Roadrunners vs Gulls

Created - Friday, December 29, 2023 at 10:09

1 2 3 T
Roadrunners 2 0 0 2
Gulls 2 1 1 4
1 2 3 T
Roadrunners 6 7 11 24
Gulls 25 14 14 53

1st period
1. Gulls , Matt Luff 13 (Laurent Dauphin 31) at 0:28
2. Roadrunners , Arthur Kaliyev 24 (Ville Heinola 26, Corey Schueneman 31) at 6:45
3. Gulls , Trey Fix-Wolansky 8 (Lane Pederson 13) at 10:28
4. Roadrunners , Adam Beckman 16 (Simon Nemec 14) at 11:01
Helge Grans (ARI) for Slashing (Minor) at 7:24
Taylor Fedun (ANA) for Hooking (Minor) at 13:34
Ville Heinola (ARI) for Holding (Minor) at 16:01
2nd period
5. Gulls , Jacob Bernard-Docker 2 (Trey Fix-Wolansky 12, Mackenzie MacEachern 11) at 4:43
Adam Beckman (ARI) for Hooking (Minor) at 16:40
3rd period
6. Gulls , Karson Kuhlman 11 (Cameron Hughes 19) at 11:16
Karson Kuhlman (ANA) for Hooking (Minor) at 0:47
Matt Luff (ANA) for Delaying the game (Minor) at 19:22
Goalie Stats
Daniil Tarasov (ARI), 49 saves from 53 shots - (0.925), L, 9-7-3, 60:00 minutes
Justus Annunen (ANA), 22 saves from 24 shots - (0.917), W, 15-14-5, 60:00 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Trey Fix-Wolansky (ANA)
2 - Matt Luff (ANA)
3 - Lane Pederson (ANA)
Referees : Tim Peel and Dan O'Rourke
Linesman : Derek Nansen and Jonny Murray
Game Note
Simon Nemec is injured at 14:00 of 2nd period (Broken Right Foot Toe)
Alex Barre-Boulet is injured at 2:57 of 3rd period (Sprained Right Finger)
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1959 (97.95%) -- Ticket Income $48,975
Level 2 -- Attendance: 1000 (100.00%) -- Ticket Income $15,000
Total Attendance: 2959 (98.63%)
Total Ticket Income: $63,975
Other Income: $15,994
Total Income: $79,969

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Roadrunners 22451116200 / 3 (0%)045%
Gulls 453111126250 / 3 (0%)055%

Player Name
Adam BeckmanC/LW101-1218019:381:1520:56058% 36
Arthur KaliyevLW/RW101-1025025:023:2002:55043% 7
Brandon BaddockLW0000031113:130:0000:0000% 2
Corey SchuenemanD011-1011124:561:1303:1900% 0
Helge GransD0000230115:210:0001:5000% 0
Jacob PerreaultRW0000005113:130:0000:0000% 0
Joseph CecconiD000002004:170:0000:5100% 0
Marc JohnstoneRW000001003:280:0002:06050% 4
Oskar OlaussonRW000-1003018:431:1500:000100% 1
Santtu KinnunenD0000010216:231:2300:2000% 0
Simon NemecD011-1000212:271:5900:5700% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000-405130:000:0000:00035% 43
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Ville HeinolaD011-1210021:151:1302:1900% 0
Player Name
A.J. GreerLW000-100103:570:0000:0000% 0
Alex Barre-BouletC/LW/RW0000003014:382:5510:53070% 20
Alexander PetrovicD0000030114:590:0200:0000% 0
Cameron HughesC/LW0111034020:062:5510:00033% 3
Jacob Bernard-DockerD1010012010:170:0000:0000% 0
Karson KuhlmanC/RW1011226020:052:5510:0000% 2
Lane PedersonC0111034011:570:0000:00035% 20
Laurent DauphinC01100312226:213:0212:59169% 32
Mackenzie MacEachernLW0111002011:570:0000:0000% 0
Matt LuffLW/RW10112311019:593:0210:3500% 2
Sam PoulinLW000101206:210:0000:00033% 6
Taylor FedunD0000221114:580:0200:0000% 0
Trey Fix-WolanskyRW1121014012:400:0000:43050% 2
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000403180:000:0000:00067% 6
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Arthur KaliyevUnknown PlayerUnknown Player1224035%17:25
2Unknown PlayerAdam BeckmanOskar Olausson1223035%17:28
3Brandon BaddockUnknown PlayerJacob Perreault1222027%13:13
4Unknown PlayerArthur KaliyevMarc Johnstone122103%1:22
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Corey SchuenemanVille Heinola1224036%17:44
2Unknown PlayerSimon Nemec1223040%19:39
3Santtu KinnunenHelge Grans1222019%9:25
4Joseph CecconiCorey Schueneman122105%2:40
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Arthur KaliyevUnknown PlayerUnknown Player1226073%3:20
2Unknown PlayerAdam BeckmanOskar Olausson1224027%1:15
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Corey SchuenemanVille Heinola1226027%1:13
2Unknown PlayerSimon Nemec1224073%3:22
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Arthur KaliyevUnknown Player1226076%4:33
2Adam BeckmanUnknown Player1224024%1:24
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Corey SchuenemanVille Heinola1226061%3:39
2Unknown PlayerSimon Nemec1224039%2:18
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Arthur Kaliyev122600%0:00 Corey SchuenemanVille Heinola122600%0:00
2Unknown Player122400%0:00 Unknown PlayerSimon Nemec122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Arthur KaliyevUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Adam BeckmanUnknown Player122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Corey SchuenemanVille Heinola122600%0:00
2Unknown PlayerSimon Nemec122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Arthur KaliyevUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerCorey SchuenemanVille Heinola
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Arthur KaliyevUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerCorey SchuenemanVille Heinola
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault, Marc JohnstoneBrandon Baddock, Jacob PerreaultMarc Johnstone
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans, Joseph CecconiSanttu Kinnunen, Helge GransJoseph Cecconi
Penalty Shots
Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player, Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Unknown Player
Daniil Tarasov, Leevi Merilainen
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player, Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson, Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault, Marc Johnstone
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola, Unknown Player, Simon Nemec, Santtu Kinnunen
Brad Lambert (Healthy), Alex Kannok-Leipert (Healthy), Brett Leason (Healthy), Lucas Condotta (Healthy), Nate Clurman (Healthy) Sam Hentges (Healthy), Shakir Mukhamadullin (Healthy), Wyatt Aamodt (Healthy), Wyatt Bongiovanni (Healthy), Mason Morelli (Healthy) Shawn Element (Healthy), Zane McIntyre (Healthy)


