IceHogs vs Marlies

Created - Monday, October 16, 2023 at 11:19

1 2 3 T
IceHogs 2 0 0 2
Marlies 3 0 0 3
1 2 3 T
IceHogs 11 4 12 27
Marlies 24 9 13 46

1st period
1. Marlies , Adam Ruzicka 2 (Roland McKeown 4, Adam Cracknell 2) at 1:59
2. IceHogs , Sebastien Aho 1 (Lukas Rousek 1, Robin Salo 2) at 5:24
3. Marlies , Vitali Kravtsov 1 (Roland McKeown 5) at 7:59
4. IceHogs , John Hayden 2 (Dennis Cholowski 3, Olle Lycksell 1) at 10:52
5. Marlies , Jacob Lucchini 2 (Griffin Luce 2, Eduards Tralmaks 3) at 16:44
No Penalty
2nd period
No Goal
No Penalty
3rd period
No Goal
John Hayden (CHI) for Slashing (Minor) at 17:05
Goalie Stats
Hunter Shepard (CHI), 43 saves from 46 shots - (0.935), L, 2-2-0, 59:33 minutes
Alex Lyon (TOR), 25 saves from 27 shots - (0.926), W, 3-0-0, 60:00 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Griffin Luce (TOR)
2 - Hunter Shepard (CHI)
3 - Vitali Kravtsov (TOR)
Referees : Garrett Rank and Mike Duco
Linesman : Scott Cherrey and Steve Barton
Game Note
No Game Note
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1357 (67.85%) -- Ticket Income $54,280
Level 2 -- Attendance: 546 (54.60%) -- Ticket Income $13,650
Total Attendance: 1903 (63.43%)
Total Ticket Income: $67,930
Other Income: $16,982
Total Income: $84,912

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
IceHogs 22759132290 / 0 (0.00%047%
Marlies 3468090260 / 1 (0%)053%

Player Name
Arber XhekajD000-1011115:420:0000:0000% 0
Cole KoepkeLW000-1022015:330:0000:0000% 0
Daniil MiromanovD0000062119:590:0000:5500% 0
Dennis CholowskiD0110011319:590:0000:5500% 0
Dylan SikuraC/LW/RW000-1003015:530:0000:00053% 17
Elliot DesnoyersLW000-100005:570:0000:0200% 0
Elmer SoderblomLW0000030019:250:0000:28040% 5
Fabian ZetterlundLW0001004018:390:0001:2900% 0
Fredrik KarlstromC000-101005:570:0000:02058% 12
Jack DruryC000000100:260:0000:0000% 0
John HaydenC/LW/RW1010235018:560:0000:00035% 23
Kurtis MacDermidD000-1030115:420:0000:0000% 0
Lukas RousekRW0111003018:040:0000:2800% 0
Nick SwaneyRW000-1011015:330:0000:0000% 0
Olle LycksellRW0110011018:570:0000:0000% 1
Rem PitlickC/LW/RW0000021024:400:0001:29052% 29
Robin SaloD0110031524:190:0001:0400% 0
Sebastien AhoD1010021224:190:0001:0400% 0
Player Name
Adam CracknellC0110015123:540:4700:00045% 33
Adam RuzickaC/LW/RW1011006020:360:4700:00050% 2
Alex BretonD0001000517:450:0000:0000% 0
Andre LeeLW0001003018:461:1200:0000% 0
Anthony VincentRW000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Benjamin TardifLW0000007016:220:0000:0000% 0
Brandon DavidsonD0000011018:331:1200:0000% 0
Brian LashoffD0000023018:331:1220:0000% 0
Corey AndonovskiRW000-101104:160:0000:0000% 0
Eduards TralmaksRW0111043018:461:1200:000100% 1
Garrett MitchellRW000000000:580:0000:000100% 1
Griffin LuceD0111060217:450:0000:0000% 0
Jacob LucchiniC1010003023:021:1210:00058% 26
Jarid LukoseviciusRW0000032016:220:0000:0000% 0
Matthew RobertsonD0000062023:420:4700:0000% 0
Roland McKeownD0220011023:420:4710:0000% 0
Vasily PonomarevC0000006116:220:0000:00055% 22
Vitali KravtsovRW1011013020:360:4700:00050% 2


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Fabian ZetterlundRem PitlickLukas Rousek1224029%16:41
2Elmer SoderblomJohn HaydenOlle Lycksell1223033%18:57
3Cole KoepkeDylan SikuraNick Swaney1222027%15:33
4Elliot DesnoyersFredrik KarlstromRem Pitlick1221010%5:55
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Sebastien AhoRobin Salo1224034%19:08
2Dennis CholowskiDaniil Miromanov1223033%19:04
3Arber XhekajKurtis MacDermid1222027%15:42
4Sebastien AhoRobin Salo122106%3:12
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Fabian ZetterlundRem PitlickLukas Rousek122600%0:00
2Elmer SoderblomJohn HaydenOlle Lycksell122400%0:00
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Sebastien AhoRobin Salo122600%0:00
2Dennis CholowskiDaniil Miromanov122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Rem PitlickFabian Zetterlund1226076%1:31
2Lukas RousekElmer Soderblom1224024%0:28
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Sebastien AhoRobin Salo1226054%1:04
2Dennis CholowskiDaniil Miromanov1224046%0:55
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Rem Pitlick122600%0:00 Sebastien AhoRobin Salo122600%0:00
2Fabian Zetterlund122400%0:00 Dennis CholowskiDaniil Miromanov122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Rem PitlickFabian Zetterlund122600%0:00
2Lukas RousekElmer Soderblom122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Sebastien AhoRobin Salo122600%0:00
2Dennis CholowskiDaniil Miromanov122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Fabian ZetterlundRem PitlickLukas RousekSebastien AhoRobin Salo
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Fabian ZetterlundRem PitlickLukas RousekSebastien AhoRobin Salo
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:550:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Jack Drury, Dylan Sikura, Fredrik KarlstromJack Drury, Dylan SikuraFredrik Karlstrom
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid, Dennis CholowskiArber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermidDennis Cholowski
Penalty Shots
Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek, Elmer Soderblom, John Hayden
Hunter Shepard, Malcolm Subban
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek, Elmer Soderblom, John Hayden, Olle Lycksell, Dylan Sikura, Fredrik Karlstrom, Nick Swaney, Cole Koepke
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo, Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov, Arber Xhekaj
Alex Green (Healthy), Nick Foligno (Suspend), Josh Maniscalco (Healthy), Simon Johansson (Healthy), Peter DiLiberatore (Healthy) C.J. Smith (Healthy), Philip Kemp (Healthy), Samuel Asselin (Healthy), Luke Henman (Healthy), Matthew Kessel (Healthy) Maxence Guenette (Healthy), Adam Scheel (Healthy), Arturs Silovs (Healthy), Beck Warm (Healthy), Devin Cooley (Healthy) Taylor Gauthier (Healthy)


