 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
3:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
4:00 of 2nd period - Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolves zone.
4:00 of 2nd period - Antoine Morand is hit by Eetu Tuulola.
5:00 of 2nd period - Icing by Nicolas Meloche.
5:01 of 2nd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
5:14 of 2nd period - Evan Weinger is hit by Nicolas Meloche and loses puck.
5:38 of 2nd period - Icing by Nicolas Meloche.
5:39 of 2nd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone.
5:39 of 2nd period - Jayson Megna is hit by Drake Caggiula.
6:28 of 2nd period - Icing by Mathieu Olivier.
6:29 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
6:37 of 2nd period - Off-side.
6:38 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
6:41 of 2nd period - Shot by Sampo Ranta.
6:41 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:43 of 2nd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
6:43 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
6:53 of 2nd period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
6:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
6:54 of 2nd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolf Pack zone.
6:54 of 2nd period - Drake Caggiula is hit by Jimmy Schuldt and loses puck.
7:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Kirill Semyonov.
7:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:33 of 2nd period - Icing by Markus Phillips.
7:34 of 2nd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
7:34 of 2nd period - Kirill Semyonov is hit by Loui Eriksson.
8:08 of 2nd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
8:08 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
8:10 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Loui Eriksson.
8:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Austin Strand.
8:14 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Ben Harpur.
8:49 of 2nd period - Off-side.
8:50 of 2nd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in neutral zone.
9:23 of 2nd period - Shot by Jimmy Schuldt.
9:23 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:25 of 2nd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
9:25 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
9:26 of 2nd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone.
9:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
9:49 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Matt Bartkowski.
10:22 of 2nd period - Icing by Cole Schneider.
10:23 of 2nd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone.
10:27 of 2nd period - Nicolas Meloche is hit by Vincent Desharnais and loses puck.
10:29 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Vincent Desharnais for Hooking.
10:30 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Drake Caggiula in Wolves zone.
10:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Ben Harpur.
10:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:51 of 2nd period - Shot by Ben Harpur.
10:51 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
10:52 of 2nd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Drake Caggiula in Wolves zone.
10:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
10:55 of 2nd period - Goal by Matias Maccelli - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 0.
10:56 of 2nd period - Matias Maccelli wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in neutral zone.
10:56 of 2nd period - Matias Maccelli is hit by Evan Weinger.
11:01 of 2nd period - Off-side.
11:02 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone.
11:26 of 2nd period - Icing by Nick Seeler.
11:27 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Charles Hudon in Wolves zone.
11:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
11:40 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
11:44 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
11:45 of 2nd period - Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone.
11:52 of 2nd period - Shot by Loui Eriksson.
11:52 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Matt Irwin.
11:55 of 2nd period - Icing by Matt Irwin.
11:56 of 2nd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone.
11:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
11:57 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Charles Hudon.
11:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Charles Hudon.
12:01 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:03 of 2nd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
12:03 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Kyle Turris.
12:05 of 2nd period - Shot by Charles Hudon.
12:05 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
12:13 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
12:14 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone.
12:42 of 2nd period - Ben Harpur is hit by Mathieu Olivier and loses puck.
12:49 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Vincent Desharnais for Roughing.
12:50 of 2nd period - Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone.
13:24 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney is hit by Matias Maccelli and loses puck.
13:46 of 2nd period - Icing by Loui Eriksson.
13:47 of 2nd period - Mathieu Olivier wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone.
13:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Ben Harpur.
13:54 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:13 of 2nd period - Mathieu Perreault is hit by Nick Seeler and loses puck.
14:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
14:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
14:59 of 2nd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolves zone.
15:13 of 2nd period - Jakub Lauko is hit by Jimmy Schuldt and loses puck.
15:14 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Jimmy Schuldt for High sticking.
15:15 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone.
15:32 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
15:32 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Mathieu Perreault.
15:34 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
15:34 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson.
15:36 of 2nd period - Shot by Sampo Ranta.
15:36 of 2nd period - Goal by Sampo Ranta - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 1.
15:37 of 2nd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in neutral zone.
15:50 of 2nd period - Shot by Evan Weinger.
15:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
15:52 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Bartkowski.
15:52 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Bartkowski.
15:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
15:55 of 2nd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolf Pack zone.
16:08 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Nicolas Meloche for Hooking.
16:09 of 2nd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone.
16:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Kirill Semyonov.
16:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:16 of 2nd period - Shot by Kirill Semyonov.
16:16 of 2nd period - Goal by Kirill Semyonov - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 2.
16:17 of 2nd period - Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in neutral zone.
16:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Drake Caggiula.
16:45 of 2nd period - Deflect By Kyle Turris.
16:45 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
16:46 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone.
16:46 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney is hit by Brandon Davidson.
16:53 of 2nd period - Icing by Ben Harpur.
16:54 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone.
17:40 of 2nd period - Icing by Austin Strand.
17:41 of 2nd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone.
18:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
18:00 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Mattias Samuelsson.
18:02 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
18:03 of 2nd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolves zone.
18:03 of 2nd period - Kirill Semyonov is hit by Eetu Tuulola.
18:33 of 2nd period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
18:33 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:53 of 2nd period - Nicolas Meloche is hit by Matt Bartkowski and loses puck.
19:57 of 2nd period - Icing by Markus Phillips.
19:58 of 2nd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone.
19:58 of 2nd period - Michael Chaput is hit by Matias Maccelli.
Goals for this period are 1 for Wolf Pack vs 2 for Wolves.
Shots for this period are 7 for Wolf Pack vs 10 for Wolves.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
0:01 of 3rd period - Gage Quinney is hit by Loui Eriksson.
0:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
0:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
0:24 of 3rd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
0:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Evan Weinger.
0:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
0:39 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brandon Davidson.
0:52 of 3rd period - Icing by Ben Harpur.
0:53 of 3rd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
0:53 of 3rd period - Gage Quinney is hit by Brandon Davidson.
1:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
1:09 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound.
1:22 of 3rd period - Gage Quinney is hit by Ben Harpur.
1:29 of 3rd period - Icing by Matt Irwin.
1:30 of 3rd period - Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
