Rangers vs Lightning

Created - Friday, December 31, 2021 at 09:16

1 2 3 T
Rangers 1 0 1 2
Lightning 0 0 1 1
1 2 3 T
Rangers 19 4 4 27
Lightning 9 10 15 34

1st period
1. Rangers , Cedric Paquette 2 (Pierre-Edouard Bellemare 2, Carl Soderberg 6) at 4:08
Tyler Ennis (TBL) for Holding (Minor) at 1:36
Vladimir Sobotka (TBL) for Tripping (Minor) at 17:34
2nd period
No Goal
Samuel Girard (NYR) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 1:23
Anthony Bitetto (NYR) for Holding (Minor) at 4:38
Cedric Paquette (NYR) for Tripping (Minor) at 4:58
Bobby Ryan (TBL) for Slashing (Minor) at 14:09
3rd period
2. Rangers , Anthony Bitetto 5 (Pierre-Edouard Bellemare 3, Cedric Paquette 3) at 19:45 (Empty Net)
3. Lightning , Kyle Turris 10 (Nick Cousins 5, Bobby Ryan 8) at 19:49
Olli Maatta (NYR) for Hooking (Minor) at 4:57
Goalie Stats
Malcolm Subban (NYR), 33 saves from 34 shots - (0.971), W, 2-0-0, 60:00 minutes
Joonas Korpisalo (TBL), 25 saves from 26 shots - (0.962), L, 6-13-2, 59:32 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Malcolm Subban (NYR)
2 - Cedric Paquette (NYR)
3 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare (NYR)
Referees : Tim Mayer and Corey Syvret
Linesman : Travis Toomey and Glen Cooke
Game Note
Rocco Grimaldi is injured at 1:34 of 1st period (Fractured Bone in Left Hand)
Anthony Bitetto has scored in a empty net!
Level 1 -- Attendance: 5750 (100.00%) -- Ticket Income $718,750
Level 2 -- Attendance: 4656 (98.02%) -- Ticket Income $465,600
Level 3 -- Attendance: 3531 (94.16%) -- Ticket Income $264,825
Level 4 -- Attendance: 2372 (86.25%) -- Ticket Income $118,600
Luxury Box -- Attendance: 763 (76.30%) -- Ticket Income $228,900
Game was played at the Amalie Arena.
Total Attendance: 17072 (94.84%)
Total Ticket Income: $1,796,675
Other Income: $808,504
Total Income: $2,605,179

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Rangers 2275278150 / 3 (0%)062%
Lightning 1346186290 / 4 (0%)038%

Player Name
Anthony BitettoD1012231014:050:0000:3400% 0
Brett PesceD0000001322:512:2203:4000% 0
Carl SoderbergC/LW011101015:300:0001:48050% 2
Cedric PaquetteC/RW112222107:470:0003:150100% 1
Connor McDavidC000-1005021:182:5710:00064% 28
David PastrnakRW000-1001021:213:0000:00033% 3
Drew DoughtyD000-1020023:363:3502:3600% 0
Jonas SiegenthalerD0002020216:580:0003:2300% 0
Kevin HayesC/LW/RW0000011015:420:0000:000100% 2
Max DomiC/LW0000002012:082:5710:0000% 0
Mikko KoivuC0000002010:130:0001:02038% 13
Nino NiederreiterLW/RW0001001010:010:0000:000100% 1
Olli MaattaD0000211018:252:2212:2100% 0
Patrick KaneRW0000016018:392:5710:00050% 2
Pierre-Edouard BellemareC0222001012:213:0014:49060% 20
Robby FabbriC/LW/RW000-1011018:210:0000:0000% 2
Samuel GirardD000-1200124:023:3500:0000% 0
Sean CouturierC0000013018:423:0000:00080% 20
Player Name
Andrew LaddLW000-1011012:060:0000:0000% 0
Bobby RyanRW0111267023:073:3621:28033% 9
Cal ClutterbuckRW000-1001012:060:0000:0000% 1
Dakota MermisD0000040121:463:0502:5800% 0
Eric StaalC000-1004018:282:4112:14067% 9
Jason DemersD000-1012124:403:1212:5900% 0
Korbinian HolzerD0001063322:213:1222:5900% 0
Kyle OkposoLW/RW0000004117:493:3610:460100% 1
Kyle TurrisC/LW/RW1011003011:370:0000:3800% 1
Matt BoldyLW0000012011:390:0000:00038% 16
Nick CousinsC/LW/RW0111020021:593:3603:43044% 25
Nick HoldenD000-1011017:460:0000:0000% 0
Niklas HjalmarssonD000-1010119:533:0502:5800% 0
Paul ByronC/LW/RW000-1033125:582:4113:05026% 27
Riley BarberRW000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Rocco GrimaldiC/RW000000000:270:0000:0000% 0
Tyler EnnisC/LW/RW000-1213016:132:4100:0000% 2
Vladimir SobotkaC000-1220016:050:0000:00067% 3


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Robby FabbriConnor McDavidDavid Pastrnak0144039%18:21
2Kevin HayesSean CouturierPatrick Kane1133033%15:42
3Max DomiMikko KoivuNino Niederreiter1222020%9:11
4Carl SoderbergPierre-Edouard BellemareCedric Paquette140108%3:42
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Drew DoughtySamuel Girard0324037%17:25
2Brett PesceOlli Maatta0413029%13:43
3Anthony BitettoJonas Siegenthaler1312027%12:45
4Brett PesceSamuel Girard131106%3:03
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Pierre-Edouard BellemareSean CouturierDavid Pastrnak0146050%3:00
2Max DomiConnor McDavidPatrick Kane0144050%2:57
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Drew DoughtySamuel Girard0236060%3:35
2Brett PesceOlli Maatta0234040%2:22
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Pierre-Edouard BellemareCedric Paquette1406078%3:36
2Mikko KoivuCarl Soderberg1404022%1:02
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Brett PesceJonas Siegenthaler1406047%2:12
2Drew DoughtyOlli Maatta1404053%2:26
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Pierre-Edouard Bellemare0506074%1:13 Jonas SiegenthalerBrett Pesce1406037%0:37
2Carl Soderberg0504026%0:26 Anthony BitettoOlli Maatta1404063%1:02
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Carl SoderbergNino Niederreiter032600%0:00
2Mikko KoivuMax Domi131400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jonas SiegenthalerOlli Maatta131600%0:00
2Brett PesceAnthony Bitetto131400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Max DomiConnor McDavidPatrick KaneDrew DoughtySamuel Girard
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Nino NiederreiterPierre-Edouard BellemareCedric PaquetteBrett PesceJonas Siegenthaler
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:50
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Nino Niederreiter, Carl Soderberg, Pierre-Edouard BellemareNino Niederreiter, Carl SoderbergPierre-Edouard Bellemare
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler, Brett PesceAnthony Bitetto, Jonas SiegenthalerBrett Pesce
Penalty Shots
Connor McDavid, Patrick Kane, Max Domi, Sean Couturier, Nino Niederreiter
Malcolm Subban, Cam Talbot
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Connor McDavid, Max Domi, Mikko Koivu, Sean Couturier, Patrick Kane, Robby Fabbri, Nino Niederreiter, Carl Soderberg, Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Cedric Paquette
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Jonas Siegenthaler, Samuel Girard, Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta, Anthony Bitetto