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Adam RuzickaAdam CracknellVitali Kravtsov1223533%18:54
2Andre LeeJacob LucchiniEduards Tralmaks1223231%17:34
3Benjamin TardifVasily PonomarevJarid Lukosevicius1222529%16:22
4Jacob LucchiniAdam CracknellCorey Andonovski12287%4:16
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Roland McKeownMatthew Robertson0323029%16:33
2Brian LashoffBrandon Davidson0413030%17:21
3Griffin LuceAlex Breton0413031%17:45
4Roland McKeownMatthew Robertson0411010%5:27
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Adam RuzickaAdam CracknellVitali Kravtsov0145039%0:47
2Andre LeeJacob LucchiniEduards Tralmaks0145061%1:12
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Roland McKeownMatthew Robertson0236039%0:47
2Brian LashoffBrandon Davidson0234061%1:12
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Vasily PonomarevBenjamin Tardif050500%0:00
2Adam RuzickaEduards Tralmaks050500%0:00
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Roland McKeownMatthew Robertson050520%0:00
2Brian LashoffBrandon Davidson050480%0:00
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Benjamin Tardif050550%0:00 Roland McKeownMatthew Robertson050500%0:00
2Vasily Ponomarev050450%0:00 Brian LashoffBrandon Davidson050500%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Adam CracknellJacob Lucchini023500%0:00
2Adam RuzickaVasily Ponomarev023500%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Roland McKeownMatthew Robertson032520%0:00
2Brian LashoffBrandon Davidson032480%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Adam RuzickaAdam CracknellVitali KravtsovRoland McKeownMatthew Robertson
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Adam RuzickaAdam CracknellVitali KravtsovRoland McKeownMatthew Robertson
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:55
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Garrett Mitchell, Anthony Vincent, Jarid LukoseviciusGarrett Mitchell, Anthony VincentJarid Lukosevicius
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Griffin Luce, Alex Breton, Brian LashoffGriffin Luce, Alex BretonBrian Lashoff
Penalty Shots
Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Adam Ruzicka, Vasily Ponomarev, Vitali Kravtsov
Alex Lyon, Unknown Goalie
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Adam Ruzicka, Vasily Ponomarev, Vitali Kravtsov, Eduards Tralmaks, Andre Lee, Jarid Lukosevicius, Corey Andonovski, Garrett Mitchell
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson, Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson, Griffin Luce
Austin Osmanski (Healthy), Jimmy Oligny (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone.
0:04 of 1st period - Shot by Fabian Zetterlund.
0:04 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
0:05 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Elmer Soderblom in Marlies zone.
0:05 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini is hit by Olle Lycksell.
1:12 of 1st period - Shot by Rem Pitlick.
1:12 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:16 of 1st period - Shot by Rem Pitlick.
1:16 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
1:17 of 1st period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone.
1:25 of 1st period - Off-side.
1:26 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in neutral zone.
1:47 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Cracknell.
1:47 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:49 of 1st period - Shot by Matthew Robertson.
1:49 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:51 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Cracknell.
1:51 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
1:57 of 1st period - Shot by Roland McKeown.
1:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:59 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
1:59 of 1st period - Goal by Adam Ruzicka - IceHogs : 0 - Marlies : 1.
2:00 of 1st period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone.
2:06 of 1st period - Arber Xhekaj is hit by Jarid Lukosevicius and loses puck.
2:26 of 1st period - Benjamin Tardif is hit by Kurtis MacDermid and loses puck.
2:37 of 1st period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
2:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
2:39 of 1st period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
2:39 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
2:40 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone.
3:13 of 1st period - Off-side.
3:14 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone.
3:31 of 1st period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
3:31 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:33 of 1st period - Shot by Brian Lashoff.
3:33 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
4:04 of 1st period - Icing by John Hayden.
4:05 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Elmer Soderblom in IceHogs zone.
4:06 of 1st period - Shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
4:06 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:13 of 1st period - Off-side.
4:14 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone.
4:26 of 1st period - Off-side.
4:27 of 1st period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in neutral zone.
5:03 of 1st period - Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Kurtis MacDermid and loses puck.
5:06 of 1st period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
5:06 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
5:07 of 1st period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone.
5:22 of 1st period - Shot by Lukas Rousek.
5:22 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:24 of 1st period - Shot by Sebastien Aho.
5:24 of 1st period - Goal by Sebastien Aho - IceHogs : 1 - Marlies : 1.
5:25 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone.
5:29 of 1st period - Brian Lashoff is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck.
5:42 of 1st period - Shot by Olle Lycksell.
5:42 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
5:44 of 1st period - Shot by Daniil Miromanov.
5:44 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:56 of 1st period - Shot by Olle Lycksell.
5:56 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:25 of 1st period - Shot by Rem Pitlick.
6:25 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:59 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
6:59 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:01 of 1st period - Shot by Matthew Robertson.
7:01 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Sebastien Aho.
7:03 of 1st period - Shot by Matthew Robertson.
7:03 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:05 of 1st period - Shot by Roland McKeown.
7:05 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:07 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Cracknell.
7:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
7:08 of 1st period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone.
7:28 of 1st period - Off-side.
7:29 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone.
7:39 of 1st period - Icing by Roland McKeown.
7:40 of 1st period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone.
7:59 of 1st period - Shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
7:59 of 1st period - Goal by Vitali Kravtsov - IceHogs : 1 - Marlies : 2.
8:00 of 1st period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone.
8:15 of 1st period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
8:15 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:25 of 1st period - Shot by Benjamin Tardif.
8:25 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
8:27 of 1st period - Shot by Jarid Lukosevicius.
8:27 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
8:28 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
8:31 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
8:31 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:39 of 1st period - Icing by Dennis Cholowski.
8:40 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
8:43 of 1st period - Shot by Matthew Robertson.
8:43 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
8:44 of 1st period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone.
9:07 of 1st period - Shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
9:07 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:09 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Cracknell.
9:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
9:10 of 1st period - Elmer Soderblom wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
9:10 of 1st period - Elmer Soderblom is hit by Eduards Tralmaks.
9:18 of 1st period - Icing by Eduards Tralmaks.
9:19 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in Marlies zone.
9:19 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini is hit by Cole Koepke.
9:28 of 1st period - Eduards Tralmaks is hit by Arber Xhekaj and loses puck.
9:31 of 1st period - Shot by Andre Lee.
9:31 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
9:32 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone.
9:53 of 1st period - Icing by Rem Pitlick.
9:54 of 1st period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
10:20 of 1st period - Shot by Eduards Tralmaks.
10:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
10:21 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
10:22 of 1st period - Shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
10:22 of 1st period - Deflect By Adam Ruzicka.
10:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
10:23 of 1st period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
10:29 of 1st period - Off-side.
10:30 of 1st period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone.
10:30 of 1st period - John Hayden is hit by Corey Andonovski.
10:47 of 1st period - Olle Lycksell is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck.
10:50 of 1st period - Shot by Dennis Cholowski.
10:50 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:52 of 1st period - Shot by John Hayden.
10:52 of 1st period - Goal by John Hayden - IceHogs : 2 - Marlies : 2.
10:53 of 1st period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in neutral zone.
11:33 of 1st period - Shot by Robin Salo.
11:33 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Alex Breton.
11:35 of 1st period - Shot by Elliot Desnoyers.
11:35 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Vasily Ponomarev.
11:47 of 1st period - Shot by Dylan Sikura.
11:47 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
11:48 of 1st period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone.
11:48 of 1st period - Dylan Sikura is hit by Brandon Davidson.
12:08 of 1st period - Cole Koepke is hit by Brian Lashoff and loses puck.
12:22 of 1st period - Dylan Sikura is hit by Brian Lashoff and loses puck.
12:31 of 1st period - Shot by Nick Swaney.
12:31 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
12:32 of 1st period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in Marlies zone.
13:48 of 1st period - Shot by Rem Pitlick.
13:48 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:50 of 1st period - Shot by Sebastien Aho.
13:50 of 1st period - Deflect By Fabian Zetterlund.
13:50 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:52 of 1st period - Shot by Rem Pitlick.
13:52 of 1st period - Deflect By Fabian Zetterlund.
13:52 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:54 of 1st period - Shot by Lukas Rousek.
13:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
13:55 of 1st period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Ruzicka in Marlies zone.
13:58 of 1st period - Shot by Nick Swaney.
13:58 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:18 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
14:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
14:19 of 1st period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
14:19 of 1st period - Rem Pitlick is hit by Eduards Tralmaks.
14:24 of 1st period - Robin Salo is hit by Eduards Tralmaks and loses puck.
14:42 of 1st period - Shot by Fabian Zetterlund.
14:42 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
14:43 of 1st period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone.
14:48 of 1st period - Shot by Elmer Soderblom.
14:48 of 1st period - Deflect By John Hayden.
14:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
14:49 of 1st period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone.
15:01 of 1st period - Shot by John Hayden.
15:01 of 1st period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
15:02 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone.
15:23 of 1st period - Shot by Eduards Tralmaks.
15:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
15:24 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
15:29 of 1st period - Shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
15:29 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:33 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
15:33 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
15:34 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone.
15:43 of 1st period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
15:43 of 1st period - Deflect By Corey Andonovski.
15:43 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
15:44 of 1st period - Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone.
16:14 of 1st period - Shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
16:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
16:15 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
16:15 of 1st period - Griffin Luce is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck.
16:29 of 1st period - Andre Lee is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck.
16:32 of 1st period - Shot by Eduards Tralmaks.
16:32 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:44 of 1st period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
16:44 of 1st period - Goal by Jacob Lucchini - IceHogs : 2 - Marlies : 3.
16:45 of 1st period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone.
17:00 of 1st period - Benjamin Tardif is hit by Sebastien Aho and loses puck.
17:45 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell is hit by Sebastien Aho and loses puck.
18:04 of 1st period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
18:04 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
18:05 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone.
18:06 of 1st period - Shot by Andre Lee.
18:06 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
18:08 of 1st period - Shot by Eduards Tralmaks.
18:08 of 1st period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
18:09 of 1st period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone.
18:09 of 1st period - Eduards Tralmaks is hit by Kurtis MacDermid and loses puck.
19:15 of 1st period - Adam Cracknell is hit by Elmer Soderblom.
Goals for this period are 2 for IceHogs vs 3 for Marlies.
Shots for this period are 11 for IceHogs vs 24 for Marlies.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone.
0:18 of 2nd period - Icing by Brian Lashoff.
0:19 of 2nd period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in Marlies zone.
0:19 of 2nd period - Adam Cracknell is hit by John Hayden.
0:53 of 2nd period - Shot by Daniil Miromanov.
0:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
0:54 of 2nd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in Marlies zone.
1:05 of 2nd period - Shot by Lukas Rousek.
1:05 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
1:06 of 2nd period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in Marlies zone.
1:17 of 2nd period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
1:17 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Kurtis MacDermid.
1:24 of 2nd period - Icing by Kurtis MacDermid.
1:25 of 2nd period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
2:54 of 2nd period - Icing by Sebastien Aho.
2:55 of 2nd period - Vitali Kravtsov wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone.
3:34 of 2nd period - Shot by Adam Cracknell.
3:34 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Dennis Cholowski.
5:25 of 2nd period - Off-side.
5:26 of 2nd period - Adam Ruzicka wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone.
5:26 of 2nd period - Adam Ruzicka is hit by Elmer Soderblom.
5:30 of 2nd period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
5:30 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:06 of 2nd period - Shot by Olle Lycksell.
6:06 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:15 of 2nd period - Icing by Matthew Robertson.
6:16 of 2nd period - Garrett Mitchell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone.
6:35 of 2nd period - Shot by Benjamin Tardif.
6:35 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
6:36 of 2nd period - Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone.
6:49 of 2nd period - Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck.
7:14 of 2nd period - Icing by Brian Lashoff.