1:30 of 3rd period - Gage Quinney is hit by Mathieu Perreault.
1:38 of 3rd period - Shot by Sampo Ranta.
1:38 of 3rd period - Deflect By Gage Quinney.
1:38 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:43 of 3rd period - Off-side.
1:44 of 3rd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone.
1:44 of 3rd period - Jimmy Schuldt is hit by Kirill Semyonov and loses puck.
1:55 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
1:55 of 3rd period - Deflect By Sam Carrick.
1:55 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
1:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
1:58 of 3rd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
1:58 of 3rd period - Michael Chaput is hit by Unknown Player.
2:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Perreault.
2:34 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Markus Phillips.
2:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Perreault.
2:36 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Markus Phillips.
3:37 of 3rd period - Matt Irwin is hit by Brandon Davidson and loses puck.
4:03 of 3rd period - Sampo Ranta is hit by Brandon Davidson and loses puck.
4:05 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Brandon Davidson for Holding Stick.
4:06 of 3rd period - Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone.
4:16 of 3rd period - Off-side.
4:17 of 3rd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone.
4:32 of 3rd period - Shot by Vincent Desharnais.
4:32 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
4:34 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
4:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
4:37 of 3rd period - Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone.
4:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Austin Strand.
4:54 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Austin Strand.
5:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
5:09 of 3rd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone.
6:16 of 3rd period - Jimmy Schuldt is hit by Michael Chaput and loses puck.
6:25 of 3rd period - Shot by Michael Chaput.
6:25 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Donovan Sebrango.
6:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Jonathan Gruden.
6:27 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
6:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Irwin.
6:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
6:30 of 3rd period - Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
6:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Jakub Lauko.
6:39 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson.
6:57 of 3rd period - Off-side.
6:58 of 3rd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in neutral zone.
8:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Drake Caggiula.
8:52 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:06 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Drake Caggiula for Hooking.
9:07 of 3rd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone.
9:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Jayson Megna.
9:36 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:43 of 3rd period - Icing by Jayson Megna.
9:44 of 3rd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone.
9:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Ben Harpur.
9:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Perreault.
10:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
10:30 of 3rd period - Charles Hudon wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolves zone.
11:20 of 3rd period - Off-side.
11:21 of 3rd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in neutral zone.
11:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
11:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
11:27 of 3rd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
11:58 of 3rd period - Shot by Evan Weinger.
11:58 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:32 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Carrick.
12:32 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
12:33 of 3rd period - Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone.
12:33 of 3rd period - Charles Hudon is hit by Matt Irwin and loses puck.
12:40 of 3rd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
12:40 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound.
12:56 of 3rd period - Shot by Matias Maccelli.
12:56 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
12:57 of 3rd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone.
13:02 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Carrick.
13:02 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
13:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
13:06 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Sampo Ranta.
13:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Carrick.
13:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
13:21 of 3rd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone.
14:29 of 3rd period - Off-side.
14:30 of 3rd period - Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
14:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Michael Chaput.
14:37 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Ben Harpur.
15:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Loui Eriksson.
15:01 of 3rd period - Deflect By Mathieu Perreault.
15:01 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Perreault.
15:23 of 3rd period - Deflect By Loui Eriksson.
15:23 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Michael Chaput.
15:32 of 3rd period - Evan Weinger is hit by Jimmy Schuldt and loses puck.
15:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Schneider.
15:39 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Seeler.
15:41 of 3rd period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
15:41 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:31 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
16:31 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Irwin.
16:33 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
16:35 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
16:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
16:51 of 3rd period - Deflect By Sampo Ranta.
16:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Gage Quinney.
16:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
16:55 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
16:55 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nicolas Meloche.
16:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Sampo Ranta.
16:57 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson.
16:59 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
16:59 of 3rd period - Deflect By Gage Quinney.
16:59 of 3rd period - Goal by Gage Quinney - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 3.
17:00 of 3rd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
17:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Perreault.
17:23 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:07 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Carrick.
18:07 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Antoine Morand.
18:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Eetu Tuulola.
18:09 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:11 of 3rd period - Shot by Jimmy Schuldt.
18:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.
18:12 of 3rd period - Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone.
18:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
18:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound.
18:34 of 3rd period - Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone.
18:44 of 3rd period - Shot by Jayson Megna.
18:44 of 3rd period - Goal by Jayson Megna - Wolf Pack : 4 - Wolves : 3.
18:45 of 3rd period - Charles Hudon wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone.
19:00 of 3rd period - Wolves, Michael Hutchinson is pulled from the net.
19:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
19:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Mathieu Olivier.
19:08 of 3rd period - Deflect By Gage Quinney.
19:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound.
19:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Vincent Desharnais.
19:10 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jimmy Schuldt.
19:12 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Seeler.
19:12 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:17 of 3rd period - Mathieu Olivier is hit by Donovan Sebrango and loses puck.
19:47 of 3rd period - Icing by Drake Caggiula.
19:48 of 3rd period - Michael Hutchinson from Wolves was sent back in the game.
19:48 of 3rd period - Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Wolf Pack vs 1 for Wolves.
Shots for this period are 10 for Wolf Pack vs 9 for Wolves.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson in Wolves zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Strand in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Nicolas Meloche moves puck in Wolves zone. Nicolas Meloche is hit by Matt Irwin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Semyonov for Wolves. Pass to Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Kyle Turris moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Kyle Turris is hit by Nicolas Meloche and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Drake Caggiula for Wolves. Pass by Drake Caggiula intercepted by Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Matt Irwin in Wolves zone. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Nick Seeler in Wolves zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Vincent Desharnais moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson.