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Tyler EnnisPaul ByronEric Staal1224027%12:43
2Kyle OkposoMatt BoldyBobby Ryan1223025%11:39
3Kyle TurrisNick CousinsRocco Grimaldi1222022%10:28
4Andrew LaddVladimir SobotkaCal Clutterbuck1221026%12:06
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick HoldenJason Demers1224037%17:12
2Dakota MermisKorbinian Holzer1223033%15:27
3Niklas HjalmarssonVladimir Sobotka1222029%13:34
4Korbinian HolzerJason Demers122102%0:43
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Tyler EnnisEric StaalPaul Byron1226043%2:41
2Kyle OkposoNick CousinsBobby Ryan1224057%3:36
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Korbinian HolzerJason Demers1226051%3:12
2Dakota MermisNiklas Hjalmarsson1224049%3:05
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Paul ByronNick Cousins1226062%3:43
2Eric StaalBobby Ryan1224038%2:14
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Korbinian HolzerJason Demers1226050%2:59
2Dakota MermisNiklas Hjalmarsson1224050%2:58
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Bobby Ryan122600%0:00 Nick HoldenJason Demers122600%0:00
2Nick Cousins122400%0:00 Dakota MermisNiklas Hjalmarsson122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick CousinsBobby Ryan122600%0:00
2Paul ByronEric Staal122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Niklas HjalmarssonJason Demers122600%0:00
2Dakota MermisKorbinian Holzer122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Tyler EnnisPaul ByronEric StaalNick HoldenJason Demers
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Tyler EnnisPaul ByronEric StaalNick HoldenJason Demers
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:500:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Paul Byron, Nick Cousins, Bobby RyanBobby Ryan, Nick CousinsBobby Ryan
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Niklas Hjalmarsson, Dakota Mermis, Jason DemersNiklas Hjalmarsson, Dakota MermisJason Demers
Penalty Shots
Nick Cousins, Eric Staal, Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Bobby Ryan
Joonas Korpisalo, Braden Holtby
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal, Cal Clutterbuck, Bobby Ryan, Kyle Okposo, Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Rocco Grimaldi, Vladimir Sobotka
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Nick Holden, Jason Demers, Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer, Niklas Hjalmarsson
Alan Quine (Healthy), Nikita Nesterov (Strained Right Knee Injury)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone.
0:18 of 1st period - Shot by Eric Staal.
0:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound.
0:32 of 1st period - Shot by Connor McDavid.
0:32 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
0:33 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Lightning zone.
0:34 of 1st period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
0:34 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
0:35 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Lightning zone.
0:38 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Hayes.
0:38 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:40 of 1st period - Shot by Brett Pesce.
0:40 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound.
1:07 of 1st period - Shot by Bobby Ryan.
1:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
1:08 of 1st period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone.
1:08 of 1st period - Nick Cousins is hit by Anthony Bitetto.
1:27 of 1st period - Niklas Hjalmarsson is hit by Anthony Bitetto and loses puck.
1:33 of 1st period - Rocco Grimaldi is hit by Anthony Bitetto and loses puck.
1:34 of 1st period - Rocco Grimaldi from Lightning is injured at 1:34 of 1st period (Fractured Bone in Left Hand).
1:35 of 1st period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone.
1:35 of 1st period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Paul Byron.
1:36 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Tyler Ennis for Holding.
1:37 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
1:47 of 1st period - Samuel Girard is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck.
1:50 of 1st period - Shot by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare.
1:50 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Paul Byron.
1:52 of 1st period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
1:52 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:02 of 1st period - Shot by Connor McDavid.
3:02 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
3:03 of 1st period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Lightning zone.
4:06 of 1st period - Shot by Cedric Paquette.
4:06 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:08 of 1st period - Shot by Cedric Paquette.
4:08 of 1st period - Goal by Cedric Paquette - Rangers : 1 - Lightning : 0.
4:09 of 1st period - Matt Boldy wins face-off versus David Pastrnak in neutral zone.
4:12 of 1st period - Robby Fabbri is hit by Matt Boldy and loses puck.
4:40 of 1st period - Shot by Connor McDavid.
4:40 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:46 of 1st period - Shot by Robby Fabbri.
4:46 of 1st period - Deflect By David Pastrnak.
4:46 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound.
5:32 of 1st period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
5:32 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
5:33 of 1st period - Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone.
5:42 of 1st period - Shot by Max Domi.
5:42 of 1st period - Deflect By Nino Niederreiter.
5:42 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound.
5:55 of 1st period - Icing by Nick Holden.
5:56 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone.
6:35 of 1st period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
6:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
6:36 of 1st period - Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
6:42 of 1st period - Max Domi is hit by Vladimir Sobotka and loses puck.
7:10 of 1st period - Icing by Vladimir Sobotka.
7:11 of 1st period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
7:20 of 1st period - Icing by Connor McDavid.
7:21 of 1st period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
9:16 of 1st period - Off-side.
9:17 of 1st period - Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Cal Clutterbuck in neutral zone.
9:26 of 1st period - Shot by Max Domi.
9:26 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
9:27 of 1st period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Lightning zone.
9:42 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
9:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:44 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
9:44 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:46 of 1st period - Shot by Bobby Ryan.
9:46 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound.
9:48 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
9:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
9:49 of 1st period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone.
9:52 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
9:52 of 1st period - Deflect By Bobby Ryan.
9:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
9:53 of 1st period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone.
10:06 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
10:06 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
10:07 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Vladimir Sobotka in Rangers zone.
10:24 of 1st period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
10:24 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:36 of 1st period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
10:36 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Korbinian Holzer.
10:40 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Hayes.
10:40 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:42 of 1st period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
10:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:46 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Hayes.
10:46 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
10:47 of 1st period - Paul Byron wins face-off versus David Pastrnak in Lightning zone.
10:47 of 1st period - Paul Byron is hit by Robby Fabbri.
10:59 of 1st period - Shot by Paul Byron.
10:59 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Samuel Girard.
11:33 of 1st period - Shot by Robby Fabbri.
11:33 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
11:34 of 1st period - Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Lightning zone.
11:47 of 1st period - Icing by Dakota Mermis.
11:48 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Lightning zone.
11:59 of 1st period - Sean Couturier is hit by Bobby Ryan and loses puck.
12:08 of 1st period - Brett Pesce is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck.
12:11 of 1st period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
12:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
12:12 of 1st period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone.
12:12 of 1st period - Connor McDavid is hit by Vladimir Sobotka.
12:34 of 1st period - Samuel Girard is hit by Niklas Hjalmarsson and loses puck.
13:13 of 1st period - Shot by Max Domi.
13:13 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:23 of 1st period - Shot by Mikko Koivu.
13:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound.
13:25 of 1st period - Shot by Mikko Koivu.
13:25 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:27 of 1st period - Shot by Mikko Koivu.
13:27 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
13:28 of 1st period - Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Lightning zone.
13:46 of 1st period - Brett Pesce is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck.
13:53 of 1st period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
13:53 of 1st period - Deflect By Patrick Kane.
13:53 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Jason Demers.
13:59 of 1st period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
13:59 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
14:00 of 1st period - Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone.
14:48 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
14:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound.
14:50 of 1st period - Shot by Korbinian Holzer.
14:50 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
14:51 of 1st period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone.
14:59 of 1st period - Icing by Dakota Mermis.
15:00 of 1st period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
15:05 of 1st period - Shot by David Pastrnak.
15:05 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Dakota Mermis.
15:24 of 1st period - Off-side.
15:25 of 1st period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in neutral zone.
15:46 of 1st period - Shot by Bobby Ryan.
15:46 of 1st period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
15:47 of 1st period - David Pastrnak wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
16:44 of 1st period - Off-side.
16:45 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in neutral zone.
16:50 of 1st period - Kyle Okposo is hit by Kevin Hayes and loses puck.
16:55 of 1st period - Shot by Samuel Girard.
16:55 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:57 of 1st period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
16:57 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound.
17:11 of 1st period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
17:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
17:12 of 1st period - Bobby Ryan wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Lightning zone.
17:12 of 1st period - Bobby Ryan is hit by Carl Soderberg.
17:15 of 1st period - Icing by Andrew Ladd.
17:16 of 1st period - Carl Soderberg wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Lightning zone.
17:34 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Vladimir Sobotka for Tripping.
17:35 of 1st period - Paul Byron wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Lightning zone.
18:12 of 1st period - Shot by Drew Doughty.
18:12 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Korbinian Holzer.
19:01 of 1st period - Shot by Olli Maatta.
19:01 of 1st period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
19:02 of 1st period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in Lightning zone.
19:31 of 1st period - Shot by David Pastrnak.
19:31 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:48 of 1st period - Icing by Anthony Bitetto.
19:49 of 1st period - Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone.
19:57 of 1st period - Icing by Anthony Bitetto.
19:58 of 1st period - Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Rangers zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Rangers vs 0 for Lightning.
Shots for this period are 19 for Rangers vs 9 for Lightning.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone.
0:07 of 2nd period - Drew Doughty is hit by Paul Byron and loses puck.
0:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Holden.
0:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:32 of 2nd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
0:32 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
0:42 of 2nd period - Eric Staal is hit by Drew Doughty.
1:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Korbinian Holzer.
1:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:23 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Samuel Girard for Cross-checking.
1:24 of 2nd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone.
1:24 of 2nd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Bobby Ryan.
1:31 of 2nd period - Icing by Niklas Hjalmarsson.
1:32 of 2nd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Lightning zone.
1:32 of 2nd period - Nick Cousins is hit by Cedric Paquette.
1:43 of 2nd period - Dakota Mermis is hit by Jonas Siegenthaler and loses puck.
1:52 of 2nd period - Shot by Bobby Ryan.
1:52 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
1:53 of 2nd period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone.
1:53 of 2nd period - Eric Staal is hit by Jonas Siegenthaler.
1:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Eric Staal.
1:58 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Jason Demers.
2:00 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
2:01 of 2nd period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone.
3:16 of 2nd period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
3:16 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
3:17 of 2nd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone.
3:29 of 2nd period - Icing by Kevin Hayes.
3:30 of 2nd period - Paul Byron wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Rangers zone.
4:38 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Anthony Bitetto for Holding.
4:39 of 2nd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
4:44 of 2nd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Bobby Ryan.
4:58 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Cedric Paquette for Tripping.
4:59 of 2nd period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone.
5:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Korbinian Holzer.
5:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
5:11 of 2nd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone.
6:09 of 2nd period - Off-side.
6:10 of 2nd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone.
6:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
6:21 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
6:22 of 2nd period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Carl Soderberg in Rangers zone.
6:25 of 2nd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
6:25 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Carl Soderberg.
6:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Korbinian Holzer.
6:27 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
6:28 of 2nd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Rangers zone.
6:28 of 2nd period - Jonas Siegenthaler is hit by Tyler Ennis and loses puck.
6:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Korbinian Holzer.
6:55 of 2nd period - Deflect By Paul Byron.
6:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Connor McDavid.
9:45 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
9:46 of 2nd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone.
10:48 of 2nd period - Off-side.
10:49 of 2nd period - Kevin Hayes wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone.
10:57 of 2nd period - Icing by Dakota Mermis.
10:58 of 2nd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
11:02 of 2nd period - Icing by Dakota Mermis.
11:03 of 2nd period - Patrick Kane wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
11:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Boldy.
11:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
11:55 of 2nd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone.
11:55 of 2nd period - Connor McDavid is hit by Bobby Ryan.
12:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Bobby Ryan.
12:21 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Brett Pesce.
12:23 of 2nd period - Shot by Jason Demers.
12:23 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Brett Pesce.
12:51 of 2nd period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
12:51 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
12:52 of 2nd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone.
12:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
12:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Cousins.
12:57 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jonas Siegenthaler.
13:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
13:01 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:11 of 2nd period - Shot by Nick Cousins.
13:11 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jonas Siegenthaler.
13:34 of 2nd period - Icing by Anthony Bitetto.
13:35 of 2nd period - Bobby Ryan wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone.
13:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Bobby Ryan.
13:56 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
13:57 of 2nd period - Kyle Okposo wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone.
13:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Boldy.
13:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
13:59 of 2nd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone.
14:09 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Bobby Ryan for Slashing.
14:10 of 2nd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
14:39 of 2nd period - Shot by David Pastrnak.
14:39 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:41 of 2nd period - Shot by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare.
14:41 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound.
15:03 of 2nd period - Shot by Connor McDavid.
15:03 of 2nd period - Deflect By Max Domi.
15:03 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
15:04 of 2nd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
15:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
15:21 of 2nd period - Deflect By Connor McDavid.
15:21 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Kyle Okposo.
15:23 of 2nd period - Shot by Olli Maatta.
15:23 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:25 of 2nd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
15:25 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
15:26 of 2nd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone.
15:46 of 2nd period - Off-side.
15:47 of 2nd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone.
16:14 of 2nd period - Anthony Bitetto is hit by Andrew Ladd and loses puck.
17:10 of 2nd period - Icing by Drew Doughty.
17:11 of 2nd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone.
18:10 of 2nd period - Paul Byron is hit by Patrick Kane and loses puck.
18:26 of 2nd period - Paul Byron is hit by Sean Couturier and loses puck.
19:21 of 2nd period - Icing by Niklas Hjalmarsson.
19:22 of 2nd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Lightning zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Rangers vs 0 for Lightning.
Shots for this period are 4 for Rangers vs 10 for Lightning.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Eric Staal wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in neutral zone.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:15 of 3rd period - Icing by Drew Doughty.
0:16 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone.
0:30 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck.
1:05 of 3rd period - Icing by Drew Doughty.
1:06 of 3rd period - Paul Byron wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone.
1:13 of 3rd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
1:13 of 3rd period - Deflect By Eric Staal.
1:13 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
1:14 of 3rd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone.
1:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
1:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
1:25 of 3rd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Lightning zone.
1:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
1:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
1:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
1:54 of 3rd period - Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Rangers zone.
2:08 of 3rd period - Icing by Jonas Siegenthaler.
2:09 of 3rd period - Paul Byron wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Rangers zone.
3:28 of 3rd period - Icing by Jonas Siegenthaler.
3:29 of 3rd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Rangers zone.
3:38 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Cousins.
3:38 of 3rd period - Deflect By Kyle Okposo.
3:38 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
3:39 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
3:48 of 3rd period - David Pastrnak is hit by Bobby Ryan and loses puck.
4:12 of 3rd period - Icing by Samuel Girard.
4:13 of 3rd period - Paul Byron wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone.
4:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Ennis.
4:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound.
4:57 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Olli Maatta for Hooking.
4:58 of 3rd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone.
5:15 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
5:15 of 3rd period - Deflect By Bobby Ryan.
5:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
5:16 of 3rd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
5:29 of 3rd period - Cedric Paquette is hit by Nick Cousins.
5:33 of 3rd period - Kyle Okposo is hit by Cedric Paquette and loses puck.
6:02 of 3rd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
6:02 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brett Pesce.
6:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Eric Staal.
6:10 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound.
6:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Niklas Hjalmarsson.
6:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:11 of 3rd period - Shot by Cal Clutterbuck.
7:11 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
7:23 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Cal Clutterbuck.
7:27 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
7:28 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
7:43 of 3rd period - David Pastrnak is hit by Nick Cousins and loses puck.
8:07 of 3rd period - Samuel Girard is hit by Jason Demers and loses puck.
8:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
8:35 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
8:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:20 of 3rd period - Icing by Drew Doughty.
9:21 of 3rd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone.
9:29 of 3rd period - Korbinian Holzer is hit by Drew Doughty and loses puck.
9:56 of 3rd period - Shot by Eric Staal.
9:56 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
9:57 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone.
10:02 of 3rd period - Shot by Connor McDavid.
10:02 of 3rd period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
10:03 of 3rd period - Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Robby Fabbri in Lightning zone.
10:12 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Okposo.
10:12 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Nick Holden.
10:14 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
10:15 of 3rd period - Vladimir Sobotka wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone.
10:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Vladimir Sobotka.
10:24 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:39 of 3rd period - Carl Soderberg is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck.
10:57 of 3rd period - Icing by Korbinian Holzer.
10:58 of 3rd period - Vladimir Sobotka wins face-off versus Robby Fabbri in Lightning zone.
11:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Paul Byron.
11:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
11:25 of 3rd period - Kevin Hayes wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone.
13:07 of 3rd period - Icing by Olli Maatta.
13:08 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
13:08 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid is hit by Bobby Ryan.
13:15 of 3rd period - Brett Pesce is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck.
13:44 of 3rd period - Shot by Dakota Mermis.
13:44 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:55 of 3rd period - Off-side.
13:56 of 3rd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Tyler Ennis in neutral zone.
14:04 of 3rd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Nick Holden and loses puck.
14:16 of 3rd period - Off-side.
14:17 of 3rd period - Nino Niederreiter wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in neutral zone.
15:37 of 3rd period - Icing by Jason Demers.
15:38 of 3rd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Tyler Ennis in Lightning zone.
15:48 of 3rd period - Icing by Brett Pesce.
15:49 of 3rd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone.
15:53 of 3rd period - Sean Couturier is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck.
16:05 of 3rd period - Patrick Kane is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck.
16:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
16:10 of 3rd period - Deflect By Sean Couturier.
16:10 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:17 of 3rd period - Sean Couturier is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck.
16:20 of 3rd period - Shot by Patrick Kane.
16:20 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Korbinian Holzer.
16:27 of 3rd period - Patrick Kane is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck.
16:30 of 3rd period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
16:30 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:32 of 3rd period - Shot by Brett Pesce.
16:32 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:00 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Ennis.
17:00 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
17:01 of 3rd period - Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone.
17:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
17:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:16 of 3rd period - Shot by Jason Demers.
17:16 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
17:17 of 3rd period - Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone.
17:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Ladd.
17:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
17:37 of 3rd period - Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone.
17:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Sean Couturier.
17:50 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:28 of 3rd period - Nick Cousins is hit by Olli Maatta and loses puck.
18:51 of 3rd period - Robby Fabbri is hit by Paul Byron and loses puck.
19:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Connor McDavid.
19:05 of 3rd period - Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.
19:06 of 3rd period - Paul Byron wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Lightning zone.
19:17 of 3rd period - Lightning, Joonas Korpisalo is pulled from the net.
19:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Ennis.
19:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound.
19:30 of 3rd period - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone.
19:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Cedric Paquette.
19:43 of 3rd period - Deflect By Pierre-Edouard Bellemare.
19:43 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Niklas Hjalmarsson.
19:45 of 3rd period - Shot by Anthony Bitetto.
19:45 of 3rd period - Goal by Anthony Bitetto - Rangers : 2 - Lightning : 0.
19:45 of 3rd period - Joonas Korpisalo from Lightning was sent back in the game.
19:46 of 3rd period - Bobby Ryan wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in neutral zone.
19:49 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Turris.
19:49 of 3rd period - Goal by Kyle Turris - Rangers : 2 - Lightning : 1.
19:50 of 3rd period - Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Rangers vs 1 for Lightning.
Shots for this period are 4 for Rangers vs 15 for Lightning.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Jason Demers in Lightning zone. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Holden in Rangers zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Eric Staal. Shot by Eric Staal. Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty for Rangers. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Connor McDavid moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass to Connor McDavid. Shot by Connor McDavid. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Matt Boldy is ejected from face-off, Bobby Ryan takes his place. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Lightning zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Lightning zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Kevin Hayes. Shot by Kevin Hayes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Shot by Brett Pesce. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta for Rangers. Pass by Olli Maatta intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Bobby Ryan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Bobby Ryan. Puck retreived by Kevin Hayes. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Patrick Kane moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Brett Pesce.