7:15 of 2nd period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Elmer Soderblom in Marlies zone.
7:15 of 2nd period - Vasily Ponomarev is hit by John Hayden.
7:34 of 2nd period - Icing by Elmer Soderblom.
7:35 of 2nd period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Vitali Kravtsov in IceHogs zone.
8:01 of 2nd period - Elmer Soderblom is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck.
8:35 of 2nd period - Fabian Zetterlund is hit by Matthew Robertson.
9:23 of 2nd period - Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Cole Koepke.
9:52 of 2nd period - Brian Lashoff is hit by Nick Swaney.
10:11 of 2nd period - Arber Xhekaj is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck.
10:15 of 2nd period - Icing by Alex Breton.
10:16 of 2nd period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone.
10:16 of 2nd period - Olle Lycksell is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck.
10:19 of 2nd period - Shot by Elmer Soderblom.
10:19 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Adam Cracknell.
10:46 of 2nd period - Olle Lycksell is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck.
12:22 of 2nd period - Shot by Brian Lashoff.
12:22 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Arber Xhekaj.
12:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
12:24 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
12:25 of 2nd period - Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone.
12:29 of 2nd period - Off-side.
12:30 of 2nd period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone.
12:30 of 2nd period - Adam Cracknell is hit by John Hayden.
12:41 of 2nd period - Jacob Lucchini is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck.
13:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
13:24 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Daniil Miromanov.
13:45 of 2nd period - Brandon Davidson is hit by Robin Salo and loses puck.
13:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Benjamin Tardif.
13:48 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
13:49 of 2nd period - Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone.
14:01 of 2nd period - Icing by Robin Salo.
14:02 of 2nd period - Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
14:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Andre Lee.
14:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
14:11 of 2nd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone.
14:11 of 2nd period - Rem Pitlick is hit by Jarid Lukosevicius.
14:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Arber Xhekaj.
14:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:51 of 2nd period - Shot by Lukas Rousek.
14:51 of 2nd period - Deflect By Fabian Zetterlund.
14:51 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
14:52 of 2nd period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in Marlies zone.
15:15 of 2nd period - Shot by Dylan Sikura.
15:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
15:54 of 2nd period - Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Dennis Cholowski and loses puck.
16:32 of 2nd period - Icing by Dennis Cholowski.
16:33 of 2nd period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone.
16:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Benjamin Tardif.
16:56 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
16:57 of 2nd period - Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
17:24 of 2nd period - Icing by Robin Salo.
17:25 of 2nd period - Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone.
17:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
17:48 of 2nd period - Deflect By Benjamin Tardif.
17:48 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
17:49 of 2nd period - Elmer Soderblom wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone.
17:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
17:54 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Adam Cracknell.
17:56 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
18:18 of 2nd period - Adam Cracknell is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck.
18:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Adam Cracknell.
18:21 of 2nd period - Deflect By Adam Ruzicka.
18:21 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
18:22 of 2nd period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone.
18:25 of 2nd period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
18:25 of 2nd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
18:37 of 2nd period - Shot by Dylan Sikura.
18:37 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Dylan Sikura.
18:39 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:58 of 2nd period - Cole Koepke is hit by Roland McKeown and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 0 for IceHogs vs 0 for Marlies.
Shots for this period are 4 for IceHogs vs 9 for Marlies.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone.
0:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Vitali Kravtsov.
0:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
0:05 of 3rd period - Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone.
0:19 of 3rd period - Lukas Rousek is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck.
0:43 of 3rd period - Adam Ruzicka is hit by Robin Salo and loses puck.
1:12 of 3rd period - Shot by Daniil Miromanov.
1:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
1:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Elmer Soderblom.
1:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:16 of 3rd period - Shot by John Hayden.
1:16 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Elmer Soderblom.
1:18 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:20 of 3rd period - Shot by John Hayden.
1:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
1:21 of 3rd period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in Marlies zone.
1:32 of 3rd period - Dylan Sikura is hit by Jarid Lukosevicius and loses puck.
2:41 of 3rd period - Shot by Eduards Tralmaks.
2:41 of 3rd period - Deflect By Jacob Lucchini.
2:41 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Eduards Tralmaks.
2:43 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Sebastien Aho.
3:33 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Alex Breton.
3:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Robin Salo.
3:35 of 3rd period - Deflect By Lukas Rousek.
3:35 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Rem Pitlick.
3:37 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Alex Breton.
3:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Fabian Zetterlund.
3:39 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
3:40 of 3rd period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in Marlies zone.
3:40 of 3rd period - Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Fredrik Karlstrom.
4:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
4:05 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Sebastien Aho.
4:10 of 3rd period - Benjamin Tardif is hit by Robin Salo and loses puck.
4:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
4:53 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Dennis Cholowski.
5:41 of 3rd period - Cole Koepke is hit by Adam Cracknell and loses puck.
6:13 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Koepke.
6:13 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Griffin Luce.
6:15 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Koepke.
6:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
6:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Rem Pitlick.
6:29 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Alex Breton.
6:31 of 3rd period - Shot by Lukas Rousek.
6:31 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
6:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Dennis Cholowski.
6:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
6:34 of 3rd period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone.
6:48 of 3rd period - Shot by Brandon Davidson.
6:48 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
6:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Benjamin Tardif.
6:50 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Jarid Lukosevicius.
6:54 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
6:55 of 3rd period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
7:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Jarid Lukosevicius.
7:10 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Dennis Cholowski.
7:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
7:14 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
9:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Lukas Rousek.
9:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:03 of 3rd period - Cole Koepke is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck.
10:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Koepke.
10:14 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
10:16 of 3rd period - Shot by Arber Xhekaj.
10:16 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
10:17 of 3rd period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in Marlies zone.
10:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Matthew Robertson.
10:28 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Robin Salo.
11:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Benjamin Tardif.
11:50 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
12:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Dylan Sikura.
12:18 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
12:19 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in Marlies zone.
12:39 of 3rd period - Icing by Roland McKeown.
12:40 of 3rd period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in Marlies zone.
12:40 of 3rd period - Jacob Lucchini is hit by Elmer Soderblom.
14:02 of 3rd period - Shot by Robin Salo.
14:02 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
14:03 of 3rd period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in Marlies zone.
14:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Koepke.
14:10 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
14:11 of 3rd period - Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in Marlies zone.
14:13 of 3rd period - Cole Koepke is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck.
14:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Dylan Sikura.
14:24 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:30 of 3rd period - Shot by Vasily Ponomarev.
14:30 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
14:32 of 3rd period - Shot by Matthew Robertson.
14:32 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:44 of 3rd period - Shot by Adam Ruzicka.
15:44 of 3rd period - Deflect By Adam Cracknell.
15:44 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
15:45 of 3rd period - Eduards Tralmaks wins face-off versus Olle Lycksell in IceHogs zone.
15:51 of 3rd period - Icing by Dennis Cholowski.
15:52 of 3rd period - Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone.
15:52 of 3rd period - Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Daniil Miromanov.
15:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Benjamin Tardif.
15:54 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
15:55 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
16:20 of 3rd period - Fabian Zetterlund is hit by Eduards Tralmaks and loses puck.
16:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Eduards Tralmaks.
16:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
16:29 of 3rd period - Deflect By Eduards Tralmaks.
16:29 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Robin Salo.
16:38 of 3rd period - Off-side.
16:39 of 3rd period - John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone.
16:47 of 3rd period - Elmer Soderblom is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck.
16:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Elmer Soderblom.
16:52 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Griffin Luce.
16:56 of 3rd period - Shot by Olle Lycksell.
16:56 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:58 of 3rd period - Shot by Olle Lycksell.
16:58 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Alex Breton.
17:00 of 3rd period - Shot by John Hayden.
17:00 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound.
17:02 of 3rd period - Shot by John Hayden.
17:02 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:05 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to John Hayden for Slashing.
17:06 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone.
17:32 of 3rd period - Off-side.
17:33 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone.
17:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Roland McKeown.
17:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound.
18:31 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
18:31 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
18:32 of 3rd period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in IceHogs zone.
18:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Brian Lashoff.
18:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
18:34 of 3rd period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone.
18:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Brian Lashoff.
18:35 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
18:36 of 3rd period - Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone.
18:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Brandon Davidson.
18:37 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Robin Salo.
18:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Andre Lee.
18:39 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:41 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Lucchini.
18:41 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Robin Salo.
18:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Andre Lee.
18:43 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Robin Salo.
19:12 of 3rd period - IceHogs, Hunter Shepard is pulled from the net.
19:19 of 3rd period - Lukas Rousek is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck.
19:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Jack Drury.
19:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound.
19:25 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone.
19:25 of 3rd period - Fabian Zetterlund is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck.
19:38 of 3rd period - Icing by Lukas Rousek.
19:39 of 3rd period - Hunter Shepard from IceHogs was sent back in the game.
19:39 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone.
19:46 of 3rd period - Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck.
19:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Matthew Robertson.
19:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound.
19:54 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone.
19:54 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick is hit by Vitali Kravtsov.
Goals for this period are 0 for IceHogs vs 0 for Marlies.
Shots for this period are 12 for IceHogs vs 13 for Marlies.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Fabian Zetterlund moves puck in Marlies zone. Shot by Fabian Zetterlund. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden is ejected from face-off, Elmer Soderblom takes his place. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Elmer Soderblom in Marlies zone. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Jacob Lucchini is hit by Olle Lycksell. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Olle Lycksell. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in IceHogs zone. Pass by Eduards Tralmaks intercepted by Daniil Miromanov. Pass to John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Brian Lashoff in Marlies zone. Pass to Andre Lee in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Andre Lee in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Brandon Davidson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom in neutral zone. Elmer Soderblom moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Elmer Soderblom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Alex Breton. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Benjamin Tardif in IceHogs zone. Benjamin Tardif loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo for IceHogs. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Sebastien Aho moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho for IceHogs. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Shot by Rem Pitlick. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Shot by Adam Cracknell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Shot by Matthew Robertson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Shot by Adam Cracknell. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Pass to Roland McKeown. Shot by Roland McKeown. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ruzicka for Marlies. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Goal by Adam Ruzicka - IceHogs : 0 - Marlies : 1.