Time : 1. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Mathieu Olivier in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass by Mathieu Olivier intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Nicolas Meloche moves puck in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Nicolas Meloche. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Matias Maccelli. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Nick Seeler. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass by Mathieu Olivier intercepted by Charles Hudon. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Brandon Davidson in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Sampo Ranta. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Sampo Ranta. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Ben Harpur. Ben Harpur is hit by Michael Chaput and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Brandon Davidson moves puck in neutral zone. Brandon Davidson moves puck in Wolves zone. Brandon Davidson is hit by Markus Phillips and loses puck.

Time : 2. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Jayson Megna. Jayson Megna is hit by Matt Bartkowski and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jayson Megna for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Jayson Megna. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Jonathan Gruden in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Jonathan Gruden. Puck retreived by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Cole Schneider moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Cole Schneider. Shot by Cole Schneider. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Schneider for Wolf Pack. Shot by Cole Schneider. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Eetu Tuulola for Wolf Pack. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolves zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Matt Irwin moves puck in neutral zone. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Donovan Sebrango.

Time : 3. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Cole Schneider in Wolves zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Goal by Eetu Tuulola - Wolf Pack : 1 - Wolves : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov is ejected from face-off, Kyle Turris takes his place. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Matias Maccelli is hit by Drake Caggiula and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Pass to Ben Harpur. Ben Harpur is hit by Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Nick Seeler in Wolves zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Drake Caggiula moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Drake Caggiula loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Minor Penalty to Drake Caggiula for Tripping. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov is ejected from face-off, Mathieu Olivier takes his place. Mathieu Olivier wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Kirill Semyonov. Puck retreived by Loui Eriksson. Loui Eriksson is hit by Mathieu Olivier and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Semyonov for Wolves. Pass to Matt Irwin. Shot by Matt Irwin. Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Shot by Matt Irwin. Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Mathieu Olivier. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Vincent Desharnais are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Vincent Desharnais in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Vincent Desharnais.

Time : 4. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson in Wolves zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Loui Eriksson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Shot by Vincent Desharnais. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Matias Maccelli moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Vincent Desharnais.

Time : 5. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Antoine Morand, Gage Quinney are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Matt Irwin in Wolves zone. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Brandon Davidson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Antoine Morand, Kyle Turris are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Cole Schneider. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt in Wolves zone. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass by Jimmy Schuldt intercepted by Markus Phillips. Minor Penalty to Markus Phillips for Hooking. Minor Penalty to Eetu Tuulola for Elbowing. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Matt Irwin. Icing by Matt Irwin. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in Wolves zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Irwin in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Loui Eriksson.

Time : 6. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Kyle Turris. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Kyle Turris. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Shot by Drake Caggiula. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Kyle Turris is ejected from face-off, Drake Caggiula takes his place. Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Matias Maccelli in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Icing by Nicolas Meloche. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Kirill Semyonov, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Matias Maccelli wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in neutral zone. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Shot by Nicolas Meloche. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Semyonov for Wolves. Pass to Mathieu Olivier in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Irwin in Wolf Pack zone.

Time : 7. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Shot by Kirill Semyonov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Kirill Semyonov. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Icing by Mattias Samuelsson. Kyle Turris wins face-off versus Matias Maccelli in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Shot by Drake Caggiula. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Kyle Turris wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass by Drake Caggiula intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Vincent Desharnais in Wolves zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Pass to Michael Chaput in neutral zone. Pass to Markus Phillips in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Markus Phillips intercepted by Eetu Tuulola. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Cole Schneider moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna is ejected from face-off, Charles Hudon takes his place. Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Charles Hudon in Wolves zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler is hit by Charles Hudon and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Matias Maccelli.

Time : 8. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Charles Hudon. Shot by Charles Hudon. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Markus Phillips. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Sampo Ranta in neutral zone. Pass to Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Gage Quinney. Shot by Gage Quinney. Deflect By Mathieu Olivier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Bartkowski for Wolves. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Markus Phillips. Pass to Gage Quinney. Gage Quinney is hit by Nicolas Meloche and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gage Quinney for Wolves. Pass to Mathieu Olivier.

Time : 9. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass by Mathieu Olivier intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Icing by Nicolas Meloche. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Kirill Semyonov is hit by Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Shot by Drake Caggiula. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Drake Caggiula for Wolves. Shot by Drake Caggiula. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Shot by Jonathan Gruden. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Charles Hudon moves puck in Wolves zone. Charles Hudon loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Jayson Megna.

Time : 10. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Nick Seeler. Pass to Evan Weinger in neutral zone. Evan Weinger moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Evan Weinger is hit by Brandon Davidson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Icing by Brandon Davidson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna is ejected from face-off, Matias Maccelli takes his place. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Matias Maccelli in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Icing by Brandon Davidson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Gage Quinney.

Time : 11. Shot by Gage Quinney. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Evan Weinger. Minor Penalty to Nicolas Meloche for Holding. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck retreived by Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Strand. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Matt Irwin. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Drake Caggiula. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Drake Caggiula.

Time : 12. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass by Gage Quinney intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Shot by Nick Seeler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Brandon Davidson. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ben Harpur, Jimmy Schuldt are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Drake Caggiula moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Seeler in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Drake Caggiula loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gage Quinney for Wolves. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Gage Quinney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass by Jimmy Schuldt intercepted by Mathieu Olivier in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Irwin in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov.

Time : 13. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kyle Turris. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Matt Bartkowski in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Bartkowski intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson in Wolf Pack zone. Icing by Mattias Samuelsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck retreived by Matt Bartkowski. Matt Bartkowski is hit by Eetu Tuulola and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Sam Carrick. Shot by Sam Carrick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche for Wolf Pack. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Sam Carrick. Shot by Sam Carrick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Schneider for Wolf Pack. Shot by Cole Schneider. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput is ejected from face-off, Jonathan Gruden takes his place. Jonathan Gruden wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Michael Chaput. Michael Chaput loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonathan Gruden for Wolves. Pass to Evan Weinger. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Vincent Desharnais.