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matt LuffLaurent DauphinUnknown Player1224033%16:23
2Cameron HughesAlex Barre-BouletKarson Kuhlman1223035%17:11
3Mackenzie MacEachernLane PedersonTrey Fix-Wolansky1222024%11:57
4A.J. GreerUnknown PlayerLaurent Dauphin122108%3:57
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player1224042%20:37
2Taylor FedunAlexander Petrovic1223030%14:57
3Jacob Bernard-DockerUnknown Player1222021%10:17
4Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122107%3:37
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matt LuffLaurent DauphinUnknown Player1226051%3:02
2Cameron HughesAlex Barre-BouletKarson Kuhlman1224049%2:55
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player1226099%5:55
2Taylor FedunAlexander Petrovic122401%0:02
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Laurent DauphinUnknown Player1226087%4:00
2Matt LuffAlex Barre-Boulet1224013%0:35
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player12260100%4:35
2Taylor FedunAlexander Petrovic122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Laurent Dauphin122600%0:00 Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Unknown Player122400%0:00 Taylor FedunAlexander Petrovic122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Laurent DauphinUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Matt LuffAlex Barre-Boulet122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Taylor FedunAlexander Petrovic122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Matt LuffLaurent DauphinUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerUnknown Player
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Matt LuffLaurent DauphinUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerUnknown Player
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Sam Poulin, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-WolanskySam Poulin, Mackenzie MacEachernTrey Fix-Wolansky
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player, Taylor FedunJacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown PlayerTaylor Fedun
Penalty Shots
Laurent Dauphin, Unknown Player, Matt Luff, Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes
Justus Annunen, Mitchell Weeks
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Laurent Dauphin, Unknown Player, Matt Luff, Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky, A.J. Greer, Sam Poulin
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic, Jacob Bernard-Docker
Jacob MacDonald (Healthy), Henrik Rybinski (Healthy), Artemi Kniazev (Healthy), Luka Burzan (Healthy), Cole Clayton (Healthy) Connor Zary (Healthy), Christian Wolanin (Healthy), Louie Belpedio (Healthy), Mathias Laferriere (Healthy), Reece Newkirk (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
0:10 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
0:10 of 1st period - Deflect By Matt Luff.
0:10 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:28 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
0:28 of 1st period - Goal by Matt Luff - Roadrunners : 0 - Gulls : 1.
0:29 of 1st period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in neutral zone.
0:35 of 1st period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
0:35 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:47 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
0:47 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:57 of 1st period - Icing by Unknown Player.
0:58 of 1st period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Trey Fix-Wolansky in Roadrunners zone.
1:31 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
1:31 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
1:41 of 1st period - Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky.
1:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
1:42 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Brandon Baddock in Roadrunners zone.
1:54 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin is hit by Santtu Kinnunen and loses puck.
2:15 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
2:15 of 1st period - Deflect By Matt Luff.
2:15 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Helge Grans.
2:18 of 1st period - Icing by Jacob Perreault.
2:19 of 1st period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
2:20 of 1st period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
2:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
2:21 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone.
2:21 of 1st period - Unknown Player is hit by Cameron Hughes.
2:31 of 1st period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
2:31 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:50 of 1st period - Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Alexander Petrovic and loses puck.
2:56 of 1st period - Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Alexander Petrovic and loses puck.
3:49 of 1st period - Brandon Baddock is hit by Matt Luff and loses puck.
4:04 of 1st period - Shot by Helge Grans.
4:04 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
4:18 of 1st period - Shot by Jacob Perreault.
4:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
4:19 of 1st period - Oskar Olausson wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Gulls zone.
4:34 of 1st period - Shot by Mackenzie MacEachern.
4:34 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
4:35 of 1st period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
4:48 of 1st period - Shot by A.J. Greer.
4:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
4:49 of 1st period - Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in Roadrunners zone.
4:59 of 1st period - Icing by Marc Johnstone.
5:00 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in Roadrunners zone.
5:11 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
5:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
5:12 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
5:13 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
5:13 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
5:54 of 1st period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
5:54 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Laurent Dauphin.
6:45 of 1st period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
6:45 of 1st period - Goal by Arthur Kaliyev - Roadrunners : 1 - Gulls : 1.
6:46 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in neutral zone.
7:03 of 1st period - Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky.
7:03 of 1st period - Deflect By Lane Pederson.
7:03 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
7:24 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Helge Grans for Slashing.
7:25 of 1st period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in Roadrunners zone.
7:44 of 1st period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
7:44 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
7:45 of 1st period - Arthur Kaliyev wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.
8:29 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
8:29 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:55 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
8:55 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:57 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
8:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:24 of 1st period - Icing by Corey Schueneman.
9:25 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone.
9:25 of 1st period - Unknown Player is hit by Cameron Hughes.
9:30 of 1st period - Jacob Perreault is hit by Karson Kuhlman and loses puck.
9:44 of 1st period - Jacob Perreault is hit by Taylor Fedun and loses puck.
10:07 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet.
10:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
10:08 of 1st period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone.
10:24 of 1st period - Shot by Lane Pederson.
10:24 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
10:25 of 1st period - Trey Fix-Wolansky wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
10:28 of 1st period - Shot by Lane Pederson.
10:28 of 1st period - Deflect By Trey Fix-Wolansky.
10:28 of 1st period - Goal by Trey Fix-Wolansky - Roadrunners : 1 - Gulls : 2.
10:29 of 1st period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in neutral zone.
11:01 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
11:01 of 1st period - Goal by Adam Beckman - Roadrunners : 2 - Gulls : 2.
11:02 of 1st period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
11:11 of 1st period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
11:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
11:12 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone.
11:45 of 1st period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
11:45 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
11:46 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
11:51 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
11:51 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:58 of 1st period - Off-side.
11:59 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
12:26 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
12:26 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
12:27 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone.
12:27 of 1st period - Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Karson Kuhlman and loses puck.
13:07 of 1st period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
13:07 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Taylor Fedun.
13:09 of 1st period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
13:09 of 1st period - Deflect By Unknown Player.
13:09 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:30 of 1st period - Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Taylor Fedun and loses puck.
13:34 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Taylor Fedun for Hooking.
13:35 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone.
14:01 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
14:01 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:03 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
14:03 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
14:04 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
14:07 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
14:07 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
14:09 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
14:09 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Simon Nemec.
14:25 of 1st period - Unknown Player is hit by Arthur Kaliyev and loses puck.
14:33 of 1st period - Icing by Unknown Player.
14:34 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
14:45 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
14:45 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:47 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
14:47 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:22 of 1st period - Shot by Simon Nemec.
15:22 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
16:00 of 1st period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
16:00 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Corey Schueneman.
16:01 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Ville Heinola for Holding.
16:02 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
16:33 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
16:33 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Santtu Kinnunen.
16:47 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
16:47 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
16:48 of 1st period - Marc Johnstone wins face-off versus Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone.