Time : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj is hit by Jarid Lukosevicius and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Griffin Luce for Marlies. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Alex Breton in IceHogs zone. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Griffin Luce in neutral zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Pass to Alex Breton. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Benjamin Tardif is hit by Kurtis MacDermid and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jarid Lukosevicius for Marlies. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Vasily Ponomarev for Marlies. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Corey Andonovski are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Lukas Rousek. Puck retreived by Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Adam Cracknell moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Roland McKeown.

Time : 3. Roland McKeown moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Roland McKeown in Marlies zone. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass by Eduards Tralmaks intercepted by Elmer Soderblom. Pass by Elmer Soderblom intercepted by Brian Lashoff in Marlies zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Marlies. Shot by Brian Lashoff. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Marlies. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Olle Lycksell in neutral zone. Pass by Olle Lycksell intercepted by Brian Lashoff in Marlies zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in neutral zone. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Brandon Davidson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Daniil Miromanov.

Time : 4. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Alex Breton in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Icing by John Hayden. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden is ejected from face-off, Elmer Soderblom takes his place. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Elmer Soderblom in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to John Hayden in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Adam Cracknell. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass by Jarid Lukosevicius intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid in IceHogs zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in neutral zone. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Arber Xhekaj loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Griffin Luce for Marlies. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Griffin Luce. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass by Dylan Sikura intercepted by Alex Breton. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid in neutral zone. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Griffin Luce in Marlies zone. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Griffin Luce for Marlies.

Time : 5. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Kurtis MacDermid and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vasily Ponomarev for Marlies. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Robin Salo in IceHogs zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Sebastien Aho moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Shot by Lukas Rousek. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho for IceHogs. Shot by Sebastien Aho. Goal by Sebastien Aho - IceHogs : 1 - Marlies : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Brian Lashoff moves puck in IceHogs zone. Brian Lashoff is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Pass to John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in Marlies zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Shot by Olle Lycksell. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov for IceHogs. Shot by Daniil Miromanov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Elmer Soderblom for IceHogs. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Shot by Olle Lycksell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs. Pass to Olle Lycksell.

Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Olle Lycksell. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Puck retreived by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Rem Pitlick moves puck in Marlies zone. Shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Marlies. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick moves puck in neutral zone. Rem Pitlick loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Adam Ruzicka loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 7. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Shot by Matthew Robertson. Shot Blocked by Sebastien Aho. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Shot by Matthew Robertson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Roland McKeown for Marlies. Shot by Roland McKeown. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Shot by Adam Cracknell. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass by Jarid Lukosevicius intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in neutral zone. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Griffin Luce. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by John Hayden. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Matthew Robertson in Marlies zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Olle Lycksell in neutral zone. Pass by Olle Lycksell intercepted by Roland McKeown in Marlies zone. Icing by Roland McKeown. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass by Nick Swaney intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Adam Cracknell moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone. Pass by Dylan Sikura intercepted by Roland McKeown in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in IceHogs zone. Shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Goal by Vitali Kravtsov - IceHogs : 1 - Marlies : 2.