Time : 1. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Kyle Okposo in neutral zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone. Shot by Bobby Ryan. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Rocco Grimaldi are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone. Pass to Rocco Grimaldi. Nick Cousins is hit by Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Rocco Grimaldi. Pass by Rocco Grimaldi intercepted by Mikko Koivu. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Max Domi. Max Domi moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Max Domi intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka in Lightning zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Niklas Hjalmarsson moves puck in Rangers zone. Niklas Hjalmarsson is hit by Anthony Bitetto and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hjalmarsson for Lightning. Pass to Rocco Grimaldi. Rocco Grimaldi is hit by Anthony Bitetto and loses puck. Rocco Grimaldi from Lightning is injured at 1:34 of 1st period (Fractured Bone in Left Hand). Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brett Pesce, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Paul Byron. Minor Penalty to Tyler Ennis for Holding. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Sean Couturier, Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Korbinian Holzer. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier. Pass to Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Samuel Girard is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare for Rangers. Shot by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Shot Blocked by Paul Byron. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Shot by Sean Couturier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Pass to Samuel Girard in Lightning zone. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Sean Couturier. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Drew Doughty in Lightning zone. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Staal, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Samuel Girard. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Connor McDavid, Max Domi, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Eric Staal. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McDavid in Lightning zone. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Korbinian Holzer. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Connor McDavid in Lightning zone.