16:54 of 1st period - Icing by Alex Barre-Boulet.
16:55 of 1st period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Marc Johnstone in Gulls zone.
17:41 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet.
17:41 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:43 of 1st period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
17:43 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:12 of 1st period - Shot by Lane Pederson.
18:12 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
18:13 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
18:14 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
18:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
18:15 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
18:26 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
18:26 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
18:27 of 1st period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
18:32 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
18:32 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:34 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
18:34 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:36 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
18:36 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:48 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
18:48 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:50 of 1st period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
18:50 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:52 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
18:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:54 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
18:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:56 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
18:56 of 1st period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
18:57 of 1st period - Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
18:57 of 1st period - Mackenzie MacEachern is hit by Ville Heinola and loses puck.
19:32 of 1st period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
19:32 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
19:33 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gulls zone.
19:50 of 1st period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
19:50 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 2 for Roadrunners vs 2 for Gulls.
Shots for this period are 6 for Roadrunners vs 25 for Gulls.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone.
0:06 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
0:06 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:08 of 2nd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
0:08 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
0:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
0:10 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:12 of 2nd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
0:12 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
0:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
0:15 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone.
0:42 of 2nd period - Icing by Simon Nemec.
0:43 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone.
1:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
1:00 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
1:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
1:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:09 of 2nd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
1:10 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Karson Kuhlman in Roadrunners zone.
1:26 of 2nd period - Off-side.
1:27 of 2nd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
2:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
2:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
3:30 of 2nd period - Shot by Jacob Perreault.
3:30 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
3:31 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone.
3:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
3:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
3:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:50 of 2nd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
3:50 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:43 of 2nd period - Shot by Jacob Bernard-Docker.
4:43 of 2nd period - Goal by Jacob Bernard-Docker - Roadrunners : 2 - Gulls : 3.
4:44 of 2nd period - Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
5:10 of 2nd period - Icing by Joseph Cecconi.
5:11 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
5:12 of 2nd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
5:12 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
5:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
5:29 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Brandon Baddock in Gulls zone.
5:29 of 2nd period - Unknown Player is hit by Brandon Baddock.
5:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Taylor Fedun.
5:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:26 of 2nd period - Off-side.
7:27 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
7:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
7:44 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
8:16 of 2nd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
8:16 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
9:38 of 2nd period - Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky.
9:38 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
9:39 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone.
10:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky.
10:00 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Mackenzie MacEachern.
10:02 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
10:03 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.
10:11 of 2nd period - Icing by Jacob Bernard-Docker.
10:12 of 2nd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone.
10:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
10:27 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
10:54 of 2nd period - Icing by Ville Heinola.
10:55 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone.
10:57 of 2nd period - Icing by Corey Schueneman.
10:58 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone.
11:00 of 2nd period - Icing by Oskar Olausson.
11:01 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone.
11:01 of 2nd period - Ville Heinola is hit by Lane Pederson and loses puck.
11:25 of 2nd period - Trey Fix-Wolansky is hit by Corey Schueneman and loses puck.
11:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
11:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
11:59 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
12:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Helge Grans.
12:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Brandon Baddock.
12:45 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Laurent Dauphin.
13:00 of 2nd period - Santtu Kinnunen is hit by Matt Luff and loses puck.
13:13 of 2nd period - Jacob Perreault is hit by Laurent Dauphin and loses puck.
13:23 of 2nd period - Off-side.
13:24 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
13:29 of 2nd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
13:29 of 2nd period - Deflect By Karson Kuhlman.
13:29 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
13:31 of 2nd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
13:31 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet.
13:39 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
13:40 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone.
13:45 of 2nd period - Oskar Olausson is hit by Trey Fix-Wolansky and loses puck.
14:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Lane Pederson.
14:00 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Simon Nemec.
14:00 of 2nd period - Simon Nemec from Roadrunners is injured at 14:00 of 2nd period (Broken Right Foot Toe).
14:01 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
14:21 of 2nd period - Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
14:35 of 2nd period - Icing by Karson Kuhlman.
14:36 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone.
14:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
14:49 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
14:50 of 2nd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
15:18 of 2nd period - Laurent Dauphin is hit by Helge Grans and loses puck.
15:37 of 2nd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
15:37 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
15:39 of 2nd period - Deflect By Laurent Dauphin.
15:39 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:04 of 2nd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
16:05 of 2nd period - Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone.
16:09 of 2nd period - Off-side.
16:10 of 2nd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone.
16:12 of 2nd period - Ville Heinola is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
16:40 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Adam Beckman for Hooking.
16:41 of 2nd period - Marc Johnstone wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.
17:11 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
17:11 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
17:12 of 2nd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Marc Johnstone in Roadrunners zone.
17:19 of 2nd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
17:19 of 2nd period - Deflect By Alex Barre-Boulet.
17:19 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
17:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet.
17:21 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:37 of 2nd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
17:37 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
17:39 of 2nd period - Deflect By Cameron Hughes.
17:39 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:37 of 2nd period - Matt Luff is hit by Marc Johnstone.
18:41 of 2nd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
18:41 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:43 of 2nd period - Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky.
18:43 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Mackenzie MacEachern.
18:45 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:47 of 2nd period - Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky.
18:47 of 2nd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky.
18:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
19:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
19:29 of 2nd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
19:29 of 2nd period - Laurent Dauphin is hit by Arthur Kaliyev.
Goals for this period are 0 for Roadrunners vs 1 for Gulls.
Shots for this period are 7 for Roadrunners vs 14 for Gulls.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
0:40 of 3rd period - Shot by Corey Schueneman.
0:40 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
0:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Corey Schueneman.
0:42 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
0:43 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Gulls zone.
0:47 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Karson Kuhlman for Hooking.
0:48 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone.
0:59 of 3rd period - Shot by Santtu Kinnunen.
0:59 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
1:01 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
1:03 of 3rd period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
1:03 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
1:09 of 3rd period - Deflect By Adam Beckman.