Time : 8. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Pass to Robin Salo. Robin Salo moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Alex Breton. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Breton in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Vasily Ponomarev for Marlies. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Shot by Benjamin Tardif. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jarid Lukosevicius for Marlies. Shot by Jarid Lukosevicius. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov for IceHogs. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Cracknell. Puck retreived by Dennis Cholowski. Icing by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Shot by Matthew Robertson. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Fabian Zetterlund moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Robin Salo in Marlies zone. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Adam Cracknell. Pass to Roland McKeown in neutral zone. Roland McKeown moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell.

Time : 9. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Shot by Adam Cracknell. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden is ejected from face-off, Elmer Soderblom takes his place. Elmer Soderblom wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to John Hayden. Elmer Soderblom is hit by Eduards Tralmaks. John Hayden moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by John Hayden. Puck retreived by Eduards Tralmaks. Icing by Eduards Tralmaks. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in Marlies zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Jacob Lucchini is hit by Cole Koepke. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in neutral zone. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in IceHogs zone. Eduards Tralmaks is hit by Arber Xhekaj and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andre Lee for Marlies. Shot by Andre Lee. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Sebastien Aho moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Ruzicka. Puck retreived by Rem Pitlick. Icing by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Fabian Zetterlund moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lukas Rousek for IceHogs. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in neutral zone. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Eduards Tralmaks. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Deflect By Adam Ruzicka. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Corey Andonovski are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. John Hayden is hit by Corey Andonovski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Olle Lycksell is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Shot by Dennis Cholowski. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs. Shot by John Hayden. Goal by John Hayden - IceHogs : 2 - Marlies : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in neutral zone. Pass to Griffin Luce. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Griffin Luce.

Time : 11. Puck retreived by Sebastien Aho. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Alex Breton in neutral zone. Pass to Griffin Luce in IceHogs zone. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Pass to Robin Salo in neutral zone. Robin Salo moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Fredrik Karlstrom. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Robin Salo. Shot by Robin Salo. Shot Blocked by Alex Breton. Free Puck Retrieved by Elliot Desnoyers for IceHogs. Shot by Elliot Desnoyers. Shot Blocked by Vasily Ponomarev. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho for IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Shot by Dylan Sikura. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Dylan Sikura is hit by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Nick Swaney. Nick Swaney loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Swaney for IceHogs.

Time : 12. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by Brian Lashoff and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Dylan Sikura is hit by Brian Lashoff and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass to Nick Swaney. Shot by Nick Swaney. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in Marlies zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass by Elmer Soderblom intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Matthew Robertson moves puck in neutral zone. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. John Hayden moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Matthew Robertson in Marlies zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Matthew Robertson in Marlies zone.

Time : 13. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Elmer Soderblom in neutral zone. Pass by Elmer Soderblom intercepted by Roland McKeown in Marlies zone. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Elmer Soderblom in neutral zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Daniil Miromanov moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to John Hayden in neutral zone. John Hayden moves puck in Marlies zone. John Hayden loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Elmer Soderblom for IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Elmer Soderblom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Vasily Ponomarev moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Lukas Rousek moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho for IceHogs. Shot by Sebastien Aho. Deflect By Fabian Zetterlund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick for IceHogs. Shot by Rem Pitlick. Deflect By Fabian Zetterlund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Lukas Rousek for IceHogs. Shot by Lukas Rousek. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell is ejected from face-off, Adam Ruzicka takes his place. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Adam Ruzicka in Marlies zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Nick Swaney. Shot by Nick Swaney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Marlies.

Time : 14. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Rem Pitlick is hit by Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Robin Salo in neutral zone. Robin Salo is hit by Eduards Tralmaks and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eduards Tralmaks for Marlies. Pass by Eduards Tralmaks intercepted by Lukas Rousek in IceHogs zone. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Puck retreived by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Rem Pitlick moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Shot by Fabian Zetterlund. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Shot by Elmer Soderblom. Deflect By John Hayden. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Olle Lycksell loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs.

Time : 15. Pass to John Hayden. Shot by John Hayden. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in neutral zone. Pass by Eduards Tralmaks intercepted by Lukas Rousek. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Matthew Robertson in IceHogs zone. Pass to Andre Lee. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Shot by Eduards Tralmaks. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Breton for Marlies. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Corey Andonovski are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Deflect By Corey Andonovski. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Robin Salo. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov.

Time : 16. Pass to Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Adam Ruzicka loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vitali Kravtsov for Marlies. Shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Griffin Luce. Griffin Luce is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Griffin Luce for Marlies. Pass to Alex Breton. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Andre Lee. Andre Lee is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eduards Tralmaks for Marlies. Shot by Eduards Tralmaks. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Lucchini for Marlies. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Goal by Jacob Lucchini - IceHogs : 2 - Marlies : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Jarid Lukosevicius moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Jarid Lukosevicius intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Jarid Lukosevicius loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Benjamin Tardif for Marlies.

Time : 17. Benjamin Tardif is hit by Sebastien Aho and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vasily Ponomarev for Marlies. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass by Jarid Lukosevicius intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Benjamin Tardif. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Robin Salo. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass by Jarid Lukosevicius intercepted by Sebastien Aho in IceHogs zone. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Brandon Davidson in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Brandon Davidson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Adam Ruzicka in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Ruzicka. Puck retreived by Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Adam Cracknell is hit by Sebastien Aho and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roland McKeown for Marlies. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund in neutral zone. Fabian Zetterlund moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Fabian Zetterlund. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Adam Cracknell moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone. Pass to Andre Lee. Shot by Andre Lee. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Eduards Tralmaks for Marlies. Shot by Eduards Tralmaks. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Eduards Tralmaks is hit by Kurtis MacDermid and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Sikura for IceHogs. Pass by Dylan Sikura intercepted by Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass to Andre Lee. Pass to Alex Breton in IceHogs zone. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by Dylan Sikura. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in neutral zone. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Alex Breton. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Puck retreived by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass by Dylan Sikura intercepted by Griffin Luce in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Breton in IceHogs zone. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by Arber Xhekaj. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Alex Breton in neutral zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Eduards Tralmaks. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in Marlies zone.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Arber Xhekaj. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by John Hayden. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dennis Cholowski. Puck retreived by Adam Cracknell. Adam Cracknell is hit by Elmer Soderblom. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in Marlies zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass by Olle Lycksell intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Elmer Soderblom moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Elmer Soderblom in IceHogs zone. Pass by Elmer Soderblom intercepted by Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Ruzicka. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom in neutral zone. Elmer Soderblom moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Elmer Soderblom.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for IceHogs vs 3 for Marlies. Shots for this period are 11 for IceHogs vs 24 for Marlies.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Corey Andonovski are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Puck retreived by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund in neutral zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass by Fabian Zetterlund intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Icing by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in Marlies zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Adam Cracknell is hit by John Hayden. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Daniil Miromanov. Puck retreived by Corey Andonovski. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Jacob Lucchini loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Shot by Daniil Miromanov. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in Marlies zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Rem Pitlick.

Time : 1. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Shot by Lukas Rousek. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in Marlies zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Jarid Lukosevicius moves puck in neutral zone. Jarid Lukosevicius moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Shot Blocked by Kurtis MacDermid. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Vasily Ponomarev. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid. Icing by Kurtis MacDermid. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid in neutral zone. Kurtis MacDermid moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass by Nick Swaney intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in neutral zone. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Cole Koepke.

Time : 2. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Robin Salo in neutral zone. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Matthew Robertson in Marlies zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Robin Salo in neutral zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund in Marlies zone. Pass by Fabian Zetterlund intercepted by Andre Lee. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Roland McKeown in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Roland McKeown. Puck retreived by Rem Pitlick. Pass to Robin Salo in neutral zone. Robin Salo moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass by Fabian Zetterlund intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Lukas Rousek. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Fabian Zetterlund in neutral zone. Pass by Fabian Zetterlund intercepted by Roland McKeown in Marlies zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho. Icing by Sebastien Aho. Adam Cracknell is ejected from face-off, Vitali Kravtsov takes his place. Vitali Kravtsov wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Adam Ruzicka.