Time : 14. Pass to Michael Chaput. Shot by Michael Chaput. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass by Drake Caggiula intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola in Wolves zone. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Deflect By Cole Schneider. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Jayson Megna is hit by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass by Matt Bartkowski intercepted by Jayson Megna in neutral zone. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Markus Phillips in Wolves zone. Pass by Markus Phillips intercepted by Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Gage Quinney. Pass to Sampo Ranta in Wolf Pack zone. Shot by Sampo Ranta. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov is ejected from face-off, Kyle Turris takes his place. Kyle Turris wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Kyle Turris. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Shot by Sampo Ranta. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Deflect By Sampo Ranta. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves.

Time : 15. Shot by Matt Irwin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Shot by Matt Irwin. Shot Blocked by Nicolas Meloche. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Gage Quinney. Shot by Gage Quinney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Strand for Wolves. Shot by Austin Strand. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Jayson Megna in neutral zone. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Jimmy Schuldt. Puck retreived by Kirill Semyonov. Kirill Semyonov is hit by Jayson Megna and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Drake Caggiula for Wolves. Pass to Nick Seeler in neutral zone. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Matias Maccelli moves puck in Wolves zone. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Goal by Matias Maccelli - Wolf Pack : 2 - Wolves : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in neutral zone. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Nicolas Meloche is hit by Mathieu Olivier and loses puck.

Time : 16. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Sampo Ranta in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Blocked by Nicolas Meloche. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Strand for Wolves. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass to Gage Quinney. Shot by Gage Quinney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Charles Hudon moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Charles Hudon. Puck retreived by Kyle Turris. Pass to Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Vincent Desharnais moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Jayson Megna in neutral zone. Pass to Charles Hudon in Wolves zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Matias Maccelli.

Time : 17. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Jayson Megna. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Jayson Megna. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Shot by Loui Eriksson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Drake Caggiula. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Drake Caggiula. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Minor Penalty to Mathieu Olivier for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Antoine Morand, Gage Quinney are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Bartkowski, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass by Gage Quinney intercepted by Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Loui Eriksson.

Time : 18. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Shot by Mattias Samuelsson. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault for Wolf Pack. Shot by Mathieu Perreault. Shot Blocked by Matt Irwin. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson for Wolf Pack. Shot by Loui Eriksson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Bartkowski. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Gage Quinney are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Austin Strand in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Austin Strand. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Drake Caggiula, Jonathan Gruden are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Shot by Ben Harpur. Shot Blocked by Drake Caggiula. Free Puck Retrieved by Matias Maccelli for Wolf Pack. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jayson Megna for Wolf Pack. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Matias Maccelli. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Nick Seeler. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Vincent Desharnais are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey.

Time : 19. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Kyle Turris. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Antoine Morand, Kyle Turris are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Bartkowski, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Charles Hudon moves puck in Wolves zone. Charles Hudon is hit by Matt Irwin. Pass to Jayson Megna. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Jayson Megna. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Antoine Morand. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Antoine Morand. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Gage Quinney are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Vincent Desharnais are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Gage Quinney. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Gage Quinney. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Antoine Morand, Gage Quinney are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Bartkowski, Markus Phillips are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Nicolas Meloche in neutral zone. Nicolas Meloche moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Pass to Sam Carrick. Shot by Sam Carrick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Markus Phillips for Wolves. Pass to Evan Weinger in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Evan Weinger. Puck retreived by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass by Jimmy Schuldt intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Pass to Michael Chaput.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Wolf Pack vs 0 for Wolves. Shots for this period are 9 for Wolf Pack vs 13 for Wolves.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Unknown Player is hit by Mathieu Olivier. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Austin Strand. Puck retreived by Mattias Samuelsson. Mattias Samuelsson is hit by Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass by Sampo Ranta intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Puck retreived by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Mathieu Perreault moves puck in neutral zone. Mathieu Perreault moves puck in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mathieu Perreault. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Pass to Gage Quinney in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Austin Strand in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Austin Strand. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Vincent Desharnais moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Shot by Drake Caggiula. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Evan Weinger. Shot by Evan Weinger. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Jayson Megna is hit by Michael Chaput. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Evan Weinger. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass to Markus Phillips. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass by Matt Bartkowski intercepted by Donovan Sebrango. Minor Penalty to Jonathan Gruden for Boarding. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Drake Caggiula, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Loui Eriksson takes his place. Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Loui Eriksson in Wolves zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Mathieu Olivier. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur.

Time : 2. Shot by Ben Harpur. Shot Blocked by Nick Seeler. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson for Wolf Pack. Shot by Loui Eriksson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Wolf Pack. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Matt Irwin. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Kirill Semyonov, Gage Quinney are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Vincent Desharnais are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Brandon Davidson in neutral zone. Brandon Davidson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Loui Eriksson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Vincent Desharnais. Puck retreived by Mattias Samuelsson. Mattias Samuelsson is hit by Kirill Semyonov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Charles Hudon moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Nicolas Meloche. Puck retreived by Kirill Semyonov. Kirill Semyonov is hit by Jayson Megna and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Charles Hudon.

Time : 3. Charles Hudon loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Shot by Nicolas Meloche. Shot Blocked by Vincent Desharnais. Free Puck Retrieved by Jayson Megna for Wolf Pack. Shot by Jayson Megna. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Matias Maccelli. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Gage Quinney. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Gage Quinney. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Drake Caggiula, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson in Wolves zone. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Mathieu Olivier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Pass by Mathieu Olivier intercepted by Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Carrick in Wolves zone. Pass by Sam Carrick intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass by Matt Bartkowski intercepted by Sam Carrick in neutral zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola in Wolves zone. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound.