1:09 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
1:10 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
1:19 of 3rd period - Shot by Ville Heinola.
1:19 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
1:21 of 3rd period - Shot by Corey Schueneman.
1:21 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Corey Schueneman.
1:23 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
1:29 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:31 of 3rd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
1:31 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
1:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
1:33 of 3rd period - Deflect By Arthur Kaliyev.
1:33 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Ville Heinola.
1:35 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
2:55 of 3rd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
2:56 of 3rd period - Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
2:56 of 3rd period - Alex Barre-Boulet is hit by Unknown Player.
2:57 of 3rd period - Alex Barre-Boulet from Gulls is injured at 2:57 of 3rd period (Sprained Right Finger).
2:58 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Roadrunners zone.
3:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Brandon Baddock.
3:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:16 of 3rd period - Shot by Santtu Kinnunen.
3:16 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Alexander Petrovic.
3:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Brandon Baddock.
3:18 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
3:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Santtu Kinnunen.
3:20 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:30 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Perreault.
3:30 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
3:31 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gulls zone.
3:58 of 3rd period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
3:58 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
3:59 of 3rd period - Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
4:05 of 3rd period - Icing by Ville Heinola.
4:06 of 3rd period - Cameron Hughes wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
4:41 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
4:41 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:49 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
4:49 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Poulin.
4:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
6:01 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
6:02 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Gulls zone.
6:11 of 3rd period - Unknown Player is hit by Lane Pederson and loses puck.
7:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Perreault.
7:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
7:24 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
7:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Perreault.
7:43 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
7:44 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Gulls zone.
8:07 of 3rd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
8:08 of 3rd period - Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
8:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Lane Pederson.
8:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
8:58 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
8:59 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
8:59 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brandon Baddock.
9:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
9:01 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
9:07 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
9:07 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Taylor Fedun.
9:09 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
9:10 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone.
9:22 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Poulin.
9:22 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
9:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
9:25 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
9:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
9:37 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
11:09 of 3rd period - Karson Kuhlman is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
11:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
11:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:16 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
11:16 of 3rd period - Goal by Karson Kuhlman - Roadrunners : 2 - Gulls : 4.
11:17 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in neutral zone.
11:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
11:20 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
11:30 of 3rd period - Lane Pederson is hit by Adam Beckman and loses puck.
11:37 of 3rd period - Helge Grans is hit by Lane Pederson.
11:48 of 3rd period - Oskar Olausson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
12:12 of 3rd period - Icing by Lane Pederson.
12:13 of 3rd period - Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
12:33 of 3rd period - Lane Pederson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
12:52 of 3rd period - Icing by Cameron Hughes.
12:53 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Gulls zone.
12:55 of 3rd period - Brandon Baddock is hit by Jacob Bernard-Docker and loses puck.
13:09 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
13:09 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Santtu Kinnunen.
13:11 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Bernard-Docker.
13:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
13:13 of 3rd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
13:13 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
13:14 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.
13:25 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
13:25 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
13:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Adam Beckman.
13:33 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:39 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman is hit by Matt Luff and loses puck.
13:56 of 3rd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
13:56 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
13:57 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Roadrunners zone.
13:57 of 3rd period - Unknown Player is hit by Sam Poulin.
14:26 of 3rd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
14:27 of 3rd period - Sam Poulin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
14:27 of 3rd period - Sam Poulin is hit by Brandon Baddock.
14:32 of 3rd period - Cameron Hughes is hit by Brandon Baddock and loses puck.
14:36 of 3rd period - Karson Kuhlman is hit by Helge Grans and loses puck.
14:40 of 3rd period - Unknown Player is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
14:46 of 3rd period - Cameron Hughes is hit by Helge Grans and loses puck.
14:49 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Poulin.
14:49 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
14:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
14:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
14:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
14:54 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.
14:54 of 3rd period - Unknown Player is hit by Laurent Dauphin.
15:00 of 3rd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
15:00 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
15:01 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone.
15:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
15:42 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
15:43 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Karson Kuhlman in Roadrunners zone.
16:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Poulin.
16:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
16:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
16:24 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
16:26 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Poulin.
16:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
16:29 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.
16:29 of 3rd period - Unknown Player is hit by Laurent Dauphin.
16:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
16:43 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jacob Perreault.
16:45 of 3rd period - Shot by Laurent Dauphin.
16:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound.
16:46 of 3rd period - Arthur Kaliyev wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone.
17:24 of 3rd period - Off-side.
17:25 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Matt Luff in neutral zone.
17:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
17:34 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:40 of 3rd period - Corey Schueneman is hit by Alexander Petrovic and loses puck.
17:46 of 3rd period - Icing by Ville Heinola.
17:47 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Roadrunners zone.
17:47 of 3rd period - Adam Beckman is hit by Cameron Hughes.
18:02 of 3rd period - Off-side.
18:03 of 3rd period - Arthur Kaliyev wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone.
18:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
18:18 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
18:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Arthur Kaliyev.
18:20 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
18:22 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
18:22 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
18:23 of 3rd period - Sam Poulin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone.
18:34 of 3rd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
18:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound.
18:47 of 3rd period - Cameron Hughes is hit by Joseph Cecconi and loses puck.
18:59 of 3rd period - Sam Poulin is hit by Joseph Cecconi and loses puck.
19:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Cameron Hughes.
19:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Poulin.
19:08 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Karson Kuhlman.
19:10 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:12 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Poulin.
19:12 of 3rd period - Deflect By Cameron Hughes.
19:12 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:22 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Matt Luff for Delaying the game.
19:23 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gulls zone.
19:48 of 3rd period - Unknown Player is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 0 for Roadrunners vs 1 for Gulls.
Shots for this period are 11 for Roadrunners vs 14 for Gulls.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Matt Luff moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Deflect By Matt Luff. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev for Roadrunners. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Goal by Matt Luff - Roadrunners : 0 - Gulls : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Karson Kuhlman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Adam Beckman moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Adam Beckman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes moves puck in neutral zone. Cameron Hughes loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Lane Pederson is ejected from face-off, Trey Fix-Wolansky takes his place. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Trey Fix-Wolansky in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Simon Nemec.