Time : 3. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Robin Salo. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund in neutral zone. Pass to Lukas Rousek in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Lukas Rousek. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Alex Breton. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Griffin Luce in Marlies zone. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by Elmer Soderblom in neutral zone. Pass by Elmer Soderblom intercepted by Alex Breton in Marlies zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Shot by Adam Cracknell. Shot Blocked by Dennis Cholowski. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ruzicka for Marlies. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Ruzicka. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Olle Lycksell moves puck in neutral zone. Olle Lycksell loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by John Hayden. Puck retreived by Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Olle Lycksell. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Olle Lycksell. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid.

Time : 4. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Vasily Ponomarev moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Cole Koepke moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Benjamin Tardif. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Vasily Ponomarev moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vasily Ponomarev. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Corey Andonovski are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dylan Sikura. Puck retreived by Adam Cracknell. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Arber Xhekaj in IceHogs zone. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Jacob Lucchini loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Corey Andonovski in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Corey Andonovski. Puck retreived by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Cole Koepke in IceHogs zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Arber Xhekaj. Puck retreived by Adam Cracknell. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Arber Xhekaj in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Swaney in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Nick Swaney. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Alex Breton. Pass to Corey Andonovski in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Cracknell. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Garrett Mitchell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Garrett Mitchell is ejected from face-off, Adam Ruzicka takes his place. Adam Ruzicka wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Adam Ruzicka is hit by Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov for IceHogs. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Olle Lycksell.

Time : 6. Shot by Olle Lycksell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov for IceHogs. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Matthew Robertson. Icing by Matthew Robertson. Garrett Mitchell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in neutral zone. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Brandon Davidson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Shot by Benjamin Tardif. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Fredrik Karlstrom. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Puck retreived by Vasily Ponomarev. Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho for IceHogs. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo for IceHogs. Pass to Rem Pitlick.

Time : 7. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Elliot Desnoyers. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Icing by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. John Hayden is ejected from face-off, Elmer Soderblom takes his place. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Elmer Soderblom in Marlies zone. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Vasily Ponomarev is hit by John Hayden. Benjamin Tardif moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vasily Ponomarev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Elmer Soderblom. Icing by Elmer Soderblom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell is ejected from face-off, Vitali Kravtsov takes his place. John Hayden wins face-off versus Vitali Kravtsov in IceHogs zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Elmer Soderblom moves puck in neutral zone. Elmer Soderblom loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dennis Cholowski. Puck retreived by Alex Breton. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom.

Time : 8. Elmer Soderblom is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Griffin Luce for Marlies. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Daniil Miromanov moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Daniil Miromanov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Fabian Zetterlund is hit by Matthew Robertson. Pass by Fabian Zetterlund intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in neutral zone. Eduards Tralmaks loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eduards Tralmaks for Marlies. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Eduards Tralmaks. Puck retreived by Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Sebastien Aho moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Fabian Zetterlund.

Time : 9. Pass by Fabian Zetterlund intercepted by Andre Lee. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Andre Lee. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund in neutral zone. Fabian Zetterlund moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Fabian Zetterlund. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Kurtis MacDermid. Puck retreived by Vasily Ponomarev. Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Cole Koepke. Pass to Benjamin Tardif in neutral zone. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Brandon Davidson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass by Jarid Lukosevicius intercepted by Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke in Marlies zone. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dylan Sikura. Puck retreived by Vasily Ponomarev. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dylan Sikura. Puck retreived by Brian Lashoff. Brian Lashoff is hit by Nick Swaney. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Benjamin Tardif in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Benjamin Tardif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Arber Xhekaj is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Breton for Marlies. Icing by Alex Breton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Olle Lycksell is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Elmer Soderblom for IceHogs. Shot by Elmer Soderblom. Shot Blocked by Adam Cracknell. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Griffin Luce. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in IceHogs zone. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Adam Ruzicka in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Daniil Miromanov in IceHogs zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Olle Lycksell is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Olle Lycksell for IceHogs. Pass by Olle Lycksell intercepted by Alex Breton. Pass by Alex Breton intercepted by Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Daniil Miromanov in IceHogs zone. Pass to John Hayden in neutral zone.

Time : 11. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Adam Cracknell moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Robin Salo. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho in Marlies zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Lukas Rousek. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Andre Lee in IceHogs zone.

Time : 12. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Andre Lee. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid in neutral zone. Kurtis MacDermid moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Marlies. Pass to Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Brian Lashoff moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Brian Lashoff. Shot Blocked by Arber Xhekaj. Free Puck Retrieved by Vasily Ponomarev for Marlies. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Daniil Miromanov moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Corey Andonovski are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Adam Cracknell is hit by John Hayden. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Adam Cracknell. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Jacob Lucchini is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Roland McKeown for Marlies. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. John Hayden moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Matthew Robertson in Marlies zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Olle Lycksell. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to John Hayden.

Time : 13. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass to Roland McKeown. Roland McKeown moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Roland McKeown. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Benjamin Tardif. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Shot Blocked by Daniil Miromanov. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Marlies. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Daniil Miromanov moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Daniil Miromanov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Brandon Davidson in neutral zone. Brandon Davidson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Brandon Davidson is hit by Robin Salo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Benjamin Tardif for Marlies. Shot by Benjamin Tardif. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Rem Pitlick moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Alex Breton. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Robin Salo in IceHogs zone.

Time : 14. Icing by Robin Salo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Elliot Desnoyers. Elliot Desnoyers loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eduards Tralmaks for Marlies. Pass to Andre Lee. Shot by Andre Lee. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Rem Pitlick is hit by Jarid Lukosevicius. Fabian Zetterlund moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in Marlies zone. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid in Marlies zone. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Shot by Arber Xhekaj. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Lukas Rousek for IceHogs. Shot by Lukas Rousek. Deflect By Fabian Zetterlund. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in Marlies zone. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Sebastien Aho.

Time : 15. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Shot by Dylan Sikura. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for IceHogs. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Roland McKeown. Roland McKeown moves puck in neutral zone. Roland McKeown moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Roland McKeown. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Nick Swaney in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Griffin Luce. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Dennis Cholowski and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ruzicka for Marlies. Pass to Adam Cracknell.

Time : 16. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Alex Breton in Marlies zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Adam Ruzicka moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Ruzicka. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski. Icing by Dennis Cholowski. John Hayden wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to John Hayden. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by John Hayden. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius in IceHogs zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Shot by Benjamin Tardif. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Matthew Robertson in neutral zone.

Time : 17. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Robertson in IceHogs zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Robin Salo. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Fredrik Karlstrom. Fredrik Karlstrom moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Fredrik Karlstrom intercepted by Andre Lee. Pass to Matthew Robertson in neutral zone. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Matthew Robertson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo for IceHogs. Icing by Robin Salo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Fredrik Karlstrom wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Pass to Elliot Desnoyers. Elliot Desnoyers moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Elliot Desnoyers intercepted by Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Brian Lashoff in IceHogs zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Elliot Desnoyers. Pass by Elliot Desnoyers intercepted by Jarid Lukosevicius in neutral zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Vasily Ponomarev moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Deflect By Benjamin Tardif. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden is ejected from face-off, Elmer Soderblom takes his place. Elmer Soderblom wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass by Olle Lycksell intercepted by Adam Cracknell. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Shot by Adam Cracknell. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ruzicka for Marlies. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Dennis Cholowski.

Time : 18. Pass to Olle Lycksell in neutral zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Daniil Miromanov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone. Pass to Alex Breton. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Adam Cracknell is hit by Daniil Miromanov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Shot by Adam Cracknell. Deflect By Adam Ruzicka. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in IceHogs zone. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass to Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in Marlies zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Shot by Dylan Sikura. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Sikura for IceHogs. Shot by Dylan Sikura. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for IceHogs. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid in IceHogs zone. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by Roland McKeown and loses puck.