Time : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Nick Seeler, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolves zone. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Antoine Morand is hit by Eetu Tuulola. Pass to Isaac Johnson in neutral zone. Isaac Johnson moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Isaac Johnson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jimmy Schuldt for Wolf Pack. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Carrick in Wolves zone. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass by Jimmy Schuldt intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Jakub Lauko moves puck in neutral zone. Jakub Lauko moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Antoine Morand. Pass by Antoine Morand intercepted by Donovan Sebrango. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Carrick in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Sam Carrick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Antoine Morand. Antoine Morand moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Antoine Morand. Puck retreived by Matias Maccelli. Pass to Nicolas Meloche in neutral zone. Nicolas Meloche moves puck in Wolves zone. Nicolas Meloche loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche for Wolf Pack. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Nick Seeler. Pass to Jakub Lauko in neutral zone. Jakub Lauko moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Jakub Lauko. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Nicolas Meloche.

Time : 5. Icing by Nicolas Meloche. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Pass by Jonathan Gruden intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Matias Maccelli moves puck in neutral zone. Matias Maccelli loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Evan Weinger in Wolf Pack zone. Evan Weinger is hit by Nicolas Meloche and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Evan Weinger for Wolves. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Icing by Nicolas Meloche. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Jayson Megna is hit by Drake Caggiula. Charles Hudon moves puck in neutral zone. Charles Hudon loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Desharnais for Wolves. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Nick Seeler in Wolves zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone.

Time : 6. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Seeler in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Kyle Turris. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Kyle Turris. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Charles Hudon. Puck retreived by Mathieu Olivier. Icing by Mathieu Olivier. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Markus Phillips. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Mathieu Olivier moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Sampo Ranta moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Shot by Sampo Ranta. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Strand for Wolves. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Gage Quinney. Shot by Gage Quinney. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Drake Caggiula is hit by Jimmy Schuldt and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Donovan Sebrango for Wolf Pack. Pass by Donovan Sebrango intercepted by Matt Bartkowski.

Time : 7. Pass by Matt Bartkowski intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Pass by Eetu Tuulola intercepted by Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Jimmy Schuldt. Puck retreived by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Kirill Semyonov moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Shot by Kirill Semyonov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Donovan Sebrango for Wolf Pack. Pass by Donovan Sebrango intercepted by Matt Bartkowski in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Sam Carrick in neutral zone. Pass by Sam Carrick intercepted by Markus Phillips in Wolves zone. Icing by Markus Phillips. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Kirill Semyonov is hit by Loui Eriksson. Drake Caggiula moves puck in neutral zone. Drake Caggiula moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Drake Caggiula. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Austin Strand in Wolves zone. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Brandon Davidson in neutral zone. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Mathieu Olivier in Wolves zone. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Matt Irwin in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Blocked by Loui Eriksson. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Austin Strand. Shot by Austin Strand. Shot Blocked by Ben Harpur. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Loui Eriksson in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Ben Harpur. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Pass to Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass by Gage Quinney intercepted by Nicolas Meloche in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Matt Irwin. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Schneider. Pass by Cole Schneider intercepted by Evan Weinger in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in neutral zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt in Wolves zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Matias Maccelli.

Time : 9. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Shot by Jimmy Schuldt. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matias Maccelli for Wolf Pack. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Shot Blocked by Matt Bartkowski. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Nicolas Meloche.

Time : 10. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Pass by Eetu Tuulola intercepted by Markus Phillips. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Drake Caggiula moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Drake Caggiula. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Austin Strand in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Pass by Jakub Lauko intercepted by Cole Schneider. Icing by Cole Schneider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Nicolas Meloche in neutral zone. Nicolas Meloche moves puck in Wolves zone. Nicolas Meloche is hit by Vincent Desharnais and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Minor Penalty to Vincent Desharnais for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Drake Caggiula, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Drake Caggiula in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Nick Seeler. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson in Wolves zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Shot by Ben Harpur. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Wolf Pack. Shot by Ben Harpur. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Drake Caggiula in Wolves zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Goal by Matias Maccelli - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 0. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna is ejected from face-off, Matias Maccelli takes his place. Matias Maccelli wins face-off versus Michael Chaput in neutral zone. Pass to Jayson Megna. Matias Maccelli is hit by Evan Weinger.

Time : 11. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Loui Eriksson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Nick Seeler. Icing by Nick Seeler. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Jayson Megna is ejected from face-off, Charles Hudon takes his place. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Charles Hudon in Wolves zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass to Gage Quinney. Shot by Gage Quinney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Pass to Nick Seeler. Shot by Nick Seeler. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Mathieu Perreault takes his place. Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Ben Harpur moves puck in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Shot by Loui Eriksson. Shot Blocked by Matt Irwin. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Icing by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Shot by Charles Hudon. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 12. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Shot by Charles Hudon. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matias Maccelli for Wolf Pack. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Shot Blocked by Kyle Turris. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Shot by Charles Hudon. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche for Wolf Pack. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli in Wolves zone. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Nick Seeler. Pass to Mathieu Olivier in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Seeler in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Loui Eriksson. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur is hit by Mathieu Olivier and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Wolf Pack. Ben Harpur loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault for Wolf Pack. Mathieu Perreault moves puck in Wolves zone. Minor Penalty to Vincent Desharnais for Roughing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Drake Caggiula, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Puck retreived by Charles Hudon. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Drake Caggiula.

Time : 13. Puck retreived by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Drake Caggiula. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Kirill Semyonov, Gage Quinney are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Jayson Megna. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in neutral zone. Mattias Samuelsson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck retreived by Gage Quinney. Gage Quinney is hit by Matias Maccelli and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Jayson Megna. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Jayson Megna. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Gage Quinney. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Drake Caggiula, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Icing by Loui Eriksson. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Drake Caggiula is ejected from face-off, Mathieu Olivier takes his place. Mathieu Olivier wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in Wolves zone. Shot by Ben Harpur. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur.