Time : 1. Simon Nemec moves puck in neutral zone. Simon Nemec moves puck in Gulls zone. Simon Nemec loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson in Gulls zone. Oskar Olausson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Adam Beckman. Shot by Adam Beckman. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trey Fix-Wolansky for Gulls. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in neutral zone. Jacob Bernard-Docker moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Brandon Baddock takes his place. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Brandon Baddock in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin is hit by Santtu Kinnunen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Perreault for Roadrunners. Pass to Helge Grans in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Helge Grans moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Deflect By Matt Luff. Shot Blocked by Helge Grans. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Perreault for Roadrunners. Icing by Jacob Perreault. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Unknown Player is hit by Cameron Hughes. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Alexander Petrovic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman for Roadrunners. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Alexander Petrovic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman for Roadrunners.

Time : 3. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Alexander Petrovic in neutral zone. Alexander Petrovic moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Alexander Petrovic. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass by Jacob Perreault intercepted by Matt Luff in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Matt Luff. Puck retreived by Brandon Baddock. Brandon Baddock is hit by Matt Luff and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Helge Grans for Roadrunners. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Jacob Perreault moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Brandon Baddock in Gulls zone.

Time : 4. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Helge Grans. Shot by Helge Grans. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Helge Grans for Roadrunners. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Shot by Jacob Perreault. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman is ejected from face-off, Oskar Olausson takes his place. Oskar Olausson wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Gulls zone. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Trey Fix-Wolansky moves puck in neutral zone. Trey Fix-Wolansky moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Shot by Mackenzie MacEachern. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, A.J. Greer, Laurent Dauphin are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in Roadrunners zone. Pass to A.J. Greer. Shot by A.J. Greer. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player, Marc Johnstone are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Joseph Cecconi, Corey Schueneman are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Marc Johnstone. Icing by Marc Johnstone.

Time : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, A.J. Greer, Laurent Dauphin are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass to Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Simon Nemec. Simon Nemec moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Adam Beckman. Adam Beckman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Shot by Oskar Olausson. Shot Blocked by Laurent Dauphin. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass to Adam Beckman.

Time : 6. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to A.J. Greer. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to A.J. Greer in neutral zone. A.J. Greer moves puck in Roadrunners zone. A.J. Greer loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Beckman for Roadrunners. Pass to Simon Nemec in neutral zone. Simon Nemec moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Oskar Olausson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Ville Heinola moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Goal by Arthur Kaliyev - Roadrunners : 1 - Gulls : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in neutral zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Santtu Kinnunen moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass by Jacob Perreault intercepted by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Lane Pederson in neutral zone.

Time : 7. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Deflect By Lane Pederson. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trey Fix-Wolansky for Gulls. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Minor Penalty to Helge Grans for Slashing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Arthur Kaliyev wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Corey Schueneman moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Corey Schueneman. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Simon Nemec. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Simon Nemec. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Matt Luff moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls.

Time : 9. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Matt Luff. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Icing by Corey Schueneman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Unknown Player is hit by Cameron Hughes. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Jacob Perreault is hit by Karson Kuhlman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Jacob Perreault moves puck in neutral zone. Jacob Perreault moves puck in Gulls zone. Jacob Perreault is hit by Taylor Fedun and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Petrovic for Gulls. Pass to Karson Kuhlman in neutral zone. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Helge Grans in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault in neutral zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in Gulls zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass by Jacob Perreault intercepted by Alexander Petrovic.

Time : 10. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Alex Barre-Boulet moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Lane Pederson in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in Roadrunners zone. Mackenzie MacEachern loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lane Pederson for Gulls. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Lane Pederson. Shot by Lane Pederson. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Lane Pederson is ejected from face-off, Trey Fix-Wolansky takes his place. Trey Fix-Wolansky wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Lane Pederson. Shot by Lane Pederson. Deflect By Trey Fix-Wolansky. Goal by Trey Fix-Wolansky - Roadrunners : 1 - Gulls : 2. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in neutral zone. Pass to Simon Nemec. Simon Nemec moves puck in Gulls zone. Simon Nemec loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Gulls. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Lane Pederson. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Simon Nemec. Pass to Adam Beckman in neutral zone.

Time : 11. Adam Beckman moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Adam Beckman. Goal by Adam Beckman - Roadrunners : 2 - Gulls : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Corey Schueneman. Puck retreived by Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Cameron Hughes moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck retreived by Cameron Hughes. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass to Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Pass to Simon Nemec. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff.

Time : 12. Matt Luff moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Karson Kuhlman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in Gulls zone. Arthur Kaliyev loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev for Roadrunners. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev.

Time : 13. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Shot Blocked by Taylor Fedun. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev for Roadrunners. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Deflect By Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Taylor Fedun and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Minor Penalty to Taylor Fedun for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Unknown Player moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Beckman. Pass by Adam Beckman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Laurent Dauphin. Free Puck Retrieved by Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Laurent Dauphin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls.

Time : 14. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Simon Nemec. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Laurent Dauphin. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Simon Nemec. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Arthur Kaliyev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Laurent Dauphin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Trey Fix-Wolansky, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Simon Nemec.

Time : 15. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Alex Barre-Boulet are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Simon Nemec. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Matt Luff. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Trey Fix-Wolansky, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec in neutral zone. Simon Nemec moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec. Shot by Simon Nemec. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Trey Fix-Wolansky for Gulls. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Alex Barre-Boulet are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec in neutral zone. Simon Nemec moves puck in Gulls zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Simon Nemec. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes.

Time : 16. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Blocked by Corey Schueneman. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Minor Penalty to Ville Heinola for Holding. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Corey Schueneman. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Joseph Cecconi, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Blocked by Santtu Kinnunen. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Marc Johnstone, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet is ejected from face-off, Cameron Hughes takes his place. Marc Johnstone wins face-off versus Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Helge Grans. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Helge Grans. Puck retreived by Alex Barre-Boulet. Icing by Alex Barre-Boulet. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Marc Johnstone in Gulls zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes moves puck in neutral zone. Cameron Hughes moves puck in Roadrunners zone.

Time : 17. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman for Roadrunners. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Corey Schueneman. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Adam Beckman. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Adam Beckman. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Cameron Hughes moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Barre-Boulet for Gulls. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet.

Time : 18. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Alex Barre-Boulet loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trey Fix-Wolansky for Gulls. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Lane Pederson. Shot by Lane Pederson. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Adam Beckman. Shot by Adam Beckman. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Mackenzie MacEachern is hit by Ville Heinola and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners.

Time : 19. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass to Oskar Olausson in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Shot by Oskar Olausson. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gulls zone. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Simon Nemec. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Pass to Alexander Petrovic in neutral zone. Alexander Petrovic moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Alexander Petrovic intercepted by Simon Nemec. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Roadrunners vs 2 for Gulls. Shots for this period are 6 for Roadrunners vs 25 for Gulls.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Arthur Kaliyev takes his place. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Matt Luff moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass by Alex Barre-Boulet intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Alex Barre-Boulet. Puck retreived by Simon Nemec. Icing by Simon Nemec. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin is ejected from face-off, Matt Luff takes his place. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.