Time : 19. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Sikura for IceHogs. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass by Nick Swaney intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Arber Xhekaj. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Vasily Ponomarev moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass by Jarid Lukosevicius intercepted by Lukas Rousek. Pass to Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Sebastien Aho moves puck in Marlies zone. Sebastien Aho loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Fabian Zetterlund for IceHogs. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Pass by Lukas Rousek intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Robin Salo in Marlies zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Rem Pitlick.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for IceHogs vs 0 for Marlies. Shots for this period are 4 for IceHogs vs 9 for Marlies.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Vitali Kravtsov. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Adam Cracknell wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Lukas Rousek moves puck in neutral zone. Lukas Rousek moves puck in Marlies zone. Lukas Rousek is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Adam Cracknell moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Roland McKeown in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Adam Ruzicka is hit by Robin Salo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vitali Kravtsov for Marlies. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Lukas Rousek moves puck in Marlies zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Lukas Rousek. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Breton. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in Marlies zone. Shot by Daniil Miromanov. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Elmer Soderblom for IceHogs. Shot by Elmer Soderblom. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs. Shot by John Hayden. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Elmer Soderblom for IceHogs. Shot by Elmer Soderblom. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs. Shot by John Hayden. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in Marlies zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Dylan Sikura. Pass by Dylan Sikura intercepted by Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Brian Lashoff. Puck retreived by Dylan Sikura. Dylan Sikura is hit by Jarid Lukosevicius and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Marlies. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Benjamin Tardif loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Benjamin Tardif for Marlies. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Dylan Sikura. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in Marlies zone. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Cole Koepke.

Time : 2. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vasily Ponomarev. Puck retreived by Dylan Sikura. Pass by Dylan Sikura intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vasily Ponomarev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Arber Xhekaj. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Roland McKeown. Pass to Matthew Robertson in neutral zone. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Shot by Eduards Tralmaks. Deflect By Jacob Lucchini. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Eduards Tralmaks for Marlies. Shot by Eduards Tralmaks. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andre Lee for Marlies. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Eduards Tralmaks. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Daniil Miromanov.

Time : 3. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Daniil Miromanov moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Elmer Soderblom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Alex Breton. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Adam Ruzicka moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Ruzicka. Puck retreived by Rem Pitlick. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Robin Salo in neutral zone. Robin Salo moves puck in Marlies zone. Robin Salo loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo for IceHogs. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Shot by Sebastien Aho. Shot Blocked by Alex Breton. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo for IceHogs. Shot by Robin Salo. Deflect By Lukas Rousek. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick for IceHogs. Shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Blocked by Alex Breton. Free Puck Retrieved by Fabian Zetterlund for IceHogs. Shot by Fabian Zetterlund. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in Marlies zone. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Fredrik Karlstrom. Pass by Benjamin Tardif intercepted by Robin Salo in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Puck retreived by Brandon Davidson. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Benjamin Tardif in neutral zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius in IceHogs zone.

Time : 4. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Shot Blocked by Sebastien Aho. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Marlies. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Benjamin Tardif is hit by Robin Salo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jarid Lukosevicius for Marlies. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jarid Lukosevicius. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Fredrik Karlstrom. Pass by Fredrik Karlstrom intercepted by Matthew Robertson in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Andre Lee. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Andre Lee in neutral zone. Pass by Andre Lee intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in neutral zone. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Shot Blocked by Dennis Cholowski. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Pass to John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell in Marlies zone.

Time : 5. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to John Hayden. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Matthew Robertson in Marlies zone. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in Marlies zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass by Olle Lycksell intercepted by Andre Lee. Pass to Matthew Robertson in neutral zone. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Matthew Robertson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Olle Lycksell in neutral zone. Olle Lycksell moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Olle Lycksell. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Puck retreived by Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by Adam Cracknell and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Pass by Vitali Kravtsov intercepted by Arber Xhekaj in IceHogs zone. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Adam Cracknell. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in neutral zone.

Time : 6. Arber Xhekaj loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Arber Xhekaj for IceHogs. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Cole Koepke. Shot by Cole Koepke. Shot Blocked by Griffin Luce. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for IceHogs. Shot by Cole Koepke. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dylan Sikura. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone. Shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Blocked by Alex Breton. Free Puck Retrieved by Lukas Rousek for IceHogs. Shot by Lukas Rousek. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Shot by Dennis Cholowski. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in Marlies zone. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Vasily Ponomarev moves puck in neutral zone. Vasily Ponomarev loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Benjamin Tardif for Marlies. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Brian Lashoff moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Shot by Brandon Davidson. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Benjamin Tardif for Marlies. Shot by Benjamin Tardif. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Vasily Ponomarev for Marlies. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Shot by Jarid Lukosevicius. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Benjamin Tardif.

Time : 7. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Shot by Jarid Lukosevicius. Shot Blocked by Dennis Cholowski. Free Puck Retrieved by Vasily Ponomarev for Marlies. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Marlies. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Vasily Ponomarev loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Benjamin Tardif for Marlies. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Benjamin Tardif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Matthew Robertson in neutral zone. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Roland McKeown.

Time : 8. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Roland McKeown. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Roland McKeown. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in neutral zone. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Dylan Sikura. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Adam Cracknell. Pass by Adam Cracknell intercepted by Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho in Marlies zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Lukas Rousek loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo for IceHogs. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund.

Time : 9. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass to Robin Salo. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Shot by Lukas Rousek. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Sebastien Aho for IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass by Griffin Luce intercepted by John Hayden in neutral zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell in Marlies zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to John Hayden. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to John Hayden. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by John Hayden. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in neutral zone. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Kurtis MacDermid in IceHogs zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in neutral zone. Arber Xhekaj moves puck in Marlies zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kurtis MacDermid for IceHogs. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Nick Swaney. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Pass to Cole Koepke. Shot by Cole Koepke. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Arber Xhekaj for IceHogs. Shot by Arber Xhekaj. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers, Rem Pitlick are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in Marlies zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass by Eduards Tralmaks intercepted by Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Matthew Robertson in neutral zone. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Matthew Robertson. Shot Blocked by Robin Salo. Free Puck Retrieved by Eduards Tralmaks for Marlies. Pass by Eduards Tralmaks intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Sebastien Aho in IceHogs zone. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Andre Lee. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Elliot Desnoyers. Pass to Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Sebastien Aho moves puck in Marlies zone.

Time : 11. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Elmer Soderblom in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in Marlies zone. Pass by Arber Xhekaj intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by John Hayden in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by John Hayden. Puck retreived by Vasily Ponomarev. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Olle Lycksell in neutral zone. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Kurtis MacDermid moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to John Hayden. John Hayden loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Olle Lycksell for IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Olle Lycksell. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Benjamin Tardif in neutral zone. Benjamin Tardif moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Benjamin Tardif. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov for IceHogs. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Nick Swaney in neutral zone. Nick Swaney moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Dylan Sikura.

Time : 12. Pass by Dylan Sikura intercepted by Brandon Davidson. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Nick Swaney in neutral zone. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in Marlies zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Shot by Dylan Sikura. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in Marlies zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass by Roland McKeown intercepted by Lukas Rousek. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Andre Lee. Pass by Andre Lee intercepted by Sebastien Aho in neutral zone. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Eduards Tralmaks. Pass by Eduards Tralmaks intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Roland McKeown in Marlies zone. Icing by Roland McKeown. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus John Hayden in Marlies zone. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Jacob Lucchini is hit by Elmer Soderblom. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in neutral zone. Eduards Tralmaks loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Olle Lycksell in neutral zone. Olle Lycksell moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to John Hayden.