Time : 14. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson in Wolves zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Mathieu Perreault is hit by Nick Seeler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Ben Harpur. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Jayson Megna. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Nick Seeler. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Eetu Tuulola moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Cole Schneider. Shot by Cole Schneider. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolves zone. Pass to Cole Schneider.

Time : 15. Pass by Cole Schneider intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Antoine Morand. Antoine Morand moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Isaac Johnson in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Jakub Lauko is hit by Jimmy Schuldt and loses puck. Minor Penalty to Jimmy Schuldt for High sticking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass by Drake Caggiula intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck retreived by Gage Quinney. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Shot by Nick Seeler. Shot Blocked by Mathieu Perreault. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Sampo Ranta for Wolves. Shot by Sampo Ranta. Goal by Sampo Ranta - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Jonathan Gruden moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Markus Phillips. Pass to Evan Weinger. Shot by Evan Weinger. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Bartkowski for Wolves. Shot by Matt Bartkowski. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Bartkowski for Wolves. Shot by Matt Bartkowski. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Mattias Samuelsson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakub Lauko for Wolves.

Time : 16. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Pass to Isaac Johnson. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Minor Penalty to Nicolas Meloche for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Shot by Kirill Semyonov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Semyonov for Wolves. Shot by Kirill Semyonov. Goal by Kirill Semyonov - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov is ejected from face-off, Drake Caggiula takes his place. Drake Caggiula wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Kyle Turris moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Kyle Turris loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Semyonov for Wolves. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Kyle Turris. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Charles Hudon moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Drake Caggiula moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Shot by Drake Caggiula. Deflect By Kyle Turris. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Gage Quinney is hit by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass by Sampo Ranta intercepted by Ben Harpur. Icing by Ben Harpur. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Ben Harpur moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 17. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Brandon Davidson in neutral zone. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Austin Strand in Wolves zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass by Gage Quinney intercepted by Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Mathieu Olivier in Wolves zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Austin Strand. Icing by Austin Strand. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass by Mathieu Olivier intercepted by Nicolas Meloche in neutral zone. Pass to Jayson Megna in Wolves zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Matias Maccelli.

Time : 18. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Shot by Mattias Samuelsson. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in Wolves zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Kirill Semyonov is hit by Eetu Tuulola. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Drake Caggiula loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Semyonov for Wolves. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass by Jimmy Schuldt intercepted by Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Vincent Desharnais. Puck retreived by Sam Carrick. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola in Wolves zone. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Cole Schneider in neutral zone. Cole Schneider moves puck in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Cole Schneider. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Nick Seeler. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass by Mathieu Perreault intercepted by Nick Seeler in Wolves zone. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche in neutral zone. Nicolas Meloche moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Nick Seeler. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Vincent Desharnais. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson in neutral zone. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Markus Phillips. Pass to Matt Bartkowski in neutral zone. Matt Bartkowski moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Jonathan Gruden loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Bartkowski for Wolves. Pass to Markus Phillips. Pass by Markus Phillips intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Nicolas Meloche in neutral zone. Nicolas Meloche moves puck in Wolves zone. Nicolas Meloche is hit by Matt Bartkowski and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Markus Phillips for Wolves. Icing by Markus Phillips. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone. Pass to Evan Weinger. Michael Chaput is hit by Matias Maccelli.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Wolf Pack vs 2 for Wolves. Shots for this period are 7 for Wolf Pack vs 10 for Wolves.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Strand. Gage Quinney is hit by Loui Eriksson. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson in neutral zone. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass by Michael Chaput intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Evan Weinger. Shot by Evan Weinger. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Shot Blocked by Brandon Davidson. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass by Michael Chaput intercepted by Ben Harpur. Icing by Ben Harpur. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Gage Quinney is hit by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Jayson Megna in Wolves zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Charles Hudon for Wolf Pack. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Gage Quinney. Gage Quinney is hit by Ben Harpur. Pass by Gage Quinney intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Jayson Megna in neutral zone. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Matt Irwin in Wolves zone. Icing by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Gage Quinney wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Austin Strand. Gage Quinney is hit by Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Shot by Sampo Ranta. Deflect By Gage Quinney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Jimmy Schuldt is hit by Kirill Semyonov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jimmy Schuldt for Wolf Pack. Jimmy Schuldt moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Cole Schneider. Shot by Cole Schneider. Deflect By Sam Carrick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Eetu Tuulola for Wolf Pack. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Evan Weinger. Michael Chaput is hit by Unknown Player.

Time : 2. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass to Markus Phillips in neutral zone. Markus Phillips moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Evan Weinger. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Pass by Jonathan Gruden intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Mathieu Perreault moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Shot by Mathieu Perreault. Shot Blocked by Markus Phillips. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault for Wolf Pack. Shot by Mathieu Perreault. Shot Blocked by Markus Phillips. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mathieu Perreault. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Michael Chaput in neutral zone. Michael Chaput moves puck in Wolf Pack zone.

Time : 3. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Michael Chaput. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Jayson Megna. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Pass to Charles Hudon in Wolves zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Matt Irwin moves puck in neutral zone. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Matt Irwin is hit by Brandon Davidson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kirill Semyonov for Wolves. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Drake Caggiula loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Nick Seeler loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Desharnais for Wolves.

Time : 4. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Sampo Ranta is hit by Brandon Davidson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sampo Ranta for Wolves. Minor Penalty to Brandon Davidson for Holding Stick. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Loui Eriksson. Puck retreived by Drake Caggiula. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Seeler in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Shot by Vincent Desharnais. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Mathieu Perreault wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Nicolas Meloche. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass by Drake Caggiula intercepted by Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mathieu Perreault. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Shot by Austin Strand. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Loui Eriksson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson.