Time : 1. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet is ejected from face-off, Karson Kuhlman takes his place. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Karson Kuhlman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Adam Beckman in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Adam Beckman intercepted by Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Karson Kuhlman in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Matt Luff moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Pass to Ville Heinola in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Ville Heinola in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Ville Heinola. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Helge Grans for Roadrunners. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin.

Time : 3. Laurent Dauphin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Santtu Kinnunen for Roadrunners. Pass to Brandon Baddock in Gulls zone. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Helge Grans in neutral zone. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Jacob Perreault. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in Gulls zone. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass by Brandon Baddock intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Santtu Kinnunen for Roadrunners. Pass to Helge Grans in Gulls zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Shot by Jacob Perreault. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Adam Beckman. Pass by Adam Beckman intercepted by Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman.

Time : 4. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Karson Kuhlman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Lane Pederson. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Shot by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Goal by Jacob Bernard-Docker - Roadrunners : 2 - Gulls : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Joseph Cecconi, Corey Schueneman are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Mackenzie MacEachern moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Joseph Cecconi. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev.

Time : 5. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Joseph Cecconi. Icing by Joseph Cecconi. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev for Roadrunners. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Joseph Cecconi. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, A.J. Greer, Laurent Dauphin are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Brandon Baddock takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Brandon Baddock in Gulls zone. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Unknown Player is hit by Brandon Baddock. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Alexander Petrovic in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Alexander Petrovic intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass to A.J. Greer. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Shot by Taylor Fedun. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by A.J. Greer for Gulls. Pass to Taylor Fedun.

Time : 6. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Pass by Alexander Petrovic intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Taylor Fedun. Puck retreived by Brandon Baddock. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in neutral zone. Santtu Kinnunen moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to A.J. Greer. Pass by A.J. Greer intercepted by Brandon Baddock in neutral zone. Pass to Helge Grans. Helge Grans moves puck in Gulls zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Helge Grans. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Laurent Dauphin. Puck retreived by Corey Schueneman. Pass to Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Alexander Petrovic loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman.

Time : 7. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Corey Schueneman. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Adam Beckman. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Corey Schueneman moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Simon Nemec. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Pass to Simon Nemec in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass by Alex Barre-Boulet intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Simon Nemec in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Simon Nemec.

Time : 8. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec for Roadrunners. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Cameron Hughes in Gulls zone. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Barre-Boulet intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Simon Nemec in neutral zone. Simon Nemec moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Cameron Hughes. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Simon Nemec. Pass by Simon Nemec intercepted by Cameron Hughes.

Time : 9. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Simon Nemec in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck retreived by Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Cameron Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in neutral zone. Santtu Kinnunen moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Lane Pederson. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky.

Time : 10. Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mackenzie MacEachern for Gulls. Shot by Mackenzie MacEachern. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Ville Heinola moves puck in neutral zone. Ville Heinola moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Icing by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Jacob Bernard-Docker moves puck in neutral zone. Jacob Bernard-Docker moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Ville Heinola. Icing by Ville Heinola. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Icing by Corey Schueneman. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson.

Time : 11. Icing by Oskar Olausson. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Ville Heinola is hit by Lane Pederson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Beckman for Roadrunners. Pass to Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass by Adam Beckman intercepted by Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Trey Fix-Wolansky moves puck in neutral zone. Trey Fix-Wolansky moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Trey Fix-Wolansky is hit by Corey Schueneman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Adam Beckman. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Adam Beckman. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Lane Pederson. Lane Pederson moves puck in neutral zone. Lane Pederson moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Lane Pederson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Nemec. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault.

Time : 12. Pass to Helge Grans. Shot by Helge Grans. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Jacob Perreault. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass by Brandon Baddock intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Brandon Baddock loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass to Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass to Brandon Baddock in neutral zone. Brandon Baddock moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Brandon Baddock. Shot Blocked by Laurent Dauphin. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Helge Grans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Helge Grans. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Jacob Bernard-Docker.

Time : 13. Puck retreived by Santtu Kinnunen. Santtu Kinnunen is hit by Matt Luff and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Laurent Dauphin. Puck retreived by Jacob Perreault. Jacob Perreault is hit by Laurent Dauphin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Matt Luff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Deflect By Karson Kuhlman. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Simon Nemec are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Mackenzie MacEachern. Puck retreived by Oskar Olausson. Oskar Olausson is hit by Trey Fix-Wolansky and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mackenzie MacEachern for Gulls. Pass to Lane Pederson. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Lane Pederson.

Time : 14. Shot by Lane Pederson. Shot Blocked by Simon Nemec. Simon Nemec from Roadrunners is injured at 14:00 of 2nd period (Broken Right Foot Toe). Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Corey Schueneman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in Gulls zone. Arthur Kaliyev is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Alex Barre-Boulet in Gulls zone. Pass by Alex Barre-Boulet intercepted by Ville Heinola in neutral zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman in Gulls zone. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Karson Kuhlman. Icing by Karson Kuhlman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Adam Beckman. Shot by Adam Beckman. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev.

Time : 15. Pass to Helge Grans. Helge Grans moves puck in neutral zone. Helge Grans moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin is hit by Helge Grans and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Petrovic for Gulls. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Shot by Matt Luff. Deflect By Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Alexander Petrovic. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Lane Pederson. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass by Trey Fix-Wolansky intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone.

Time : 16. Pass to Helge Grans in Gulls zone. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass by Trey Fix-Wolansky intercepted by Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Ville Heinola moves puck in Gulls zone. Ville Heinola is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Alex Barre-Boulet moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Oskar Olausson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Oskar Olausson. Puck retreived by Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Karson Kuhlman in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Minor Penalty to Adam Beckman for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Marc Johnstone, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Joseph Cecconi are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Marc Johnstone wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Joseph Cecconi. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Joseph Cecconi. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Matt Luff moves puck in neutral zone. Matt Luff moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Matt Luff loses puck.

Time : 17. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Joseph Cecconi. Pass by Joseph Cecconi intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Marc Johnstone, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Marc Johnstone in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Deflect By Alex Barre-Boulet. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Barre-Boulet for Gulls. Shot by Alex Barre-Boulet. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Barre-Boulet for Gulls. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Shot by Unknown Player. Deflect By Cameron Hughes. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass by Cameron Hughes intercepted by Ville Heinola. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Ville Heinola. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Karson Kuhlman in neutral zone. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes.