Time : 13. Pass by John Hayden intercepted by Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Jacob Lucchini moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Puck retreived by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Daniil Miromanov in neutral zone. Daniil Miromanov moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Daniil Miromanov intercepted by Matthew Robertson. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in neutral zone. Eduards Tralmaks moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Eduards Tralmaks. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniil Miromanov. Pass to John Hayden. John Hayden moves puck in neutral zone. John Hayden moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by John Hayden. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Lukas Rousek in neutral zone. Pass to Robin Salo. Robin Salo moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Adam Ruzicka. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Robin Salo in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Robin Salo moves puck in Marlies zone. Shot by Robin Salo. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Dylan Sikura, Cole Koepke, Nick Swaney are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Arber Xhekaj, Kurtis MacDermid are on ice for IceHogs. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus Dylan Sikura in Marlies zone. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Pass by Vasily Ponomarev intercepted by Nick Swaney. Pass to Cole Koepke in Marlies zone. Shot by Cole Koepke. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Dylan Sikura wins face-off versus Vasily Ponomarev in Marlies zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Pass by Matthew Robertson intercepted by Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Arber Xhekaj in Marlies zone. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Pass to Dylan Sikura. Shot by Dylan Sikura. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev in neutral zone. Vasily Ponomarev moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Vasily Ponomarev. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Shot by Matthew Robertson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Roland McKeown for Marlies. Pass to Vasily Ponomarev. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Jarid Lukosevicius. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jarid Lukosevicius. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Adam Cracknell, Jacob Lucchini, Corey Andonovski are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid. Pass by Kurtis MacDermid intercepted by Adam Cracknell. Pass to Corey Andonovski. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Jacob Lucchini.

Time : 15. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Corey Andonovski. Pass to Griffin Luce. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Corey Andonovski. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Corey Andonovski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Arber Xhekaj. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Kurtis MacDermid in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Kurtis MacDermid. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Shot by Adam Ruzicka. Deflect By Adam Cracknell. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Jacob Lucchini is ejected from face-off, Eduards Tralmaks takes his place. John Hayden is ejected from face-off, Olle Lycksell takes his place. Eduards Tralmaks wins face-off versus Olle Lycksell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass by Jacob Lucchini intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Icing by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Vasily Ponomarev wins face-off versus John Hayden in IceHogs zone. Pass to Benjamin Tardif. Vasily Ponomarev is hit by Daniil Miromanov. Shot by Benjamin Tardif. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass by Fabian Zetterlund intercepted by Andre Lee in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Robertson in IceHogs zone.

Time : 16. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Matthew Robertson. Pass to Andre Lee. Pass by Andre Lee intercepted by Robin Salo. Pass by Robin Salo intercepted by Andre Lee in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Pass to Andre Lee. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Andre Lee. Puck retreived by Fabian Zetterlund. Fabian Zetterlund is hit by Eduards Tralmaks and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Lucchini for Marlies. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Shot by Eduards Tralmaks. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Lucchini for Marlies. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Deflect By Eduards Tralmaks. Shot Blocked by Robin Salo. Free Puck Retrieved by Roland McKeown for Marlies. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Roland McKeown. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Vasily Ponomarev, Benjamin Tardif, Jarid Lukosevicius are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Hunter Shepard. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - John Hayden, Elmer Soderblom, Olle Lycksell are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Griffin Luce, Alex Breton are on ice for Marlies. John Hayden wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Olle Lycksell. Olle Lycksell moves puck in Marlies zone. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Elmer Soderblom is hit by Griffin Luce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Pass to Elmer Soderblom. Shot by Elmer Soderblom. Shot Blocked by Griffin Luce. Free Puck Retrieved by Olle Lycksell for IceHogs. Shot by Olle Lycksell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Olle Lycksell for IceHogs. Shot by Olle Lycksell. Shot Blocked by Alex Breton. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs.

Time : 17. Shot by John Hayden. Stopped by Alex Lyon with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by John Hayden for IceHogs. Shot by John Hayden. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for IceHogs. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Alex Breton. Minor Penalty to John Hayden for Slashing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund are on ice for IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Pass to Robin Salo. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Robin Salo. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks in IceHogs zone. Eduards Tralmaks loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Robin Salo for IceHogs. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Robin Salo. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Eduards Tralmaks. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Jacob Lucchini. Puck retreived by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Off-side. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies. Pass to Roland McKeown in IceHogs zone. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Roland McKeown. Shot by Roland McKeown. Stopped by Hunter Shepard with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Cracknell for Marlies.

Time : 18. Pass to Adam Ruzicka. Pass by Adam Ruzicka intercepted by Daniil Miromanov. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Rem Pitlick moves puck in Marlies zone. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Rem Pitlick. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lukas Rousek, Elmer Soderblom are on ice for IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Adam Cracknell. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Vitali Kravtsov moves puck in IceHogs zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Lucchini, Andre Lee, Eduards Tralmaks are on ice for Marlies. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Brian Lashoff, Brandon Davidson are on ice for Marlies. Free Puck Retrieved by Elmer Soderblom. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Elmer Soderblom. Puck retreived by Alex Lyon. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Andre Lee. Andre Lee moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in IceHogs zone. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Fredrik Karlstrom, Elliot Desnoyers are on ice for IceHogs. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Fredrik Karlstrom in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Shot by Brian Lashoff. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund are on ice for IceHogs. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Shot by Brian Lashoff. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Jacob Lucchini wins face-off versus Rem Pitlick in IceHogs zone. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Shot by Brandon Davidson. Shot Blocked by Robin Salo. Free Puck Retrieved by Andre Lee for Marlies. Shot by Andre Lee. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Lucchini for Marlies. Shot by Jacob Lucchini. Shot Blocked by Robin Salo. Free Puck Retrieved by Andre Lee for Marlies. Shot by Andre Lee. Shot Blocked by Robin Salo. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Lucchini for Marlies. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Pass to Jacob Lucchini. Jacob Lucchini loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Davidson for Marlies. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Sebastien Aho. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Lukas Rousek, Elmer Soderblom are on ice for IceHogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Dennis Cholowski, Daniil Miromanov are on ice for IceHogs. Puck retreived by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Jacob Lucchini in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Pass to Brandon Davidson. Last Minute Defensive Line - Adam Cracknell, Adam Ruzicka, Vitali Kravtsov are on ice for Marlies. Roland McKeown, Matthew Robertson are on ice for Marlies. Last Minute Offensive Line - Jack Drury, Dylan Sikura, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Sebastien Aho, Robin Salo are on ice for IceHogs. Brandon Davidson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Pass by Brandon Davidson intercepted by Sebastien Aho. Pass to Dylan Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho in Marlies zone. IceHogs, Hunter Shepard is pulled from the net. Pass to Lukas Rousek. Lukas Rousek is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Drury for IceHogs. Shot by Jack Drury. Stopped by Alex Lyon without a rebound. Last Minute Offensive Line - Rem Pitlick, Fabian Zetterlund, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in Marlies zone. Pass to Fabian Zetterlund. Fabian Zetterlund is hit by Matthew Robertson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov. Pass to Roland McKeown. Pass to Vitali Kravtsov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in IceHogs zone by Vitali Kravtsov. Puck retreived by Lukas Rousek. Icing by Lukas Rousek. Hunter Shepard from IceHogs was sent back in the game. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Sebastien Aho moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Robin Salo. Puck is dumped in Marlies zone by Robin Salo. Puck retreived by Vitali Kravtsov. Vitali Kravtsov is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Robertson for Marlies. Matthew Robertson moves puck in neutral zone. Matthew Robertson moves puck in IceHogs zone. Shot by Matthew Robertson. Stopped by Hunter Shepard without a rebound. Last Minute Offensive Line - Rem Pitlick, Jack Drury, Lukas Rousek are on ice for IceHogs. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Adam Cracknell in IceHogs zone. Pass to Sebastien Aho. Rem Pitlick is hit by Vitali Kravtsov. Pass by Sebastien Aho intercepted by Adam Cracknell in neutral zone. Pass to Adam Ruzicka in IceHogs zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for IceHogs vs 0 for Marlies. Shots for this period are 12 for IceHogs vs 13 for Marlies.