Meilleur 10 Statistiques des gardiens Pro En ordre décroissant par Win

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
# Nom du gardien Nom de l’équipeGP W L OTL PCT GAA MP PIM SO GA SA SAR A EG PS % PSA ST BG S1 S2 S3
1Jack CampbellKraken2316610.9032.46138903575870000.72711230320
2Jacob MarkstromSabres1715110.9271.92103203334550100.6005175321
3Thatcher DemkoBruins2214610.9012.59118041515140000.0000213201
4Ilya SorokinCapitals2113410.9102.48113702475250300.6673193201
5Connor HellebuyckBlues2213810.9072.71126202576120001.0003220220
6Sergei BobrovskyAvalanche2012330.9092.61110261485270100.71414194310
7Cam TalbotRangers1912520.9072.47114101475040100.7508192113
8Ville HussoCanucks1712320.8912.75102522474310100.87516174210
9Stuart SkinnerWild1912410.8962.66103801464420010.8336184002
10Marc-Andre FleuryOilers2211740.8962.82129600615890000.61513220312