Time : 3. Shot by Connor McDavid. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Staal, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Lightning zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid. Connor McDavid moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Samuel Girard. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Samuel Girard. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Max Domi. Pass by Max Domi intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Dakota Mermis. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Paul Byron. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Paul Byron. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard. Pass to Carl Soderberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Carl Soderberg. Puck retreived by Cal Clutterbuck. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Anthony Bitetto in neutral zone. Pass to Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Lightning zone. Pass by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Vladimir Sobotka moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Cedric Paquette. Pass to Carl Soderberg in Lightning zone.

Time : 4. Pass to Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Shot by Cedric Paquette. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette for Rangers. Shot by Cedric Paquette. Goal by Cedric Paquette - Rangers : 1 - Lightning : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid is ejected from face-off, David Pastrnak takes his place. Matt Boldy wins face-off versus David Pastrnak in neutral zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Korbinian Holzer. Puck retreived by Robby Fabbri. Robby Fabbri is hit by Matt Boldy and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Boldy for Lightning. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Matt Boldy. Matt Boldy loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Olli Maatta. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Connor McDavid moves puck in Lightning zone. Shot by Connor McDavid. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Lightning. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Connor McDavid. Pass to Robby Fabbri. Shot by Robby Fabbri. Deflect By David Pastrnak. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Pass to Matt Boldy in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Boldy intercepted by Olli Maatta in Rangers zone. Pass by Olli Maatta intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Pass to Brett Pesce in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Kevin Hayes in neutral zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Sean Couturier. Shot by Sean Couturier. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone. Pass to Max Domi. Shot by Max Domi. Deflect By Nino Niederreiter. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Mikko Koivu in neutral zone. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler in Lightning zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Kyle Okposo. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Anthony Bitetto in neutral zone. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Nick Holden in Lightning zone. Icing by Nick Holden. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Patrick Kane.

Time : 6. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass to Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Holden in Rangers zone. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Jason Demers. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Max Domi. Max Domi is hit by Vladimir Sobotka and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Pass to Mikko Koivu. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson.

Time : 7. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to Max Domi. Pass by Max Domi intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Icing by Vladimir Sobotka. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Andrew Ladd in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Andrew Ladd. Puck retreived by Connor McDavid. Icing by Connor McDavid. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid. Connor McDavid moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass to Bobby Ryan in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Turris in Rangers zone. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass to Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Connor McDavid.

Time : 8. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Demers in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty. Pass to Connor McDavid. Connor McDavid moves puck in neutral zone. Connor McDavid moves puck in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Connor McDavid. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in Lightning zone. Patrick Kane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Patrick Kane for Rangers. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass by Olli Maatta intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Brett Pesce in neutral zone. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in Lightning zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Brett Pesce.

Time : 9. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Olli Maatta in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in Lightning zone. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Brett Pesce. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins is ejected from face-off, Cal Clutterbuck takes his place. Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Cal Clutterbuck in neutral zone. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Jonas Siegenthaler moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Max Domi. Shot by Max Domi. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Lightning zone. Pass to Carl Soderberg. Pass by Carl Soderberg intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass to Kyle Okposo in neutral zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kyle Okposo for Lightning. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Bobby Ryan for Lightning. Shot by Bobby Ryan. Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kyle Okposo for Lightning. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Deflect By Bobby Ryan. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass by Bobby Ryan intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Nick Holden.

Time : 10. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Vladimir Sobotka in Rangers zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Brett Pesce. Brett Pesce moves puck in neutral zone. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sean Couturier. Shot by Sean Couturier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta for Rangers. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Kevin Hayes. Pass to Sean Couturier. Shot by Sean Couturier. Shot Blocked by Korbinian Holzer. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Hayes for Rangers. Shot by Kevin Hayes. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Shot by Sean Couturier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Pass to Kevin Hayes. Shot by Kevin Hayes. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid is ejected from face-off, David Pastrnak takes his place. Paul Byron wins face-off versus David Pastrnak in Lightning zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Paul Byron is hit by Robby Fabbri. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Shot Blocked by Samuel Girard.