Time : 18. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Karson Kuhlman. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Matt Luff is hit by Marc Johnstone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trey Fix-Wolansky for Gulls. Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mackenzie MacEachern for Gulls. Shot by Mackenzie MacEachern. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Trey Fix-Wolansky for Gulls. Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Trey Fix-Wolansky for Gulls. Shot by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mackenzie MacEachern for Gulls. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern in neutral zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Puck retreived by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Oskar Olausson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Beckman in Gulls zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Shot by Oskar Olausson. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Laurent Dauphin is hit by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Roadrunners vs 1 for Gulls. Shots for this period are 7 for Roadrunners vs 14 for Gulls.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Shot by Corey Schueneman. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman for Roadrunners. Shot by Corey Schueneman. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Alex Barre-Boulet in Gulls zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Helge Grans in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Karson Kuhlman for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Adam Beckman in Gulls zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in neutral zone. Santtu Kinnunen moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Santtu Kinnunen. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 1. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Beckman for Roadrunners. Shot by Adam Beckman. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Beckman for Roadrunners. Shot by Adam Beckman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Oskar Olausson for Roadrunners. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Shot by Oskar Olausson. Deflect By Adam Beckman. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola in neutral zone. Ville Heinola moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Ville Heinola. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman for Roadrunners. Shot by Corey Schueneman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman for Roadrunners. Shot by Corey Schueneman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev for Roadrunners. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Roadrunners. Shot by Unknown Player. Deflect By Arthur Kaliyev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola for Roadrunners. Shot by Ville Heinola. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman for Roadrunners. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Luff, Alex Barre-Boulet are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Corey Schueneman. Puck retreived by Matt Luff. Pass to Alex Barre-Boulet in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Matt Luff in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Matt Luff. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Trey Fix-Wolansky, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Pass to Ville Heinola in Gulls zone. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola in neutral zone. Ville Heinola moves puck in Gulls zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Ville Heinola. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Oskar Olausson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Roadrunners. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Mackenzie MacEachern. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Barre-Boulet, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Alex Barre-Boulet wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Alex Barre-Boulet is hit by Unknown Player. Alex Barre-Boulet from Gulls is injured at 2:57 of 3rd period (Sprained Right Finger). Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault.

Time : 3. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in neutral zone. Santtu Kinnunen moves puck in Gulls zone. Santtu Kinnunen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Baddock for Roadrunners. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Shot by Brandon Baddock. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Santtu Kinnunen for Roadrunners. Shot by Santtu Kinnunen. Shot Blocked by Alexander Petrovic. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Baddock for Roadrunners. Shot by Brandon Baddock. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Santtu Kinnunen for Roadrunners. Shot by Santtu Kinnunen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Perreault for Roadrunners. Shot by Jacob Perreault. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gulls zone. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass to Adam Beckman. Shot by Adam Beckman. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern.

Time : 4. Mackenzie MacEachern moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Ville Heinola in Roadrunners zone. Icing by Ville Heinola. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Sam Poulin is ejected from face-off, Cameron Hughes takes his place. Cameron Hughes wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Sam Poulin. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Cameron Hughes. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Sam Poulin. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Shot by Sam Poulin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Gulls. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Pass to Ville Heinola in Gulls zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Karson Kuhlman. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in Gulls zone. Arthur Kaliyev loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck retreived by Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Karson Kuhlman. Puck retreived by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Corey Schueneman moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Corey Schueneman. Puck retreived by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in neutral zone. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Karson Kuhlman. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass to Ville Heinola in Gulls zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Ville Heinola. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Oskar Olausson.

Time : 6. Pass to Adam Beckman. Shot by Adam Beckman. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Gulls zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Lane Pederson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mackenzie MacEachern for Gulls. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Oskar Olausson. Pass to Adam Beckman. Adam Beckman moves puck in neutral zone. Adam Beckman moves puck in Gulls zone. Adam Beckman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Santtu Kinnunen in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson in Gulls zone. Oskar Olausson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lane Pederson for Gulls. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Pass by Trey Fix-Wolansky intercepted by Oskar Olausson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Santtu Kinnunen. Puck retreived by Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Lane Pederson in neutral zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Oskar Olausson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Joseph Cecconi are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Matt Luff.

Time : 7. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Brandon Baddock in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Cecconi. Joseph Cecconi moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass to Joseph Cecconi. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Joseph Cecconi. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Shot by Jacob Perreault. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, A.J. Greer, Laurent Dauphin are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to A.J. Greer. Pass by A.J. Greer intercepted by Jacob Perreault. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass by Brandon Baddock intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to A.J. Greer. Pass by A.J. Greer intercepted by Jacob Perreault. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Shot by Jacob Perreault. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Gulls zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in neutral zone. Mackenzie MacEachern moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Lane Pederson. Pass by Lane Pederson intercepted by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Lane Pederson in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Lane Pederson. Puck retreived by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Beckman intercepted by Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Trey Fix-Wolansky moves puck in neutral zone. Trey Fix-Wolansky moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Roadrunners. Unknown Player loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Roadrunners. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass to Lane Pederson. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass to Lane Pederson. Shot by Lane Pederson. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Blocked by Brandon Baddock.

Time : 9. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Shot by Taylor Fedun. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Joseph Cecconi, Corey Schueneman are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Sam Poulin is ejected from face-off, Cameron Hughes takes his place. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Cameron Hughes in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Corey Schueneman moves puck in neutral zone. Corey Schueneman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass to Sam Poulin in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Sam Poulin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Matt Luff loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Gulls. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Jacob Perreault. Pass by Jacob Perreault intercepted by Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Taylor Fedun. Puck retreived by Jacob Perreault. Pass by Jacob Perreault intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Jacob Perreault. Pass by Jacob Perreault intercepted by Alexander Petrovic in neutral zone. Pass by Alexander Petrovic intercepted by Jacob Perreault. Pass to Brandon Baddock in Gulls zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Luff in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Alexander Petrovic in neutral zone. Pass by Alexander Petrovic intercepted by Brandon Baddock in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Brandon Baddock intercepted by Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Brandon Baddock in Gulls zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Jacob Perreault. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Puck retreived by Alexander Petrovic. Pass by Alexander Petrovic intercepted by Corey Schueneman in neutral zone. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Sam Poulin. Pass by Sam Poulin intercepted by Corey Schueneman.

Time : 11. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Goal by Karson Kuhlman - Roadrunners : 2 - Gulls : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Oskar Olausson. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Adam Beckman. Puck retreived by Lane Pederson. Lane Pederson is hit by Adam Beckman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Unknown Player moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Helge Grans. Helge Grans is hit by Lane Pederson. Pass to Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson in Gulls zone. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Helge Grans. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Oskar Olausson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Helge Grans in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson in Gulls zone. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Unknown Player.