Time : 5. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Drake Caggiula moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Austin Strand. Shot by Austin Strand. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Mathieu Perreault in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass by Mathieu Olivier intercepted by Donovan Sebrango. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Donovan Sebrango. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Schneider, Matias Maccelli are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Nick Seeler. Pass to Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Ben Harpur in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Ben Harpur. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Ben Harpur. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Nick Seeler. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Kirill Semyonov moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Kyle Turris. Kyle Turris loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Desharnais for Wolves. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Nicolas Meloche. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Nicolas Meloche. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Donovan Sebrango in neutral zone. Pass by Donovan Sebrango intercepted by Nick Seeler in Wolves zone. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Kirill Semyonov. Puck retreived by Ben Harpur.

Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Ben Harpur. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Schneider, Matias Maccelli are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jimmy Schuldt, Mattias Samuelsson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Austin Strand. Puck retreived by Jimmy Schuldt. Jimmy Schuldt is hit by Michael Chaput and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Michael Chaput. Shot by Michael Chaput. Shot Blocked by Donovan Sebrango. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonathan Gruden for Wolves. Shot by Jonathan Gruden. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Shot by Matt Irwin. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Markus Phillips. Pass to Jakub Lauko. Shot by Jakub Lauko. Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Jayson Megna for Wolf Pack. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Isaac Johnson. Pass by Isaac Johnson intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Isaac Johnson in Wolves zone. Pass by Isaac Johnson intercepted by Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Charles Hudon. Puck retreived by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Isaac Johnson in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Sam Carrick in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Irwin.

Time : 7. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Matt Irwin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Michael Chaput. Pass by Michael Chaput intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Ben Harpur loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Michael Chaput in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Michael Chaput. Michael Chaput loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Jonathan Gruden. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Jonathan Gruden. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Sam Carrick. Sam Carrick moves puck in neutral zone. Sam Carrick moves puck in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Sam Carrick. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Gage Quinney moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier.

Time : 8. Pass by Mathieu Olivier intercepted by Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Loui Eriksson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson in Wolves zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Markus Phillips in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Shot by Drake Caggiula. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche for Wolf Pack. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson.

Time : 9. Puck retreived by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass by Drake Caggiula intercepted by Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Minor Penalty to Drake Caggiula for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Kirill Semyonov. Pass to Matt Irwin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Vincent Desharnais are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in Wolves zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Jayson Megna. Shot by Jayson Megna. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Mathieu Olivier. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Antoine Morand, Kyle Turris are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Jayson Megna. Icing by Jayson Megna. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Shot by Ben Harpur. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Antoine Morand, Kyle Turris are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Bartkowski, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur. Pass to Jayson Megna in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Matias Maccelli moves puck in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Matias Maccelli. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Matt Irwin. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Matt Irwin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Mathieu Perreault moves puck in Wolves zone. Shot by Mathieu Perreault. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Jimmy Schuldt are on ice for Wolf Pack. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Antoine Morand, Kyle Turris are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Vincent Desharnais are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna is ejected from face-off, Charles Hudon takes his place. Charles Hudon wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in Wolves zone. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass by Jayson Megna intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson in neutral zone. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Vincent Desharnais in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Vincent Desharnais. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Seeler, Matt Irwin are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Nick Seeler. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Puck retreived by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Jayson Megna. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Pass by Charles Hudon intercepted by Nick Seeler in Wolves zone.

Time : 11. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Nick Seeler. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Austin Strand, Vincent Desharnais are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Mathieu Olivier in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Mathieu Olivier. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Donovan Sebrango in neutral zone. Donovan Sebrango moves puck in Wolves zone. Donovan Sebrango loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Markus Phillips for Wolves. Pass by Markus Phillips intercepted by Eetu Tuulola in neutral zone. Pass by Eetu Tuulola intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Michael Chaput. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Antoine Morand in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Ben Harpur moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Nick Seeler. Pass to Vincent Desharnais in neutral zone. Vincent Desharnais moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Evan Weinger. Shot by Evan Weinger. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Wolf Pack.

Time : 12. Pass to Brandon Davidson in neutral zone. Brandon Davidson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass to Nick Seeler in neutral zone. Nick Seeler loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Loui Eriksson for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Loui Eriksson. Puck retreived by Nick Seeler. Pass by Nick Seeler intercepted by Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Ben Harpur. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Evan Weinger. Pass by Evan Weinger intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt in neutral zone. Pass to Sam Carrick in Wolves zone. Shot by Sam Carrick. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna wins face-off versus Kirill Semyonov in Wolves zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Charles Hudon is hit by Matt Irwin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matias Maccelli for Wolf Pack. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mattias Samuelsson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Shot by Matias Maccelli. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone. Pass to Eetu Tuulola.

Time : 13. Pass to Sam Carrick. Shot by Sam Carrick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Schneider for Wolf Pack. Shot by Cole Schneider. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Schneider for Wolf Pack. Shot by Cole Schneider. Shot Blocked by Sampo Ranta. Free Puck Retrieved by Jimmy Schuldt for Wolf Pack. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Pass by Eetu Tuulola intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass by Matt Bartkowski intercepted by Donovan Sebrango. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Sam Carrick. Shot by Sam Carrick. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolves zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Matt Irwin moves puck in neutral zone. Matt Irwin moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Kirill Semyonov. Pass by Kirill Semyonov intercepted by Matias Maccelli. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson in neutral zone. Mattias Samuelsson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Charles Hudon. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass by Mattias Samuelsson intercepted by Austin Strand. Pass to Drake Caggiula. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass by Austin Strand intercepted by Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Charles Hudon.

Time : 14. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mattias Samuelsson. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Pass to Drake Caggiula in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Kyle Turris. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Mattias Samuelsson. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Matias Maccelli moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Matias Maccelli. Puck retreived by Markus Phillips. Pass by Markus Phillips intercepted by Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Gage Quinney. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Michael Chaput, Jonathan Gruden, Evan Weinger are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Michael Chaput wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Seeler. Nick Seeler moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Michael Chaput. Shot by Michael Chaput. Shot Blocked by Ben Harpur. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Wolf Pack. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Loui Eriksson.