Time : 11. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard for Rangers. Pass to Robby Fabbri in neutral zone. Robby Fabbri moves puck in Lightning zone. Robby Fabbri loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty for Rangers. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to David Pastrnak. David Pastrnak loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Pastrnak for Rangers. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Robby Fabbri. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Robby Fabbri in Lightning zone. Shot by Robby Fabbri. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Lightning zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Kyle Okposo moves puck in neutral zone. Kyle Okposo loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Bitetto for Rangers. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Dakota Mermis in Lightning zone. Icing by Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Lightning zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Dakota Mermis moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Dakota Mermis. Puck retreived by Sean Couturier. Sean Couturier is hit by Bobby Ryan and loses puck.

Time : 12. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta for Rangers. Olli Maatta moves puck in neutral zone. Olli Maatta loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Brett Pesce is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Patrick Kane for Rangers. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Connor McDavid is hit by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Paul Byron. Puck retreived by Robby Fabbri. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Samuel Girard. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Samuel Girard is hit by Niklas Hjalmarsson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard for Rangers. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Connor McDavid. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Mikko Koivu. Pass to Max Domi. Shot by Max Domi. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonas Siegenthaler for Rangers. Pass to Mikko Koivu. Pass to Max Domi. Pass to Mikko Koivu. Shot by Mikko Koivu. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikko Koivu for Rangers. Shot by Mikko Koivu. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikko Koivu for Rangers. Shot by Mikko Koivu. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Lightning zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Jason Demers moves puck in neutral zone. Jason Demers moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Brett Pesce is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta for Rangers. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sean Couturier. Shot by Sean Couturier. Deflect By Patrick Kane. Shot Blocked by Jason Demers. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound.

Time : 14. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Nick Cousins, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass to Nick Holden. Nick Holden moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Holden moves puck in Rangers zone. Nick Holden loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Cal Clutterbuck in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Holden. Nick Holden moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Nick Holden. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Nick Holden. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Matt Boldy. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Shot by Korbinian Holzer. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brett Pesce, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. David Pastrnak moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Samuel Girard in Lightning zone. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Icing by Dakota Mermis.

Time : 15. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Shot by David Pastrnak. Shot Blocked by Dakota Mermis. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Lightning. Pass to Tyler Ennis in neutral zone. Pass to Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in neutral zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Niklas Hjalmarsson moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Shot by Bobby Ryan. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid is ejected from face-off, David Pastrnak takes his place. David Pastrnak wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Pesce in Lightning zone. Pass to Connor McDavid.

Time : 16. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to David Pastrnak. David Pastrnak loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to David Pastrnak. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by David Pastrnak. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Jason Demers in Lightning zone. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in neutral zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Samuel Girard. Puck retreived by Kyle Okposo. Kyle Okposo is hit by Kevin Hayes and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty for Rangers. Pass to Samuel Girard. Shot by Samuel Girard. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Shot by Sean Couturier. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers.

Time : 17. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Bobby Ryan wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Lightning zone. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Bobby Ryan is hit by Carl Soderberg. Icing by Andrew Ladd. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is ejected from face-off, Carl Soderberg takes his place. Carl Soderberg wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Lightning zone. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler in Lightning zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Cal Clutterbuck. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Minor Penalty to Vladimir Sobotka for Tripping. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Connor McDavid, Max Domi, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Paul Byron wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Lightning zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Drew Doughty in Lightning zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Korbinian Holzer.

Time : 18. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Connor McDavid. Pass to Max Domi. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Drew Doughty. Shot by Drew Doughty. Shot Blocked by Korbinian Holzer. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Domi for Rangers. Pass by Max Domi intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Korbinian Holzer. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Staal, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Drew Doughty loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Max Domi for Rangers. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Max Domi. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Sean Couturier, Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Dakota Mermis. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Dakota Mermis. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Bobby Ryan in neutral zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis in Rangers zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Eric Staal. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Turris, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Olli Maatta in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Olli Maatta moves puck in Lightning zone. Shot by Olli Maatta. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Kyle Turris in Lightning zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass by Olli Maatta intercepted by Kyle Turris. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Sean Couturier. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Brett Pesce in neutral zone. Pass to Sean Couturier in Lightning zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass to David Pastrnak. Shot by David Pastrnak. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka in neutral zone. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in Rangers zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Cal Clutterbuck in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Holden in Rangers zone. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Icing by Anthony Bitetto. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass by Bobby Ryan intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Matt Boldy. Pass by Matt Boldy intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Icing by Anthony Bitetto. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Paul Byron is ejected from face-off, Eric Staal takes his place. Mikko Koivu wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Rangers zone. Pass to Max Domi.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Rangers vs 0 for Lightning. Shots for this period are 19 for Rangers vs 9 for Lightning.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Staal for Lightning. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. Puck retreived by Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty is hit by Paul Byron and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Paul Byron. Pass to Nick Holden. Shot by Nick Holden. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Holden for Lightning. Pass to Paul Byron. Paul Byron loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass to Eric Staal. Eric Staal is hit by Drew Doughty. Pass to Jason Demers. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Korbinian Holzer in neutral zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Matt Boldy.

Time : 1. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer in Rangers zone. Shot by Korbinian Holzer. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Minor Penalty to Samuel Girard for Cross-checking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brett Pesce, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins is ejected from face-off, Bobby Ryan takes his place. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Bobby Ryan. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Icing by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Lightning zone. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Nick Cousins is hit by Cedric Paquette. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Cedric Paquette in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Cedric Paquette. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Dakota Mermis moves puck in Rangers zone. Dakota Mermis is hit by Jonas Siegenthaler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Shot by Bobby Ryan. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Eric Staal, Tyler Ennis, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Eric Staal is hit by Jonas Siegenthaler. Tyler Ennis loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Staal for Lightning. Shot by Eric Staal. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning.

Time : 2. Shot by Jason Demers. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Jonas Siegenthaler. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Drew Doughty, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Tyler Ennis. Puck retreived by Cedric Paquette. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Cedric Paquette. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brett Pesce, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Korbinian Holzer moves puck in neutral zone. Korbinian Holzer moves puck in Rangers zone. Korbinian Holzer loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Jonas Siegenthaler. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Mikko Koivu, Carl Soderberg are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Drew Doughty, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal moves puck in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass by Olli Maatta intercepted by Nick Cousins. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Drew Doughty. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Drew Doughty. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brett Pesce, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Bobby Ryan.

Time : 3. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Kyle Okposo moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in Rangers zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Mikko Koivu, Carl Soderberg are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Drew Doughty, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brett Pesce, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Kevin Hayes. Icing by Kevin Hayes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier is ejected from face-off, Patrick Kane takes his place. Paul Byron wins face-off versus Patrick Kane in Rangers zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Hayes in Lightning zone. Pass by Kevin Hayes intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Cal Clutterbuck moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Kevin Hayes.

Time : 4. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Brett Pesce in neutral zone. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Paul Byron. Pass to Andrew Ladd in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Ladd intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to Kevin Hayes in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Kevin Hayes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Matt Boldy in neutral zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Jason Demers. Minor Penalty to Anthony Bitetto for Holding. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Drew Doughty, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Kyle Okposo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Kyle Okposo. Puck retreived by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Bobby Ryan. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty moves puck in neutral zone. Drew Doughty loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Puck retreived by Kyle Okposo. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Korbinian Holzer in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Cedric Paquette for Tripping. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Jonas Siegenthaler, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Eric Staal, Tyler Ennis, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis.

Time : 5. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Shot by Korbinian Holzer. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Jonas Siegenthaler, Brett Pesce are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Jonas Siegenthaler. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Jonas Siegenthaler, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass to Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass to Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #2 - Carl Soderberg are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Kyle Okposo in neutral zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in Rangers zone. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Brett Pesce. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Jonas Siegenthaler, Brett Pesce are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Jonas Siegenthaler. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #2 - Carl Soderberg are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Drew Doughty, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Cousins intercepted by Drew Doughty in Rangers zone.