Time : 12. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Pass to Helge Grans in Gulls zone. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Lane Pederson. Icing by Lane Pederson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Lane Pederson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky. Trey Fix-Wolansky moves puck in neutral zone. Trey Fix-Wolansky loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lane Pederson for Gulls. Pass by Lane Pederson intercepted by Corey Schueneman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck retreived by Lane Pederson. Lane Pederson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mackenzie MacEachern for Gulls. Pass to Trey Fix-Wolansky in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Mackenzie MacEachern. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck retreived by Cameron Hughes. Icing by Cameron Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Gulls zone. Pass to Brandon Baddock. Brandon Baddock is hit by Jacob Bernard-Docker and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Cameron Hughes.

Time : 13. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in neutral zone. Karson Kuhlman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Blocked by Santtu Kinnunen. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Gulls. Shot by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cameron Hughes for Gulls. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Oskar Olausson moves puck in neutral zone. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Shot by Oskar Olausson. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alexander Petrovic for Gulls. Pass by Alexander Petrovic intercepted by Oskar Olausson in neutral zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in Gulls zone. Pass to Adam Beckman. Shot by Adam Beckman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass to Matt Luff in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Matt Luff. Puck retreived by Adam Beckman. Adam Beckman is hit by Matt Luff and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Unknown Player is hit by Sam Poulin.

Time : 14. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Sam Poulin in neutral zone. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Cameron Hughes. Puck retreived by Ville Heinola. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Karson Kuhlman. Puck retreived by Corey Schueneman. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Sam Poulin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Sam Poulin is hit by Brandon Baddock. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes moves puck in neutral zone. Cameron Hughes is hit by Brandon Baddock and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Karson Kuhlman moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Karson Kuhlman is hit by Helge Grans and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Unknown Player is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes is hit by Helge Grans and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Shot by Sam Poulin. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Gulls. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Unknown Player is hit by Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone.

Time : 15. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Laurent Dauphin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Corey Schueneman. Pass by Corey Schueneman intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Alexander Petrovic in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Ville Heinola. Pass by Ville Heinola intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Matt Luff in Gulls zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Alexander Petrovic. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Shot by Matt Luff. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Santtu Kinnunen, Helge Grans are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Sam Poulin is ejected from face-off, Karson Kuhlman takes his place. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Karson Kuhlman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Oskar Olausson moves puck in neutral zone. Oskar Olausson moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Adam Beckman. Pass to Helge Grans. Pass by Helge Grans intercepted by Karson Kuhlman.

Time : 16. Pass to Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Sam Poulin. Shot by Sam Poulin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass by Karson Kuhlman intercepted by Oskar Olausson. Pass by Oskar Olausson intercepted by Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Shot by Sam Poulin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Joseph Cecconi, Corey Schueneman are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Jacob Perreault. Unknown Player is hit by Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Jacob Perreault intercepted by Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Matt Luff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Blocked by Jacob Perreault. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Gulls. Shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player, Marc Johnstone are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Lane Pederson, Mackenzie MacEachern, Trey Fix-Wolansky are on ice for Gulls. Arthur Kaliyev wins face-off versus Lane Pederson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in neutral zone. Arthur Kaliyev moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev.

Time : 17. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Trey Fix-Wolansky. Pass by Trey Fix-Wolansky intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Lane Pederson in neutral zone. Pass by Lane Pederson intercepted by Unknown Player in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Lane Pederson in neutral zone. Pass to Mackenzie MacEachern in Roadrunners zone. Pass by Mackenzie MacEachern intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Adam Beckman, Unknown Player, Oskar Olausson are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Corey Schueneman, Ville Heinola are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Laurent Dauphin is ejected from face-off, Matt Luff takes his place. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Matt Luff in neutral zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Pass to Ville Heinola. Ville Heinola moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Oskar Olausson. Shot by Oskar Olausson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Laurent Dauphin. Puck retreived by Corey Schueneman. Corey Schueneman is hit by Alexander Petrovic and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Luff for Gulls. Pass by Matt Luff intercepted by Ville Heinola. Icing by Ville Heinola. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Adam Beckman wins face-off versus Sam Poulin in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola. Adam Beckman is hit by Cameron Hughes. Pass to Corey Schueneman. Pass to Adam Beckman in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Beckman intercepted by Sam Poulin. Pass by Sam Poulin intercepted by Oskar Olausson in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Ville Heinola.

Time : 18. Ville Heinola moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player, Marc Johnstone are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Arthur Kaliyev wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Santtu Kinnunen moves puck in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Santtu Kinnunen in neutral zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in Gulls zone. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev for Roadrunners. Shot by Arthur Kaliyev. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Roadrunners. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Brandon Baddock, Jacob Perreault are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Joseph Cecconi, Corey Schueneman are on ice for Roadrunners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sam Poulin, Cameron Hughes, Karson Kuhlman are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Sam Poulin wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Gulls zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes in neutral zone. Cameron Hughes moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Stopped by Daniil Tarasov with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Karson Kuhlman. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Cameron Hughes is hit by Joseph Cecconi and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Pass to Sam Poulin. Sam Poulin is hit by Joseph Cecconi and loses puck.

Time : 19. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Gulls. Pass to Cameron Hughes. Shot by Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Shot by Sam Poulin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Karson Kuhlman for Gulls. Shot by Karson Kuhlman. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Shot by Sam Poulin. Deflect By Cameron Hughes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Sam Poulin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sam Poulin for Gulls. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Luff, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Taylor Fedun, Alexander Petrovic are on ice for Gulls. Free Puck Retrieved by Corey Schueneman. Minor Penalty to Matt Luff for Delaying the game. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Arthur Kaliyev, Unknown Player are on ice for Roadrunners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Santtu Kinnunen are on ice for Roadrunners. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Gulls. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gulls zone. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Laurent Dauphin. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Tarasov. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen. Pass to Arthur Kaliyev in neutral zone. Pass to Santtu Kinnunen in Gulls zone. Pass by Santtu Kinnunen intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck is dumped in Gulls zone by Arthur Kaliyev. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Arthur Kaliyev for Roadrunners. Pass by Arthur Kaliyev intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Unknown Player moves puck in Roadrunners zone. Puck is dumped in Roadrunners zone by Unknown Player.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Roadrunners vs 1 for Gulls. Shots for this period are 11 for Roadrunners vs 14 for Gulls.