2025-Mar-28 |
Aku Raty from Hockey Club is injured from Exhaustion. |
Daniil Tarasov from Hockey Club injured (Exhaustion) |
Game 1157 - Radim Zohorna from Silver Knights is injured (Right Hand) and is out for 5 days. |
Game 1158 - Vinnie Hinostroza from Gulls is injured (Bruised Right Shoulder) and is out for 5 days. |
Evgeny Kuznetsov from Stars is back from Exhaustion. |
Ryan McDonagh from Stars is back from Separated Right Shoulder Injury. |
Sean Monahan from Avalanche is back from Left Leg Injury. |
Filip Forsberg from Stars is back from Exhaustion. |
Pontus Holmberg from Bears is back from Severed Left Wrist Tendons Injury. |