Time : 6. Pass to Carl Soderberg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Carl Soderberg. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Jonas Siegenthaler, Brett Pesce are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Off-side. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Eric Staal, Tyler Ennis, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Eric Staal. Pass to Jason Demers in neutral zone. Jason Demers moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #2 - Carl Soderberg are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Jonas Siegenthaler, Brett Pesce are on ice for Rangers. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Carl Soderberg in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Shot Blocked by Carl Soderberg. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Shot by Korbinian Holzer. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare are on ice for Rangers. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Eric Staal in Rangers zone. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Jonas Siegenthaler is hit by Tyler Ennis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonas Siegenthaler for Rangers. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Jonas Siegenthaler. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Jonas Siegenthaler, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Paul Byron. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Drew Doughty, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Pass to Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Shot by Korbinian Holzer. Deflect By Paul Byron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brett Pesce, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Samuel Girard.

Time : 7. Pass to David Pastrnak in neutral zone. David Pastrnak moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass by Nick Cousins intercepted by Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to David Pastrnak in Lightning zone. Pass to Robby Fabbri. Pass by Robby Fabbri intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka in Lightning zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Puck retreived by Samuel Girard. Pass to Brett Pesce in neutral zone. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by David Pastrnak. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Niklas Hjalmarsson moves puck in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Kevin Hayes. Pass by Kevin Hayes intercepted by Jason Demers in neutral zone. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler.

Time : 8. Pass to Patrick Kane in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Kyle Okposo. Pass to Matt Boldy in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Boldy intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in Rangers zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Jason Demers in neutral zone. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Sean Couturier. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Sean Couturier. Puck retreived by Kyle Okposo. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Patrick Kane. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Mikko Koivu in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Pass by Mikko Koivu intercepted by Nick Holden. Nick Holden moves puck in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Nick Holden. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard. Pass to Drew Doughty in neutral zone. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Mikko Koivu. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Max Domi. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Mikko Koivu. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Mikko Koivu. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to Robby Fabbri. Pass to Connor McDavid. Shot by Connor McDavid. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Lightning zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Cal Clutterbuck. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by David Pastrnak. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck in Rangers zone.

Time : 10. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in Lightning zone. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Robby Fabbri in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Pesce in Lightning zone. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass by Nick Cousins intercepted by Olli Maatta in neutral zone. Pass by Olli Maatta intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck in Rangers zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Olli Maatta in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Olli Maatta. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck in neutral zone. Cal Clutterbuck moves puck in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Cal Clutterbuck. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Carl Soderberg. Pass to Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Sean Couturier is ejected from face-off, Kevin Hayes takes his place. Kevin Hayes wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Icing by Dakota Mermis. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Anthony Bitetto.

Time : 11. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Icing by Dakota Mermis. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Sean Couturier is ejected from face-off, Patrick Kane takes his place. Patrick Kane wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Kevin Hayes. Pass by Kevin Hayes intercepted by Tyler Ennis. Pass by Tyler Ennis intercepted by Kevin Hayes in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Hayes intercepted by Korbinian Holzer in Lightning zone. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Paul Byron. Pass to Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Dakota Mermis moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Eric Staal. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Bobby Ryan in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Boldy in Rangers zone. Shot by Matt Boldy. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Connor McDavid is hit by Bobby Ryan. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Jason Demers.

Time : 12. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass by Bobby Ryan intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Nick Holden in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Jason Demers moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Shot by Bobby Ryan. Shot Blocked by Brett Pesce. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Shot by Jason Demers. Shot Blocked by Brett Pesce. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Brett Pesce. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Jason Demers in Lightning zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan in neutral zone. Pass to Kyle Okposo in Rangers zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Bobby Ryan. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in Rangers zone. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cousins for Lightning. Shot by Nick Cousins. Shot Blocked by Jonas Siegenthaler. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning.

Time : 13. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Paul Byron for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Cousins. Shot by Nick Cousins. Shot Blocked by Jonas Siegenthaler. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass by Kyle Turris intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Nino Niederreiter. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler in Lightning zone. Pass to Max Domi. Pass by Max Domi intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Anthony Bitetto in Rangers zone. Icing by Anthony Bitetto. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Bobby Ryan wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka in neutral zone. Vladimir Sobotka moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka in Rangers zone. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Shot by Bobby Ryan. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Matt Boldy is ejected from face-off, Kyle Okposo takes his place. Kyle Okposo wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone. Pass to Matt Boldy. Shot by Matt Boldy. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Matt Boldy is ejected from face-off, Bobby Ryan takes his place. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone. Pass to Samuel Girard.

Time : 14. Samuel Girard moves puck in neutral zone. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Bobby Ryan. Pass by Bobby Ryan intercepted by David Pastrnak in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Bobby Ryan for Slashing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Sean Couturier, Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Jason Demers. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to David Pastrnak in neutral zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Shot by David Pastrnak. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare for Rangers. Shot by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare for Rangers. Pass by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Dakota Mermis. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Staal, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by David Pastrnak. Pass to Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Sean Couturier moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by David Pastrnak. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Connor McDavid, Max Domi, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Korbinian Holzer.

Time : 15. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Olli Maatta. Pass to Connor McDavid. Shot by Connor McDavid. Deflect By Max Domi. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Korbinian Holzer. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Staal, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Olli Maatta in neutral zone. Olli Maatta moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Deflect By Connor McDavid. Shot Blocked by Kyle Okposo. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta for Rangers. Shot by Olli Maatta. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Patrick Kane for Rangers. Shot by Patrick Kane. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Jason Demers. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Staal, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Off-side. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Sean Couturier, Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Nick Cousins are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by David Pastrnak. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Staal, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Sean Couturier.

Time : 16. Sean Couturier moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Olli Maatta. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Olli Maatta. Puck retreived by Eric Staal. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Vladimir Sobotka. Puck retreived by Anthony Bitetto. Anthony Bitetto is hit by Andrew Ladd and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonas Siegenthaler for Rangers. Jonas Siegenthaler moves puck in neutral zone. Jonas Siegenthaler moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Mikko Koivu. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck in neutral zone. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Nino Niederreiter. Pass by Nino Niederreiter intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in Lightning zone. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Bobby Ryan. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck in neutral zone. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Anthony Bitetto in Rangers zone. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Mikko Koivu in neutral zone.

Time : 17. Pass to Max Domi in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Max Domi. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Cousins intercepted by Drew Doughty in Rangers zone. Icing by Drew Doughty. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Connor McDavid. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Cousins. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Nick Cousins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Connor McDavid moves puck in Lightning zone.

Time : 18. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Connor McDavid. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Jason Demers. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Brett Pesce. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Puck retreived by Paul Byron. Paul Byron is hit by Patrick Kane and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Jason Demers moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Puck retreived by Sean Couturier. Pass to Kevin Hayes in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Kevin Hayes. Puck retreived by Paul Byron. Paul Byron is hit by Sean Couturier and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Holden for Lightning. Nick Holden moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Holden moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Tyler Ennis. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Olli Maatta in Rangers zone. Pass by Olli Maatta intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass by Andrew Ladd intercepted by Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane.

Time : 19. Pass to Brett Pesce. Brett Pesce moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Puck retreived by Cal Clutterbuck. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Pass by Patrick Kane intercepted by Cal Clutterbuck in Lightning zone. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Patrick Kane. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Icing by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Lightning zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Andrew Ladd. Pass to Bobby Ryan in neutral zone. Pass by Bobby Ryan intercepted by Carl Soderberg. Pass to Samuel Girard. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Carl Soderberg. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Rangers vs 0 for Lightning. Shots for this period are 4 for Rangers vs 10 for Lightning.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Paul Byron is ejected from face-off, Eric Staal takes his place. Eric Staal wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Paul Byron moves puck in Rangers zone. Shot by Paul Byron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass by Tyler Ennis intercepted by Drew Doughty. Icing by Drew Doughty. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty moves puck in neutral zone. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McDavid. Connor McDavid moves puck in Lightning zone. Connor McDavid is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dakota Mermis for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Okposo in neutral zone. Pass by Kyle Okposo intercepted by Samuel Girard in Rangers zone. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Kyle Okposo. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass by Matt Boldy intercepted by Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Matt Boldy in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Matt Boldy. Puck retreived by Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer in Rangers zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Matt Boldy.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Matt Boldy. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty. Icing by Drew Doughty. Paul Byron wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Deflect By Eric Staal. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Patrick Kane. Puck retreived by Eric Staal. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Kevin Hayes in neutral zone. Pass to Sean Couturier in Lightning zone. Shot by Sean Couturier. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Lightning zone. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Nick Cousins loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Paul Byron for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Paul Byron for Lightning. Shot by Paul Byron. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Rangers zone. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Matt Boldy.