Time : 15. Shot by Loui Eriksson. Deflect By Mathieu Perreault. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Shot by Mathieu Perreault. Deflect By Loui Eriksson. Shot Blocked by Michael Chaput. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Wolf Pack. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Ben Harpur. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Michael Hutchinson. Pass to Nick Seeler. Pass to Evan Weinger in neutral zone. Evan Weinger moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Evan Weinger is hit by Jimmy Schuldt and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jimmy Schuldt for Wolf Pack. Pass to Eetu Tuulola in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Schneider in Wolves zone. Shot by Cole Schneider. Shot Blocked by Nick Seeler. Free Puck Retrieved by Eetu Tuulola for Wolf Pack. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jimmy Schuldt for Wolf Pack. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Sam Carrick.

Time : 16. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Eetu Tuulola. Pass to Sam Carrick. Pass to Donovan Sebrango. Pass to Cole Schneider. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Cole Schneider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Nick Seeler. Pass to Michael Chaput in neutral zone. Michael Chaput moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Michael Chaput. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Austin Strand in neutral zone. Pass to Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Shot by Matt Irwin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Irwin for Wolves. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Gage Quinney. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Gage Quinney. Shot by Gage Quinney. Deflect By Sampo Ranta. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Gage Quinney for Wolves. Shot by Gage Quinney. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Blocked by Nicolas Meloche. Free Puck Retrieved by Sampo Ranta for Wolves. Shot by Sampo Ranta. Shot Blocked by Mattias Samuelsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Deflect By Gage Quinney. Goal by Gage Quinney - Wolf Pack : 3 - Wolves : 3.

Time : 17. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Kyle Turris moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Kyle Turris loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Wolf Pack. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Loui Eriksson moves puck in Wolves zone. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Mathieu Perreault loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Perreault for Wolf Pack. Shot by Mathieu Perreault. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Wolf Pack. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Mathieu Perreault. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Kyle Turris. Pass to Kirill Semyonov in neutral zone. Pass to Drake Caggiula in Wolf Pack zone. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Drake Caggiula. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Loui Eriksson in neutral zone. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Mathieu Perreault. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Sam Carrick, Cole Schneider, Eetu Tuulola are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Antoine Morand.

Time : 18. Pass by Antoine Morand intercepted by Jimmy Schuldt. Pass to Cole Schneider. Pass to Sam Carrick. Shot by Sam Carrick. Shot Blocked by Antoine Morand. Free Puck Retrieved by Eetu Tuulola for Wolf Pack. Shot by Eetu Tuulola. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jimmy Schuldt for Wolf Pack. Shot by Jimmy Schuldt. Stopped by Michael Hutchinson without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Sam Carrick wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in Wolves zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche. Pass by Nicolas Meloche intercepted by Matt Irwin. Pass to Austin Strand in neutral zone. Austin Strand moves puck in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Pass to Austin Strand. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Pass to Matt Irwin. Pass to Mathieu Olivier. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Stopped by Samuel Harvey without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jayson Megna, Matias Maccelli, Charles Hudon are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jimmy Schuldt, Donovan Sebrango are on ice for Wolf Pack. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Antoine Morand, Isaac Johnson, Jakub Lauko are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Markus Phillips, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Wolves. Antoine Morand wins face-off versus Jayson Megna in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Isaac Johnson. Isaac Johnson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jimmy Schuldt for Wolf Pack. Pass to Jayson Megna in neutral zone. Pass to Donovan Sebrango in Wolves zone. Pass to Jayson Megna. Shot by Jayson Megna. Goal by Jayson Megna - Wolf Pack : 4 - Wolves : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Gage Quinney, Sampo Ranta, Mathieu Olivier are on ice for Wolves. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Vincent Desharnais, Nick Seeler are on ice for Wolves. Jayson Megna is ejected from face-off, Charles Hudon takes his place. Charles Hudon wins face-off versus Gage Quinney in neutral zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass to Jayson Megna in Wolves zone. Pass to Matias Maccelli. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Vincent Desharnais. Pass by Vincent Desharnais intercepted by Matias Maccelli in neutral zone. Pass by Matias Maccelli intercepted by Sampo Ranta. Pass to Gage Quinney in Wolf Pack zone. Pass to Mathieu Olivier.

Time : 19. Wolves, Michael Hutchinson is pulled from the net. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Shot by Mathieu Olivier. Deflect By Gage Quinney. Stopped by Samuel Harvey with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Desharnais for Wolves. Shot by Vincent Desharnais. Shot Blocked by Jimmy Schuldt. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Seeler for Wolves. Shot by Nick Seeler. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathieu Olivier for Wolves. Mathieu Olivier is hit by Donovan Sebrango and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gage Quinney for Wolves. Pass to Sampo Ranta. Puck is dumped in Wolf Pack zone by Sampo Ranta. Last Minute Offensive Line - Kirill Semyonov, Kyle Turris, Drake Caggiula are on ice for Wolves. Matt Irwin, Austin Strand are on ice for Wolves. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Harvey. Pass to Donovan Sebrango. Pass to Charles Hudon in neutral zone. Charles Hudon moves puck in Wolves zone. Puck is dumped in Wolves zone by Charles Hudon. Last Minute Defensive Line - Unknown Player, Mathieu Perreault, Loui Eriksson are on ice for Wolf Pack. Mattias Samuelsson, Nicolas Meloche are on ice for Wolf Pack. Puck retreived by Matt Irwin. Pass by Matt Irwin intercepted by Mathieu Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Meloche in Wolves zone. Pass to Loui Eriksson. Pass by Loui Eriksson intercepted by Drake Caggiula. Icing by Drake Caggiula. Michael Hutchinson from Wolves was sent back in the game. Kirill Semyonov wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Wolves zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Mathieu Perreault in Wolves zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Wolf Pack vs 1 for Wolves. Shots for this period are 10 for Wolf Pack vs 9 for Wolves.