Time : 2. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Icing by Jonas Siegenthaler. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Paul Byron wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Sean Couturier. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in Rangers zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Anthony Bitetto in Rangers zone. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Staal. Eric Staal moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Anthony Bitetto moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Paul Byron in Lightning zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis in neutral zone. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Vladimir Sobotka moves puck in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Vladimir Sobotka. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban.

Time : 3. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Kyle Okposo. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Nick Holden in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Anthony Bitetto in Rangers zone. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Matt Boldy. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Bobby Ryan loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonas Siegenthaler for Rangers. Icing by Jonas Siegenthaler. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Sean Couturier in Rangers zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nick Cousins. Shot by Nick Cousins. Deflect By Kyle Okposo. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Bobby Ryan. Pass by Bobby Ryan intercepted by Robby Fabbri. Pass by Robby Fabbri intercepted by Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Dakota Mermis. Puck retreived by David Pastrnak. David Pastrnak is hit by Bobby Ryan and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Samuel Girard.

Time : 4. Pass to Drew Doughty in neutral zone. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass to Korbinian Holzer in neutral zone. Korbinian Holzer moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Samuel Girard. Icing by Samuel Girard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Paul Byron wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in Rangers zone. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Nick Holden in Lightning zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Tyler Ennis moves puck in Rangers zone. Shot by Tyler Ennis. Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty for Rangers. Pass to David Pastrnak in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McDavid in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Connor McDavid. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass to Eric Staal. Minor Penalty to Olli Maatta for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brett Pesce, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins is ejected from face-off, Bobby Ryan takes his place. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Bobby Ryan in Rangers zone. Pass to Brett Pesce.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Dakota Mermis moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Deflect By Bobby Ryan. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Drew Doughty, Brett Pesce are on ice for Rangers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Drew Doughty moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Drew Doughty. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Korbinian Holzer moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Korbinian Holzer. Puck retreived by Cedric Paquette. Cedric Paquette is hit by Nick Cousins. Pass to Drew Doughty in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Drew Doughty. Puck retreived by Kyle Okposo. Kyle Okposo is hit by Cedric Paquette and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass to Korbinian Holzer in neutral zone. Korbinian Holzer moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Jason Demers. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Eric Staal, Tyler Ennis, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Niklas Hjalmarsson are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Eric Staal.

Time : 6. Pass to Paul Byron. Shot by Paul Byron. Shot Blocked by Brett Pesce. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hjalmarsson for Lightning. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Eric Staal. Shot by Eric Staal. Stopped by Malcolm Subban with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Staal for Lightning. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Shot by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hjalmarsson for Lightning. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Mikko Koivu, Carl Soderberg are on ice for Rangers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Paul Byron. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Staal for Lightning. Eric Staal moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Eric Staal. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Korbinian Holzer, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Bitetto. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Anthony Bitetto. Puck retreived by Bobby Ryan. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Demers in Rangers zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Carl Soderberg in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Anthony Bitetto, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Carl Soderberg. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Cal Clutterbuck.

Time : 7. Pass to Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka in Rangers zone. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Shot by Cal Clutterbuck. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hjalmarsson for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cal Clutterbuck for Lightning. Shot by Cal Clutterbuck. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brett Pesce, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. David Pastrnak moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McDavid in Lightning zone. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Paul Byron. Pass to Dakota Mermis in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Dakota Mermis. Puck retreived by David Pastrnak. David Pastrnak is hit by Nick Cousins and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Korbinian Holzer for Lightning. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Paul Byron. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Paul Byron.

Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Paul Byron. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Samuel Girard is hit by Jason Demers and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Nick Holden. Pass to Jason Demers in neutral zone. Jason Demers loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Holden for Lightning. Nick Holden moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kyle Okposo for Lightning. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass to Mikko Koivu in neutral zone. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Nino Niederreiter moves puck in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Nino Niederreiter. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Niklas Hjalmarsson moves puck in Rangers zone.

Time : 9. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Drew Doughty. Icing by Drew Doughty. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Kevin Hayes in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Hayes intercepted by Tyler Ennis in Lightning zone. Pass to Korbinian Holzer in neutral zone. Korbinian Holzer moves puck in Rangers zone. Korbinian Holzer is hit by Drew Doughty and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Paul Byron for Lightning. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Eric Staal. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Korbinian Holzer in neutral zone. Pass to Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Pass to Tyler Ennis. Pass by Tyler Ennis intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Korbinian Holzer in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Staal in Rangers zone. Shot by Eric Staal. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to David Pastrnak in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Connor McDavid in Lightning zone. Shot by Connor McDavid. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Connor McDavid is ejected from face-off, Robby Fabbri takes his place. Matt Boldy wins face-off versus Robby Fabbri in Lightning zone. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Kyle Okposo moves puck in neutral zone. Kyle Okposo moves puck in Rangers zone. Shot by Kyle Okposo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Holden for Lightning. Shot by Nick Holden. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Vladimir Sobotka wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Rangers zone. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka. Shot by Vladimir Sobotka. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare for Rangers. Pass by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare intercepted by Vladimir Sobotka in neutral zone. Pass by Vladimir Sobotka intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in Rangers zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Carl Soderberg. Carl Soderberg moves puck in neutral zone. Carl Soderberg moves puck in Lightning zone. Carl Soderberg is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare for Rangers. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass to Carl Soderberg. Pass to Cedric Paquette. Pass by Cedric Paquette intercepted by Andrew Ladd. Pass by Andrew Ladd intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in neutral zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Korbinian Holzer in Lightning zone. Icing by Korbinian Holzer. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Connor McDavid is ejected from face-off, Robby Fabbri takes his place. Vladimir Sobotka wins face-off versus Robby Fabbri in Lightning zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis.

Time : 11. Dakota Mermis moves puck in neutral zone. Dakota Mermis moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Andrew Ladd. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Jason Demers in Lightning zone. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Eric Staal moves puck in Rangers zone. Eric Staal loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Paul Byron for Lightning. Shot by Paul Byron. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier is ejected from face-off, Kevin Hayes takes his place. Kevin Hayes wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Samuel Girard moves puck in neutral zone. Samuel Girard moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Boldy for Lightning. Pass to Bobby Ryan. Bobby Ryan moves puck in neutral zone. Bobby Ryan loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Holden for Lightning. Nick Holden moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Matt Boldy. Pass by Matt Boldy intercepted by Drew Doughty.

Time : 12. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Matt Boldy. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Samuel Girard. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Nick Holden in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Demers in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Jason Demers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Sean Couturier. Sean Couturier moves puck in neutral zone. Sean Couturier loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Paul Byron for Lightning. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in Rangers zone. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass by Eric Staal intercepted by Kevin Hayes. Pass to Patrick Kane in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Patrick Kane. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. Puck retreived by Olli Maatta. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McDavid. Connor McDavid moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Connor McDavid intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Brett Pesce in neutral zone. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in Lightning zone. Pass to Eric Staal. Eric Staal moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 13. Eric Staal moves puck in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Eric Staal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Kyle Okposo are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta. Icing by Olli Maatta. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Connor McDavid is hit by Bobby Ryan. Brett Pesce moves puck in neutral zone. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Brett Pesce is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by David Pastrnak for Rangers. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Dakota Mermis. Pass by Dakota Mermis intercepted by Olli Maatta. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Connor McDavid. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Nick Cousins moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Dakota Mermis. Shot by Dakota Mermis. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Bitetto for Rangers. Pass to Nino Niederreiter. Nino Niederreiter moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Carl Soderberg, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Paul Byron is ejected from face-off, Tyler Ennis takes his place. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Tyler Ennis in neutral zone. Pass to Drew Doughty.

Time : 14. Drew Doughty moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is hit by Nick Holden and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cedric Paquette for Rangers. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Mikko Koivu is ejected from face-off, Nino Niederreiter takes his place. Nino Niederreiter wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Anthony Bitetto moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Vladimir Sobotka in neutral zone. Vladimir Sobotka loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cal Clutterbuck for Lightning. Cal Clutterbuck moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass by Cal Clutterbuck intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Puck retreived by Mikko Koivu. Pass to Max Domi in neutral zone. Max Domi moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Mikko Koivu.

Time : 15. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Jonas Siegenthaler. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Drew Doughty in neutral zone. Pass by Drew Doughty intercepted by Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Nick Cousins. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Girard. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Connor McDavid moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Samuel Girard. Pass to David Pastrnak. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Drew Doughty. Pass to Connor McDavid. Pass to Robby Fabbri. Pass by Robby Fabbri intercepted by Jason Demers. Icing by Jason Demers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Paul Byron is ejected from face-off, Tyler Ennis takes his place. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Tyler Ennis in Lightning zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Jason Demers. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Holden in Rangers zone. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Brett Pesce. Icing by Brett Pesce. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Matt Boldy, Kyle Okposo, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Matt Boldy in Rangers zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Sean Couturier moves puck in Lightning zone. Sean Couturier is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Olli Maatta.

Time : 16. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Pass to Patrick Kane. Shot by Patrick Kane. Deflect By Sean Couturier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Sean Couturier is hit by Dakota Mermis and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Patrick Kane for Rangers. Shot by Patrick Kane. Shot Blocked by Korbinian Holzer. Free Puck Retrieved by Olli Maatta for Rangers. Pass to Kevin Hayes. Pass to Patrick Kane. Patrick Kane is hit by Korbinian Holzer and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sean Couturier for Rangers. Shot by Sean Couturier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Pesce for Rangers. Shot by Brett Pesce. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Patrick Kane for Rangers. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Patrick Kane. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Joonas Korpisalo. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Kyle Okposo. Pass to Korbinian Holzer. Pass to Kyle Okposo in neutral zone. Kyle Okposo moves puck in Rangers zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Kyle Okposo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor McDavid. Pass to David Pastrnak in neutral zone. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Paul Byron. Pass to Jason Demers in Rangers zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis.

Time : 17. Shot by Tyler Ennis. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Mikko Koivu, Max Domi, Nino Niederreiter are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Paul Byron are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins wins face-off versus Mikko Koivu in Rangers zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass to Kyle Turris. Pass to Jason Demers. Pass to Kyle Turris. Shot by Kyle Turris. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Shot by Jason Demers. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Vladimir Sobotka, Andrew Ladd, Cal Clutterbuck are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Niklas Hjalmarsson, Vladimir Sobotka are on ice for Lightning. Connor McDavid wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to David Pastrnak. David Pastrnak moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by David Pastrnak intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson in Lightning zone. Pass to Cal Clutterbuck. Pass to Niklas Hjalmarsson in neutral zone. Niklas Hjalmarsson moves puck in Rangers zone. Pass to Paul Byron. Pass to Andrew Ladd. Shot by Andrew Ladd. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Sean Couturier, Kevin Hayes, Patrick Kane are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brett Pesce, Olli Maatta are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Sean Couturier wins face-off versus Nick Cousins in Rangers zone. Pass to Patrick Kane. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass to Sean Couturier in neutral zone. Sean Couturier moves puck in Lightning zone. Shot by Sean Couturier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Demers for Lightning. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Olli Maatta in neutral zone. Olli Maatta moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass by Sean Couturier intercepted by Nick Holden.

Time : 18. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Nick Cousins. Puck retreived by Olli Maatta. Pass to Sean Couturier. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Patrick Kane. Puck retreived by Bobby Ryan. Pass to Nick Cousins in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Cousins intercepted by Brett Pesce in Rangers zone. Pass to Patrick Kane in neutral zone. Patrick Kane moves puck in Lightning zone. Patrick Kane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cousins for Lightning. Pass to Kyle Turris in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Cousins. Nick Cousins moves puck in Rangers zone. Nick Cousins is hit by Olli Maatta and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kyle Turris for Lightning. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Kyle Turris. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Free Puck Retrieved by Malcolm Subban. Pass to Olli Maatta. Pass to Brett Pesce in neutral zone. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Brett Pesce. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Puck retreived by Korbinian Holzer. Pass by Korbinian Holzer intercepted by Samuel Girard in neutral zone. Pass by Samuel Girard intercepted by Dakota Mermis in Lightning zone. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Rangers zone by Paul Byron. Puck retreived by Robby Fabbri. Robby Fabbri is hit by Paul Byron and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew Doughty for Rangers. Pass to Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Lightning zone by Connor McDavid. Puck retreived by Paul Byron.

Time : 19. Pass by Paul Byron intercepted by Robby Fabbri in neutral zone. Pass to Drew Doughty in Lightning zone. Pass to Connor McDavid. Shot by Connor McDavid. Stopped by Joonas Korpisalo without a rebound. Last Minute Defensive Line - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Nino Niederreiter, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Brett Pesce, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Paul Byron wins face-off versus Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in Lightning zone. Pass to Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in neutral zone. Pass by Jonas Siegenthaler intercepted by Tyler Ennis in Lightning zone. Pass to Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Demers in Rangers zone. Lightning, Joonas Korpisalo is pulled from the net. Pass by Jason Demers intercepted by Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Pass to Brett Pesce in neutral zone. Brett Pesce moves puck in Lightning zone. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Nick Holden. Pass to Eric Staal in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Ennis in Rangers zone. Shot by Tyler Ennis. Stopped by Malcolm Subban without a rebound. Anthony Bitetto, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Niklas Hjalmarsson, Dakota Mermis are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare wins face-off versus Paul Byron in Rangers zone. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Jonas Siegenthaler. Pass to Anthony Bitetto. Pass by Anthony Bitetto intercepted by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Pass by Niklas Hjalmarsson intercepted by Anthony Bitetto. Pass to Pierre-Edouard Bellemare in neutral zone. Pass to Cedric Paquette in Lightning zone. Shot by Cedric Paquette. Deflect By Pierre-Edouard Bellemare. Shot Blocked by Niklas Hjalmarsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Bitetto for Rangers. Shot by Anthony Bitetto. Goal by Anthony Bitetto - Rangers : 2 - Lightning : 0. Joonas Korpisalo from Lightning was sent back in the game. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Connor McDavid, Robby Fabbri, David Pastrnak are on ice for Rangers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Drew Doughty, Samuel Girard are on ice for Rangers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Nick Cousins, Kyle Turris, Bobby Ryan are on ice for Lightning. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dakota Mermis, Korbinian Holzer are on ice for Lightning. Nick Cousins is ejected from face-off, Bobby Ryan takes his place. Bobby Ryan wins face-off versus Connor McDavid in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Cousins. Pass to Kyle Turris in Rangers zone. Shot by Kyle Turris. Goal by Kyle Turris - Rangers : 2 - Lightning : 1. Last Minute Defensive Line - Pierre-Edouard Bellemare, Nino Niederreiter, Cedric Paquette are on ice for Rangers. Brett Pesce, Jonas Siegenthaler are on ice for Rangers. Last Minute Offensive Line - Paul Byron, Tyler Ennis, Eric Staal are on ice for Lightning. Nick Holden, Jason Demers are on ice for Lightning. Pierre-Edouard Bellemare is ejected from face-off, Cedric Paquette takes his place. Cedric Paquette wins face-off versus Paul Byron in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Pesce. Pass by Brett Pesce intercepted by Nick Holden. Pass by Nick Holden intercepted by Jonas Siegenthaler in Rangers zone. Pass to Brett Pesce in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Rangers vs 1 for Lightning. Shots for this period are 4 for Rangers vs 15 for Lightning.